Take My Breath Away

Chapter 778 - He's A Man

"No, it was not caused by the food. The test shows that your son has a bacterial infection. There are a lot of possible ways to get infected; maybe he contracted it while playing outdoors," the doctor explained.

The guilty feeling weighing on Blair lessened a little. At least, the food she had cooked wasn't the direct reason for her son's sickness.

She returned to her baby's ward, and saw a nurse playing with him.

When the nurse saw her enter, she informed, "Gifford's mom, the kid hasn't vomited again this morning, but his temperature is going up. He needs another bottle of IV fluid. Please go to the cashier's and pay the bill beforehand."

"Okay. I'll go right away. Could you keep a watch on Gifford till I come back?"


Keith, Baldwin and Cecelia returned downtown in the afternoon. Instead of going home, they headed straight to the hospital.

Cecelia felt her heart break when she saw her grandson lying in bed, sick and exhausted.

Blair's face fell. "Grandpa, Dad and Mom, I'm so sorry. I couldn't take good care of Gifford..."

She had only looked after the kid for a day, but he had fallen sick on her watch. She wasn't a good mother.

Cecelia sighed and pulled her in for a hug. Patting her back, she comforted her, "You're Gifford's mother. We know that you are in more pain than any of us. But don't worry, it's normal for little kids to get sick easily. And Gifford was kept in an incubator for two weeks after he was born. He is a bit weaker than the other kids. Anyway, he's fine now. So, don't blame yourself. Understand?"

Moved, Blair nodded, "Yes, Mom. I understand." She promised herself that she would learn to take better care of her son.

In the evening, Niles and Irene came to see the little boy after work. When Niles found out that Blair had brought the kid to the hospital all by herself, he was unhappy and told her off. "Why didn't you call me? I'm his uncle. You should have informed me immediately. Wesley isn't home and you've just recovered your health. It's too dangerous for you to carry the kid, and you brought him all the way here, in the middle of night. What would we do if something happened to you?"

Blair knew that he was scolding her for her own good, so she didn't retort but nodded meekly, "I'm sorry, Niles."

Cecelia cut in, "That's enough. Stop lecturing your sister-in-law. She's already upset and tired."

"It's all right, Mom. Let him. He is right," Blair said. She was prepared to accept any tongue-lashing from them.

Niles sighed and threw a glance at his mom, who was now glaring at him. He felt pathetic for losing his temper on her. His mom never allowed him to speak ill of Blair or even Irene.

Ever since he got married, he had become the least important person in the Li family.

Wesley finished his mission and hurried back home two days after Gifford had been discharged from the hospital.

The little boy had completely recovered and was as energetic as before.

When Wesley saw his son, instead of saying any caring words, he demanded, "You need to get more exercise to strengthen your body!"

He already knew what had happened. Blair had taken their son to the hospital by herself.

Blair spoke up for her son. "It was my fault, Wesley. I took him out to play; he contracted the infection because of my carelessness."

Wesley pulled her into his arms, and while staring down at his son, he insisted, "The root cause is his weak body. I'll be free for a month. You must exercise with me every morning and evening. Okay?"

Gifford pulled a long face, pursing his lips.

Blair felt sorry for the little boy and reminded Wesley, "He's only two!"

Ignoring the boy's unhappy face, he snapped, "Two or twenty, he's a man. Son, stand up!"

Reflexively, Gifford sprang up from the couch.


Blair's lips twitched at the scene.

Gifford stood up straight, with his shoulders back, chest out, chin up, and arms at his sides; his big, bright eyes were directed straight ahead. He was the cutest little soldier she had ever seen.

Wesley nodded in satisfaction. "Being my son, these are the basic things you need to know."

Blair felt it was necessary to talk to Wesley on how to bring up their son. "We need to talk."

"Sure. I want to talk to you too." It was just that his topic might be a little different from hers. He called out to Cecelia, "Mom, watch Gifford for a while. Blair and I need some privacy."

Cecelia walked into the bedroom. "All right. Gifford, come here. Let's go downstairs."

As soon as Cecelia closed the door, Wesley kissed Blair hungrily.

When she broke the kiss and gasped for air, she pushed the man away before he could make the next move. "It's daytime! What are you doing? I want to talk to you about our son."

Wesley locked her in his arms once again. While exploring her body, he said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you, honey, for all the hard work you put in to look after our son. Next time he gets sick, just call Niles, or contact any of my friends." He began to undress her. Blair knew his friends well.

But, she didn't want to bother them in the middle of the night.

"That's not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to remind you that our son is just two years old… You…must…be gentle. You...are too strict on him. I feel sorry for our son," she said in between their passionate kisses.

"He has shouldered his responsibility as a man ever since his birth. We need to start his education earlier." He pushed himself hard on her.

"Maybe you're right, but it's still too early... Wesley, stop! Listen to me!"

"You say what you want to say, and I'll do what I want to do."

Blair was helpless in front of his insatiable lust. How could she continue speaking while he banged her like a hungry beast?

After a long while, the heavy breathing subsided and Blair kicked the man aside. He was obviously not satisfied yet. "Go and bathe!" she berated.

Wesley simply tidied the bed and said, "Let's bathe together. You are sweaty."

He found any possible excuse to share more intimacy with his wife.

Later that day, Wesley went downstairs while Blair decided to rest for a while longer. Seeing his dad, Gifford ran towards him. "Daddy, can I go visit Uncle Talbot?"

Talbot had settled down in A Country and was now working for Wesley.

Gifford found a lot of interesting things in Talbot's house when they had visited him last time; he had some rare weapons and other fancy equipment.

Wesley had taken him to Talbot's place twice and each time, the little boy found it harder to leave. He was attracted to those "toys."

"Not today. Uncle Talbot is busy. Tomorrow." Wesley grabbed the straps of the little boy's overalls and was about to carry him in his hand like he usually did. But he remembered what Blair had told him, and so, he bent down, scooped up the boy and carried him in his arms.

Gifford was a bit disappointed that he couldn't go today. Still, he nodded, "Okay."

When Blair woke up, she noticed that Wesley was still using the shaver which she had bought him many years ago. It was old, but he still kept it.

She smiled helplessly, but was filled with delight. When she saw him downstairs, she said, "Honey, I want to treat you to a meal." 'And buy a new shaver too, ' she thought.

Wesley threw her a suspicious glance. He said warily, "That's strange. You have something else on your mind. What are you plotting?"

She hit his shoulder angrily. "Forget it! I'm not buying you anything!"

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