Take My Breath Away

Chapter 866 - He's Using You

"Look! It's Dr. Tang! Guys, this is my brother's doctor!"

A middle-aged man in a green military uniform strode over and saluted Sheffield. "Dr. Tang, thank you! I want to thank you on behalf of everyone in the Mo family!"

The middle-aged man was the patient's younger brother, and a soldier stationed in another city. He applied for leave so he could be here for his brother's surgery.

"You're welcome. Your brother is tough. Now what he needs is a hospital stay to get him as right as rain," Sheffield replied.

A graceful woman in expensive clothing looked at him with newfound appreciation. "Thank you so much, Dr. Tang. No other doctor had the courage to operate on my brother. Thank you for your hard work."

"Not at all. It's my pleasure." Sheffield could understand them. He didn't lose his patience in front of them.

The middle-aged man shook hands with Sheffield. "Then I'll leave you be, Dr. Tang. If you need any help—anything, anything at all— the Mo family is at your service!"

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Mo!" replied Sheffield politely.

At this moment, Dollie put in, "Sheffield!"

All eyes were on Dollie. She came over and took Sheffield's arm. "I've been waiting for you for a long time. I'm proud of you!"

Seeing the public display of affection, everyone wondered if this was Sheffield's girlfriend. It certainly seemed like it.

"Thank you," Sheffield said to her. He still kept a smile on his face. After saying goodbye to the Mo family, he left with Dollie.

Along the way from the operating room to his office, many people said congratulations to him or gave him a thumbs up. When they saw Dollie on his arm, they were all envious of him. As soon as he passed by, they began to talk about the two of them.

"Handsome, rich, and the dean's daughter likes him. He is so damn lucky!"

"Yeah, why can't we be as good? If I were half as good as he is, I'd be happy."

"So if he becomes the dean's son-in-law, won't he make dean someday? Damn lucky, that one!"

"Okay, okay! Stop talking about it. It makes me feel bad about myself. Back to work."

When Sheffield and Dollie were back to his department, many people were trying to schmooze with Dollie, because she was the daughter of the dean.

Seeing this, Sheffield didn't say anything. After giving Horace the medical files on the patient, he just said, "I'll be in my office."

He hadn't called Evelyn yet. He wondered if she was off duty. Thinking of this, he took out his phone and sent her a WeChat message. "Finished yet?"

Hearing that he was leaving, Dollie immediately walked out of the crowd of doctors and came up to Sheffield. She called his name to get his attention.

"Let's go!" Taking occasional glances at his cellphone, he walked towards the door of the department office.

He hadn't heard from Evelyn at all. He wanted to call her, but Dollie was bugging him. He had to give up.

"Where are we going for dinner?" Dollie asked, as if it had already been decided.

Putting away his cellphone, he replied, "I'm beat. I don't need food, I need sleep. Rain check?"

Dollie was a little disappointed, but she wouldn't let him go. She held his arm and said, "It's just a meal. You haven't eaten all day. Aren't you hungry? You can go home after dinner." In reality, he had eaten a little something. He used the vending machines to get a TV dinner and a soda, while taking a break from the OR. He wasn't hungry, he just needed rest. But he forced his thoughts back to reality.

He pushed open the door of his office and said, "I have to— Evelyn?"

When he said her name, he was shocked. Everyone around heard him. But he had an excuse: when he saw the woman sitting calmly in his office, his eyes and heart were filled with surprise and joy.

On the other hand, Dollie's eyes were full of suspicion, and her heart jealousy. She held his arm tightly, looking at the woman elegantly sitting on the sofa. Tayson stood next to the window not far from Evelyn, trying to make himself invisible.

Still sitting on the couch, Evelyn glanced at the hands that held Sheffield's arm, and said indifferently, "I got you something."

He spotted a shopping bag on his desk. It wasn't just any shopping bag, it came from a specialty luxury stationery shop. He wondered just what was inside it.

He wore a bright smile on his face. Then he turned to look at Dollie and said, "Dollie, I have something I need to do—"

"But what about dinner? This is about her, isn't it?" She looked at Evelyn with hostility in her eyes.

'Sounds like they had a date, ' Evelyn thought. A sarcastic smile crept across her face. "So how many people have you invited to dinner so far?" She decided this was his last chance.

Sheffield pulled his arm out of Dollie's grip and adjusted his uniform. "Dollie, go home. I have to talk with Evelyn tonight."

Hearing him turn her down, Dollie was a little embarrassed. In a soft voice, she complained, "Sheffield, are you really going to ditch me for her?"

"What are you talking about? Go home. I'll call you later and fill you in, okay? Hurry up!" he said impatiently.

Gritting her lower lip tightly, she glared at Evelyn, who kept a calm face, and said bitterly, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. He's using you."

Evelyn was stunned. 'Using me? I don't like where this is going.' Sheffield sensed trouble.

His heart skipped a beat. Giving Dollie a warning glance, he said, "Dollie, get out. Now."

Dollie stamped her feet angrily and then left the office.

As soon as she left, Tayson stepped out of the office too. There were only the two of them in the office.

Sheffield sat next to Evelyn, intending to take her in his arms. Before he could touch her, Evelyn reached out and pressed her hand against his chest to stop him. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I just want to hug you!" He was glad that Evelyn came here.

"You don't have to do that. I left your gift for you. I'm out!" If Evelyn had known that he and Dollie would show up together, she wouldn't have come.

Evelyn was trying to stand up. He pushed her back onto the sofa and said, "Don't listen to her! How could I possibly use you? You know how I feel about you!"

"Actually, I don't!" Evelyn replied coldly.

Sheffield pressed even closer to her and said, "You do, Evelyn. I didn't have dinner plans with her. I agreed to spend time with you. She just assumed, and look where we are now." Evelyn sighed helplessly.

"Aren't you tired of dealing with two women?" She was tired just watching him do it.

Leaning against her, Sheffield shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about her. You hungry? Let's go out for dinner!" Before he stood up, he kissed her on the lips.

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