Take My Breath Away

Chapter 823 - Maestro Tang

When he heard her trembling voice, Sheffield gradually let go of the accelerator. When the car had slowed down to a normal speed, Dollie breathed a sigh of relief. "Sheffield… What's your relationship with her?"

Sheffield sneered. "I'm just a lowly-paid doctor and she is a CEO. What relationship could we have? I pursued her and got rejected."

At first, Dollie had thought that Sheffield wouldn't give her an answer. But to her surprise, he went on to explain their relationship in detail.

Jealousy flooded through her. "Do you still like her?" she asked, looking at him sideways.

"She has something I want," he replied, eyes fixed on the road.

Dollie couldn't tell from his tone if he was telling the truth. But his answer meant that he didn't really like Evelyn and that made her happy. "Something important?" she asked.

"Yes. Something very important," he said without hesitation.

She felt much better after learning that he had approached Evelyn with a purpose.

"Will you be seeing her again?"

"Yes. How can I get what I want without seeing her?"

"But you just told her that—"

"I said I wouldn't pester her, but I have to, to get what I want." Sheffield was quick to admit his intentions.

Left with no choice, Dollie had to find comfort by telling herself that he didn't like Evelyn. He only wanted something that belonged to her.

After dropping her back home, Sheffield lit a cigarette and dialed a number on his phone. He was feeling restless as the call connected. Without any greeting, he said, "Let's go racing!"

Half an hour later

Sheffield sat in his top-grade yellow Formula One racing car, wearing his white racing suit. Joshua and his two friends were in the cars next to his.

After getting wind of the news that Maestro Tang was coming for a race, a lot of people came to watch the spectacle, and the cheers could be heard from far away.

Joshua yawned and then looked at his friend. "Sheffield, what's wrong with you? You look terrible. Your face as long as the Great Wall."

Sheffield ignored Joshua's jeer as he put on his helmet. "The usual. Loser gives his woman away."

"Why do you need so many women? You don't sleep with any of them," Joshua taunted.

After thinking about it for a while, Sheffield said, "Well then, the loser—"

"Let me stop you right there," Joshua interrupted him. "Tell me, when have I ever won against you? Not even once!"

With a smug smile, Sheffield flipped his tongue and said, "I'm not that good. You just suck."

Taking off his helmet, Joshua leaned his head out of the window and said, "I never knew you were so modest, Sheffield. You know, if you weren't around, I would still be the undefeated champion." Sheffield was unbeatable; he was way too fast.

Shaking his head with a laugh, Sheffield said, "Let's start already! I'm considering inviting Fowler for a serious race."

"What? You want to race against Fowler?" On the racing track, the only one who could compete with Sheffield was Fowler.

"Yes." Sheffield started his car and made a gesture to the referee. The referee began to count down.

"Three, two, one!" When the loud bang sounded, three cars sped ahead like arrows from a bow. Sheffield didn't move an inch from his starting point.

But this was nothing new. Women in the crowd shouted excitedly, "Maestro Tang! Oh my God, he is so amazing! He always gives the other racers a half-minute head start and still win the first place!"

"You are well deserving of the name 'Maestro Tang.' So cool!"

Half a minute later, Sheffield's engine roared into life and joined the race.

The screams and cheers were louder now.

After three laps, undoubtedly, the eye-catching yellow F1 pulled ahead from behind the other three cars and ended up waiting for more than ten seconds in the finish line for the others.

Joshua came in second. He took off his helmet, got out of the car and knocked on Sheffield's window.

He rolled down the window and asked, "Wanna go again?"

"Like hell! Are you really going to race against Fowler?"

"Yeah!" Removing his helmet, Sheffield got out of the car, and leaned against the door. "He has invited me several times. It's time to take up the challenge."

"Fowler's bets are no joke. If you don't win, you might even lose your car," Joshua reminded him.

Sheffield looked at his fan crowd. They exclaimed, "Maestro Tang, you're the best!" He smiled. "That's the kind of stake I'm looking for right now."

Joshua was shocked. "You have never raced for money before. What's going on with you, dude? Did something happen?"


"Tell me. Maybe I can help." Although Joshua's mom had confiscated his bank card, he could still get it back from her if he agreed to go on a blind date.

Sheffield smiled. "You have your own problems to deal with. I need to make some quick buck and buy the best goddamned gem in the world."

"Gem? Are you getting married?"

"No." He paused. "But I need the best gem in the world for the best girl," Sheffield replied as he swung his helmet in his hand.

Joshua was speechless. He was stunned for a while and grabbed Sheffield as he was about to leave. "I must see this woman. What has she done to my best friend? The playboy has finally fallen in love, and is now in search for the best gemstone in the world."

Sheffield put his arm around Joshua's shoulder. "Do you think that she has poisoned me?"

Joshua nodded and said, "Yes, no doubt about it. Don't you think so too?"

Sheffield nodded. "She has already made it clear that she doesn't like me. Sleeping with me in D City was nothing but a fling for her. She told me that I don't need to take any responsibility. But I want to pursue her shamelessly. Joshua, have I ever been so cheap before?"

Joshua's heart broke for his dear friend. "Our dissolute Maestro Tang has met his match. But dude, just let it go. She asked you to buy the best gem in the world for her, but does she even deserve it?"

Sheffield corrected him with a smile, "First of all, she deserves it. The gemstone wouldn't even be good enough for her. Secondly, she didn't ask me to buy her one. I want to give it to her because she likes collecting precious gems. If you really liked someone, Joshua, wouldn't you want to give her the best things in the world?" S

heffield had found Purity for her in the small town of D City.

According to the shopkeeper, that small piece of jade was one of the most expensive gems in their town.

He was gratified that Evelyn hadn't returned it to him. If she had, then he would have had no hope at all.

Joshua had someone he used to like. But he had never loved someone so much. He could understand Sheffield's feelings for the woman, but he was also confused. "That's true, but she is not your wife yet. Why do you have to do so much for her?"

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