Take My Breath Away

Chapter 775 - I Protect You

Curtis smiled, "Your wife told my wife about that. She mentioned that you were going to pay the down payment for a sea-view house."

Blair exchanged a glance with Wesley, and nodded. She did tell Colleen about their plan to buy a sea-view house, but she didn't expect them to give her one.

It was an expensive gift.

Blair didn't think that Wesley would accept it. However, after hearing Curtis' explanation, Wesley grabbed the keys and handed them to Blair. "Keep them."

"But..." 'This is just too much. How can I accept it?' Blair thought, baffled.

He patted her hand to reassure her. "They tricked a large fortune out of me when they got married. Damon took one of my precious weapons, which is out of production now. It's more valuable than the car he gave you."

If that was the case, Blair thought it might be okay to accept their gifts. She nodded and took the keys from Wesley.

Next came the CEO. Carlos asked casually, "So, you're not going back to work in Y City?"

"We plan on settling down here, in A Country," Wesley said. He and Blair had discussed it earlier. They wanted to stay by their parents' side and raise their kid here, alongside them.

Carlos nodded understandingly. He took out a folder, put it on the rotary table and gave the table a twirl. When the folder was in front of Blair, he said to Wesley, "Your wife is a translator, isn't she? I have set up a translation company in A Country." He then looked at Blair. "You will be the legal representative. Take it."

Wesley fell silent again, for much longer this time. Everyone looked at him mischievously, waiting for his reaction. Finally, he broke the silence and spoke. "You guys are doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

"Yes." Carlos smirked.

Wesley turned to Blair. "Honey, return all the gifts." He then scanned his friends and added, "I will buy my wife everything she wants. I can afford them. Do you have to make me look bad?"

And they all seemed to know what his wife wanted and liked! He sulked at the thought.

Blair put all the keys and the folder on the table.

Damon teased, "Blair, you're such an obedient wife. But, don't listen to him this time."

Blair shook her head. "To be honest, I think that your gifts are all way too expensive. I agree with Wesley; we should return them to you."

Damon guffawed, "Do you know what your husband gave Carlos on his wedding day?"

Blair nodded. Although she wasn't staying with Wesley at the time, she knew that he had given Carlos a large sum of money as gift. She just didn't know the exact amount.

"USD 6, 660, 000. That's more than enough for you to open a new company. So, you aren't really getting a lot from Carlos. It's a fair exchange of presents." Of course, the company would make more money as it developed. In the long term, Blair would benefit a lot if she ran the company well.

And to Carlos, a few million dollars meant nothing but mere change.

Blair felt more relaxed after hearing Damon's argument.

Wesley silently listened to their conversation. He knew what his friends were thinking. After all, Carlos, Wesley, Damon and Curtis had been friends for many years.

After the three big shots were done, it was time for the other friends to give their presents to the groom and bride. They weren't as rich as Carlos, but their presents were luxurious as well.

With all the presents in her hands, Blair had a feeling that she had become a very rich woman overnight.

She had a new car, a sea-view house, a company... Everything.

When the party was finally over, a few of them were drunk, including Niles.

Wesley wanted to take him back home, but as they walked out of the hotel, Niles suddenly broke free and dashed towards the stone lion at the gate.

Flying his fists towards the stone, Niles snarled at the statue, "I'm Ultraman! And I'm here to save the earth and the humans. Go to hell, you monster!"

Blair, and a few other friends, wanted to stop him, but Wesley held them off. "Don't. Let him have some fun." He smirked as Niles continued to hit the statue. He didn't need to teach his little brother a lesson; the drunken idiot was doing enough damage to himself.

After seeing off his friends and driving Blair back home, Wesley came back to the hotel to pick up Niles. The young doctor was still fighting the stone lion.

He didn't stop flailing his arms crazily until Wesley threw him into the back seat of his car. He finally quieted down and dozed off.

Blair had removed her makeup and was now taking a hot bath to relax herself.

When Wesley came back and walked into the bathroom, he found her soaking in the tub, drifting off into sleep. "Honey."

Blair struggled to open her eyes. "Hmm... Back already? Where's our baby?"

As he stripped himself, he said, "Mom will look after him tonight."

"Don't trouble her. I've recovered now. We can take care of the kid ourselves."

He threw her a glance. "Not tonight."

"Why not?"

"It's our wedding night, honey."

Blair was wide awake now. She realized what the man meant to do. She stuttered, "I… I haven't fully recovered yet..."

"It's been half a year since you woke up. I've been keeping my desire at bay. Honey, I can't take it anymore. Don't torture me." She was weak for the past few months, so he never bugged her for sex. God knew how hard he had been refraining himself.

But now, she looked much healthier and more energetic. Moreover, today was their wedding night. He didn't want to wait anymore. He wanted her badly!

Blair moved backwards, to the corner of the bathtub. "Maybe...wait two more days?"

"Honey, Gifford is about five years younger than Evelyn. And Carlos had his second child already. I think we should try and keep up with Carlos and Debbie," he said matter-of-factly. Of course, he didn't want to rush to have their second child. He just wanted to find an excuse to have sex with his wife.

"Keep up with them? No, no. I don't think that's possible!" Blair chuckled and tried to escape, but Wesley pulled her into his arms.

"Honey, please, I've been waiting for you all this time. I can't take this torture anymore. I want you," he pleaded in a hoarse voice.

Seeing the lust thick in his eyes, Blair gulped and nodded automatically. "Okay, but just once. I need some time to adapt."

"Agreed!" He wasn't going to let her stay up since she hadn't completely recovered yet. As long as he could have a little intimacy with his wife, that would be enough.


Things went out of control. To be precise, he lost control of himself. His wife was so sweet and so attractive, he couldn't help making love to her like a hungry beast. He didn't let go of her until it was early in the morning.

Wesley wasn't going to be free until the beginning of next month, so they could only go on their honeymoon after that. Blair didn't mind. Any time was okay for her.

The next morning, Niles woke up to find his hands hurt and swollen.

While everybody was having breakfast, he called his wife and complained, "Honey, you know what? Last night, after you left, these people didn't care about me at all. They just let me fight a stone lion in my drunken state. My hands are bruised..."

The Li family members had a hearty laugh.

After breakfast, Wesley went to work. Blair and their son were the only ones at home.

They looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Gifford only knew that Blair was his mommy, but that was all. He didn't know what "Mommy" meant to him. Ever since his birth, his mommy had been lying in bed, and then after she woke up, she was weak and had to recover her health. So, most of the time, the little boy was taken care of by his grandparents and dad. He was closer to Wesley than Blair.

She felt sad and her eyes brimmed with tears. When she had finally woken up from her long sleep, their son was already over a year old. Now, he was almost two, but she still hadn't done anything that a mother was supposed to do. Wesley did everything. Her heart ached. She stepped forward and tried to interact with her son. "Hi baby. I'm your mommy."

The little boy nodded and called out sweetly, "Mommy..."

"Do you know Mommy's name?"

"Yes. Blair."

She smiled widely. "Are you hungry? Want to eat something?"

"No." He shook his head. The little boy was so adorable! Blair loved him.

"Shall we go out and have some fun? What do you think?"

"Yay!" The little boy jumped with joy, and then added, "I… protect you."

Blair chuckled under her breath. "I'm the one who should protect you. You are my little boy." 'My two-year-old boy said that he would protect me. How cute!' She was amused by her own son's words.

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