Take My Breath Away

Chapter 871 - Catapult Him To Fame

'If my mom met Sheffield first, she'd have fallen for him. Of course, she'd have to be a lot younger than she is now, but still...' Evelyn thought.

"Focus on your work! Quit sliding into my DMs," she typed and sent the message.

"Okay, okay. Plenty of time for all that, babe. Gimme a kiss! Muah!"

Evelyn blushed and simply replied, "Go away!" Then she turned off her screen. She didn't want to talk to this guy anymore.

At Orchid Private Club

A man in a suit and leather shoes walked into the club. His face was sullen. He was obviously not happy. A few people were waiting for him in a private room. A middle-aged man stood up from his seat and said to him, "Calvert, you're finally here. Come here. Vernon and Trevor have been here a while now."

Calvert tidied his clothes and greeted the two elders politely, "Grandpa Vernon, Uncle Trevor, sorry to keep you waiting. I had to work. I came here as soon as I could."

Vernon flicked the ashes from his cigar and stared at the wound on Calvert's face. A doctor himself, he could tell that Calvert had been in a fight. "You tick someone off?" he asked.

It was the truth though Calvert didn't want to admit it. "Yeah."

Trevor Li asked in surprise, "Who was it?"

Everyone in Y City knew Calvert was the son of the diamond mogul, Langston Ji, and he was an only child. Yet someone had the temerity to beat him like this.

Calvert's face became even more sour. "No disrespect intended, but can we talk about this later? Thank you for your concern."

Vernon made a gesture with his hand and said, "Don't mention it. Here, grab a seat."

They had a good conversation while having their dinner. After thinking for a while, Langston opened his mouth and said, "Down to business. Guys, to be honest, I invited you to dinner today because I need your help."

Before dinner, Vernon and Trevor Li already knew that Langston wanted to discuss something. But they waited patiently. He would tell them when he was ready.

Vernon took a drag from his cigar and said with a smile, "Just spit it out, Langston."

"Yeah. No need to stand on ceremony with us, man. We've been friends for years. You need something? Just ask," Trevor Li echoed.

Hearing what he wanted to hear, Langston laughed happily and said, "Thanks in advance! Come on, Calvert. A toast to the two elders!"

Calvert took the cue. He picked up the carafe in front of him, filled the glasses of the elders, and then raised his glass to them. Everyone clinked glasses in solidarity.

After three rounds, Langston finally cut to the chase. "I came here because of our young Calvert's face. He picked a fight with a young doctor, and now look at him."

Trevor Li was more confused. "A young doctor? Can't you deal with it yourself?"

Langston was vexed at the mention of this. "I already checked his background. He seems to be working for Darius Fan. But Darius is not in Y City right now, so I didn't have a chance to talk with him. I invited you two to discuss this with me first."

Did they think he wanted to attract more attention? He didn't want to!

He already had his hired goons track down the guy who dared to hurt his son, so that they could teach the man a lesson.

But they failed. Sheffield and his entourage were simply too skilled to be taken out like that.

Langston had tried to get him in trouble at work. However, Darius and Sidell were on Sheffield's side, so Langston had no choice but to invite Vernon and Trevor Li and ask for their help.

Vernon was a well-placed figure in the underworld. He wasn't the most important, but he had more than a little influence.

Trevor Li worked at the Patent Bureau. He was in a good position to mess with Sheffield. If Trevor Li could help him do something to Sheffield's patent application, then...

"Oh, he's one of Darius' doctors." Trevor Li thought for a while and asked, "That wouldn't be Sheffield Tang, would it?"

The father and son looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Vernon's face turned even gloomier. He paused to blow a smoke ring after taking a drag on his cigar. It floated across the booth before dissipating entirely.

"This is a wrinkle I hadn't foreseen." When he heard it was Sheffield, Trevor Li's face changed abruptly.

Noticing his expression, Langston asked in confusion, "Why? What's so special about him?"

"You know he's working on some research project, right?"

Langston nodded. If he didn't know that, why would he bother to invite Trevor Li for dinner?

"He's gained a fair bit of influence for his research. Did you know that?" Trevor Li asked seriously.

The father and son glanced at each other again, and Langston shook his head and said, "I guess my background check didn't unearth that." His son was beaten like this, and he was so angry that he wanted to avenge his son as soon as possible. Who cared about Sheffield's research project? He wanted to make sure his patent failed.

Trevor Li's mood was ruined by what he had heard. "Yeah. So if he gets that patent he has applied for, he'll be rich and powerful. That patent might catapult him to fame internationally."

There was a good reason for Darius to support Sheffield's research efforts.

Langston touched the back of his head and said, "He's just a doctor and wet behind the ears, too. How could a young man be so powerful? You're not pulling my leg, are you, Trevor?"

Trevor Li glared at him angrily and said, "No way! I wouldn't lie to you! Sheffield and the youngest son of Darius are good friends. What's more, he is the future son-in-law of Sidell, Dean of First General Hospital. Sidell thinks the world of the guy. Sheffield is a notorious womanizer. Sidell knows that, and yet he wants his daughter to marry him. You know why? Once Sheffield's drug is on the market, it will bring in tens of billions of dollars in profit. Maybe more. He'll be a rich and powerful man then. Once that happens, Sidell, as his father-in-law, will reap the benefits. He'll have money and influence, too."

When Calvert heard what they were talking about, his expression darkened. His hands were clenched into fists under the table.

He had thought that Sheffield was just Evelyn's boy toy. Much to his surprise, he was quite a capable young man. He never imagined the guy might be a decent fighter, to boot.

"So he's beyond my reach? I don't believe it! Vernon, the people I sent to teach the doctor a lesson called me and said another group showed up and foiled their plans. Do me a favor, will you?" They all knew what he was getting at.

However, Vernon hadn't said anything for a long time, and just sat there, smoking his cigar.

Noticing that Vernon was quiet, Langston became anxious and said, "Penny for your thoughts, Vernon. You afraid of him, too? What is it about this guy?"

"Not really." Vernon finally opened his mouth.

Langston's spirits lifted at his words. But what Vernon said next sent his mood crashing against the rocks of reality.

"You don't get it. The guy you're talking about is my best disciple," Vernon said. He was just worried about Sheffield; he hadn't been able to see him since he had treated his broken leg. He didn't know Sheffield was involved in all that!

Next time he saw Sheffield, he would knock him on his head.

The other three men in the private room were rendered speechless. The father and son were completely disappointed.

They knew that Vernon and Trevor Li wouldn't help them. But Calvert didn't give up. He was determined to have Evelyn. Now that he couldn't beat Sheffield in a fair fight, he had to come up with more underhanded plans. Maybe he could make Sheffield look bad in front of Evelyn.

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