Take My Breath Away

Chapter 850 - The File

"I'm relieved to know that. I thought the whole world knew about it. That would have been too embarrassing." Terilynn covered her face with both hands in embarrassment.

Joshua felt sorry for her. Although she was upset, she still pretended not to care. "You know what? You are an amazing woman. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like you. You will meet someone more suitable for you." 'Like me, for example.'

"Thank you. I don't want to talk about him right now."

"Okay, let's not. Do you have classes this afternoon?" He was elated to know that she was single.

"Yes, I have been really busy with my studies lately."

"Do you already have plans for the future?"

"Hmm... I will study further to get my doctorate, and then become a lawyer," she replied after a short pause.

"Have you ever considered being a court judge?" Maybe she could work in the same institution he did.

"I haven't given that much thought. I'm sort of like my mother. I am not fit to be a judge." She was easy-going and free-spirited, and had never been a stately person.

Joshua nodded thoughtfully. "Being a lawyer is awesome. Keep going. I have faith in you."

"Thank you," she said with a soft smile.

After lunch, Joshua drove her to Y City University and didn't leave until she disappeared from his sight.

He had gained all that information from her about Evelyn for Sheffield.

That night, he went to see his best friend. "So, your sister-in-law said that Evelyn has a cute nickname. Her mom calls her Piggy!" He didn't think it was funny when Terilynn had said it. But now, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

But he swore to himself that he would never make fun of Evelyn. He just thought the name was incredibly funny.

Sheffield smiled too when he heard the nickname. He thought it was lovely.

He laughed for a while, and then gave a good beating to Joshua. "How dare you laugh at my woman! Fuck off!"

Joshua punched him back playfully and said, "I'm laughing at my girlfriend! It's none of your business."

Sheffield declared, "You have one day to break up with her. Otherwise, I will carve your heart out with my scalpel."

"I better dump her quickly then. But it doesn't feel right, you know. I think I should wait for her to dump me."

"I don't care. It doesn't matter who dumps who. Just break it off."

"Fine, I'll figure something out." Joshua didn't want to delay it either. He wanted to pursue Terilynn. And he couldn't approach her while still dating Evelyn.

"All right, that's settled! And from now on, if anyone asks me what I want to eat, I will say, 'Piggy!'" Sheffield announced.

Joshua laughed. A brilliant pun indeed. "You are so dirty," he said.

"Thank you, I'm flattered." Sheffield whistled casually.

After kicking Joshua out of the apartment, he went to the study and drew all the curtains before turning on his computer.

His playfulness had completely disappeared. Sheffield accessed the surveillance video of the hospital and clicked on some keys several times.

In the dead of the night, he changed his clothes and left the apartment with his laptop. In the underground parking lot, he found a cheap car and drove away from the community.

In the hospital

Sheffield clicked on his laptop a few times, and then entered the office of the neurology department through the side door, wearing a black mask and a hat.

The monitoring system broke down automatically wherever he went.

He stopped outside the archives center, unlocked the electronic lock with his laptop and slipped in without making a single sound.

In just two minutes, he found the locker he was looking for.

He took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket and wore it before opening the locker. He went through the contents, but couldn't find the specific file he wanted.

He shut the locker and looked around, but found nothing suspicious.

After making sure that the file was really not there, he restored everything back to its original position and left the archives center.

Less than a minute after he had walked out of the archives center to the parking lot, the surveillance footage of the building came back up.

Only the cameras in the parking lot and the hospital gate were still out of order. But before long, they were restored as well.

The maintenance personnel checked the footage, and found that everything was fine. The surveillance cameras had only collapsed for a few minutes. But they had returned to normal very soon, so none of them paid any attention to the malfunction.

Sheffield stopped the car in a quiet street and turned on his laptop once again.

What he was looking for was neither in the president's office, nor in the archives room. There was only one place left to checkā€”the president's home.

Taking off his mask, he dialed a number.

The call was soon connected. "Hi, Sheffield!"

"There is a wine tasting ceremony in two days. I have two invitations. Would you like to go with me?" His tone was calm as usual, but there was a trace of impatience in his eyes.

"I would love to! Where is it being held? Just you and me?"

"Yes. It's at the Riverside Maple Hotel, at 7 p.m., the day after tomorrow. Shall I pick you up then?"

Excited, Dollie exclaimed, "Okay! I don't have a formal dress yet. Can we go shopping together?"

"Okay, I'll call you after work tomorrow."

After ending the call with her, Sheffield dialed Joshua's number. "Lend me your invitation for the wine tasting ceremony."

"Why should I give it to you? I was going to invite Terilynn to go with me."

"Then, get me two more. I am taking Dollie."

"Why do you suddenly want to go to the wine tasting party?" Sheffield had always been a mysterious friend. He continued to pique Joshua's curiosity.

Leaning against the back of the seat, Sheffield said in a casual tone, "I just want to taste some wine, and see the world."

Joshua scoffed. "Bro, you own a considerably large private wine store abroad, and you're telling me that you want to go to some local wine tasting party. You think I am stupid?"

"I do. Let's just go together."

"Fine. Are you sure you want to bring Dollie, and not Evelyn?"

"I'm sure."


In the living room of the Xiang Residence

After hanging up the phone, Dollie looked at the man sitting opposite her. "Dad, that was Sheffield. He wants to take me to the wine tasting party."

Sidell was silent for a moment. "What's he up to? Didn't you say that he didn't like you? So, why is he asking you out?"

"I don't know. It does seem like he cares about Evelyn Huo. But, he still maintains a relationship with me." Sheffield loved Evelyn. Dollie was not blind or stupid; she could tell.

"He is not as simple as we think he is." Sidell was determined to investigate the man.

According to his investigations, Sheffield's parents were business people, and they had died in a car accident ten years ago. Sheffield was left behind. He was an orphan.

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