Take My Breath Away

Chapter 806 - You Don't Need To Explain

The woman looked familiar. So, Evelyn figured that she must be one of Sheffield's colleagues.

It was a cold night, yet the woman was only wearing a sapphire silk nightdress, and had delicate makeup on. She was knocking at the door of a single man in the middle of the night. Anybody who saw this would have thought that something was going on between the two.

The door opened and Evelyn heard Sheffield's voice. "Marcy? What's up?"

Marcy Wang lowered her head shyly and said in a low voice, "Dr. Tang, I have something to ask you. May I come in?"

"Sure. Come in!" He made way for her.

The door shut close after Marcy Wang entered the room.

The corridor was quiet. Evelyn went back to her bedroom with a stony face.

She changed into her slippers and drank some water as usual. Then, she opened her computer and checked her mailbox. There were so many unread emails.

She looked at the time. It was 10:46 p.m. Three minutes had passed since the woman, Marcy Wang, had entered Sheffield's room.

Evelyn was so nervous that she fidgeted in front of the computer. She clicked on an e-mail, but she couldn't read a word of it.

Ten minutes later, she stood up from her chair and walked towards the door.

Outside the room, Tayson was playing with his phone as he leaned against the wall not too far away.

When the door to Evelyn's room opened, he looked up and put away his phone immediately.

They looked at each other. Meeting his baffled eyes, Evelyn stammered. "I… I want to go out for a walk."

The door of the diagonally opposite room was still closed.

"Miss Huo, it's late now. Why don't we go tomorrow?"

Evelyn was about to counter when the door to Sheffield's room flew open. Before she could respond, the woman rushed out, with her head bowed.

She would have bumped into Evelyn, if the latter hadn't taken a step back quickly.

Wearing nothing but a bathrobe, Sheffield looked nonchalant. When he saw Evelyn, his eyes widened. He stared at her and then at Marcy Wang, who was running away. His heart skipped a beat.

He walked to her quickly and said, "Evelina, let me explain..."

Evelyn looked at him coldly. "Explain what? Explain what you did inside? Sorry, I'm not interested!"

She turned around and went back to her room. At the last moment, just before she could close the door, Sheffield squeezed through.

However, someone roughly grabbed his bathrobe and tried to pull him out. He turned around and saw Tayson. He looked down at his bathrobe and said, "I am not wearing anything underneath. I don't mind if you want to strip me naked. Your lady, on the other hand..."

With a long face, Tayson released him. Sheffield snuck into her room immediately.

When the bodyguard was about to break in the door, Sheffield stuck out his head and said, "Don't worry. I just have to explain it to her. I'll leave right away."

Tayson didn't know how to respond or deal with this man.

It was Evelyn's private affair. He wasn't sure if he should interfere.

Not giving a damn about Tayson's hesitation, Sheffield grabbed onto both of Evelyn's hands so that she wouldn't move. "Evelina, I can explain."

Evelyn cast him a cold glance and said, "You don't need to explain anything to me."

"I have to! Nothing happened between me and that woman. She came into my room and asked me a lot of strange questions. She tried to sleep with me, but I refused. I swear!" He pressed her hands against his chest to let her feel his heartbeat.

Evelyn sneered, "Why did you refuse? Won't Mr. Tang feel lonely without a woman by his side tonight?"

With Evelyn in his arms, Sheffield forced her to enter the bedroom. She tried to resist, but was too weak to fight back. She was forced to lie on her bed, with Sheffield on top of her.

With his right hand by her ear, he deliberately leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "I really am lonely. Why don't you stay with me tonight?"

Evelyn's face turned red as she was overwhelmed by his breath on her and the weird atmosphere in the room was giving her chills. A few seconds later, she calmed down and warned him ferociously, "If you dare lay a finger on me, I'll tell Tayson to come in here and throw you into the lake!"

Sheffield looked at her angry face. Smiling, he sized her up viciously. "Rest assured. I won't lay a single finger on you."

Evelyn heaved a sigh of relief.


"I'll definitely run all my fingers on you...repeatedly."

Evelyn blushed scarlet. She raised her hand in an attempt to slap him. But before she could do that, Sheffield caught her hand and kissed it. "Are you jealous? Honey, I didn't even let her come close to me. I didn't touch her. I won't touch any other woman. I said I would save my first time for you."

Evelyn would rather die than admit that she was jealous. "Let me go, you lecher! You can sleep with whomever you like. It's none of my business."

"Will you not be angry with me if I did that?" They stared into each other's eyes. He took the opportunity to kiss her on the lips.

'This man is such a bastard! He never misses a chance to take advantage of me!' she thought. Gritting her teeth, Evelyn glared at him and threatened, "I'll count to three. If you don't let go of me, I'll tell Tayson to throw you out of here! One, two... Mmph..."

He kissed her again.

This kiss was different from his last one. It was overbearing and powerful; she had no room to refuse.

The room was silent for a few minutes, except their rapid breathing.

'Should I push him away?

Should I?'

While Evelyn was lost in various fantasies and conjectures, Sheffield suddenly let go of her. With deep affection in his amorous eyes, he said, "Evelina, I like you very much."

His body stiff, Sheffield turned around and left.

At the door, Tayson was about to call Debbie. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Sheffield come out so soon.

The night was quiet again. However, Evelyn was restless because of the passionate kiss.

On the eighth day after their arrival in D City, Sheffield took Evelyn for a walk around the lake.

The water was a light green. It was a beautiful place where one could see the water joining the sky at the far end, and the snow mountains towering in the distance.

The two of them rode bicycles around the lake. Sheffield had intended to ride the same bicycle with Evelyn, with her sitting in the back. However, Evelyn refused to ride with him.

Half an hour later, they stopped and decided to rest on a bench near the lake.

Sheffield unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to her. As she drank the water with her head up, he said in a low voice, "Evelina, my schedule has changed. I'll have to go back by tomorrow, at the latest."

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