Take My Breath Away

Chapter 832 - You Did It On Purpose

Joshua wanted to switch off his phone. However, Evelyn's thumb was already on the power button; he couldn't touch it.

"Miss Huo... What are you doing? This is invasion of privacy." Seeing that the screen of Joshua's phone was still on, Sheffield immediately nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah, he's right. Just put the phone down, Evelyn."

"Okay!" Evelyn withdrew her hand from Joshua's phone.

But she quickly picked up Sheffield's phone from the table and said to him, "Password."

'Oh no!' Sheffield thought to himself. "Evelyn, listen to me..."


"Okay, come on. Let me unlock it," said Sheffield, reaching to take the phone from her.

Evelyn seized the chance. She grabbed his hand and used his finger to unlock the phone.

Sheffield was so upset that he opened his mouth. No words came out.

The last thing he pulled up was the chat app, so it was the first thing that greeted her eyes. What did the last message say? Exactly what Joshua said a minute earlier.

Wearing an emotionless face, Evelyn looked coldly at the two awkwardly smiling men. "Sheffield Tang."

Under the table, Sheffield grabbed Evelyn's left hand. No one could see what he was doing. "Evelyn, Joshua's my buddy. I can't let you two date."

Evelyn looked at her hand and said, "Let go of me."

"Okay." Sheffield immediately let go of her.

Finally, Dollie couldn't help but blurt out, "Miss Huo, did Sheffield do something wrong? Why are you so cold to him? Don't you see he's been trying to make you happy? How can you—"

"Dollie!" Sheffield suddenly shouted at her.

Dollie paused for a while, and then continued with a pitiful look on her face, "She's so arrogant and condescending! And I'm tired of seeing her treat you like shit!"

The atmosphere was awkward. Sheffield seemed to be angry. He said in a flat tone, "You're right, Dollie. I've been trying to please Evelyn. Let's just drop it, okay? Our food's here. Dig in."

Just as he was done speaking, several waiters started to fill their order. Delicious scents filled the air as platters of European-style foods were served.

Evelyn didn't respond to Dollie, but deep down, she began to think about her behavior. 'Did I really go overboard?'

After their orders were set onto the table, Evelyn began to eat her soup absentmindedly.

As he was working on his steak, Joshua caught a glimpse of Sheffield, who kept stealing glances at the woman eating soup.

Dollie exclaimed in astonishment, "God, this looks disgusting! All this cheese! And what is that?" She poked at a particularly loathsome-looking topping. "Earthworm? Dammit Evelyn! Why did you order this? You did it on purpose!"

Evelyn raised her head and looked at her. "You don't have to eat it. You could—oh, I don't know—leave?"

Dollie angrily glanced at Sheffield. "That's it! Sheffield, you have to admit she's too much! How could she treat us like this! You don't like me? Just say it."

Evelyn took a tissue and wiped her lips. "Yeah, I hate you." She really didn't like the Xiang family. They were too arrogant. They showed a disabled person no kindness, and that person was their dear family member.

In order to get Dollie to cool down, Sheffield offered to trade portions. But when Evelyn shot him a warning glance, he immediately dismissed the idea.

He winked at Joshua. Taking the hint, Joshua shook his head helplessly and said to the manager, "Please make another steak for this lady. Thank you!"

The manager of the restaurant left their table. After giving Evelyn another glare, Dollie stood up from her seat and told Sheffield, "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Go ahead."

As soon as she left, Sheffield put down his knife and fork. "Evelyn, you gotta trust me on this one. You won't like the guy. He snores; he's kind of a player," he said earnestly.

Joshua took a look at them and smiled without saying anything.

Evelyn swallowed the food in her mouth and said slowly, "I think he's right for me."

Her answer stunned Joshua, while Sheffield panicked. "You really want to be with him?" the doctor asked anxiously.

"Of course. I'm still here, aren't I?"

"So...I wonder. I haven't heard anything from you since that night. Did you ditch me because I'm lame in bed?" He couldn't think of any other reason why she kept away from him.

If she said yes, then he'd wonder even more. She seemed to be into it, and he felt pretty happy with himself that night.

"Haha..." Joshua laughed out loud. He hurriedly covered his mouth with a tissue and apologized, "I'm sorry."

Evelyn wanted to strangle Sheffield right now. He just blurted that out, heedless of anyone else around.

But in Sheffield's eyes, Joshua was his best friend and he always spoke with him frankly and honestly.

Evelyn adjusted her emotions and answered, "We're not meant for each other. That's all."

"Why?" he asked, a hint of anger on his face. "Babe, I like you a lot. I thought we had something. But then you blew me off. We've known each other a while now, but you never gave me a number or anything. That we keep bumping into each other is sheer luck. What's up with that? It's fucked up," he added.

'Fucked up?' Of course it was. But so was getting pregnant. So was falling into shock due to an ectopic pregnancy. So was almost dying on the operating table. Wasn't what he did fucked up? "Look. I'm on a date, and you're trying to ruin it. Get out of here."

The air froze. Joshua was surprised at Evelyn's ruthlessness. "Miss Huo, Sheffield really likes you. Maybe you could—"

Interrupting him, Evelyn looked at him square in the eye, and said, "Maybe you could shut up. If I wanted Sheffield, I wouldn't be on a blind date with you, would I? So let's just have a nice time. Quit trying to end it before it begins."

"What? You and me?" Joshua was shocked.

Evelyn nodded firmly. "Yes, you and me."

Sheffield dropped the utensils he held. They clattered on the table loudly.

Joshua suddenly burst into laughter. "Great! It's a date!" His answer surprised both Evelyn and Sheffield

Looking at his friend's excited face, Sheffield was stunned, disbelief written all over his own features. His friend was defending him a minute ago, but now all of a sudden he changed his mind?

Evelyn took the opportunity to tell Sheffield, "I have a bone to pick with you."

"Do I need to leave you two alone?" Joshua asked hesitantly, thinking they might need some privacy.

"No need." Then, she told the stunned doctor, "When I was on that trip, I told you we weren't meant for each other. I let you know I liked men who were more mature than me. As for what happened that night... I'm sorry. I was too impulsive. If I hurt you or messed with your head, I apologize. Will you be at the hospital tomorrow afternoon? I need to give the jade gift back. I can't keep—"

"Evelyn Huo!" Sheffield interrupted with a stony face.

Evelyn didn't respond, waiting for his answer.

"Joshua and I are two of a kind! He's mature? Humph!"

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