Take My Breath Away

Chapter 764 - Mom's Bestie Is Blair

"Yeah. You did ask me to tell Wesley that you were staying with us," Niles nodded. He did tell him, but it was just that he always referred to Blair as "Mom's bestie."

Blair took a large bite of the apple in her hand. "I've been staying quietly at home every day, taking good care of myself and the baby in my belly. What a caring mother I've been so far! I wonder if your brother has been loyal to me all this time."

Niles nodded his head and assured her, "Don't worry, Blair. My brother won't fall for another woman."

"Yeah, you are right." She threw the apple core into the bin and wiped her hands with a wet tissue. "Are you not leaving today?" she asked.

Niles cared deeply for his future nephew and would fly to A Country twice a month just to check on Blair.

"I'm leaving. Irene is waiting for me." Speaking of Irene, he felt both happy and annoyed.

Irene was a singer, and for the sake of her career, she chose to keep their relationship from the public. The two of them had to go out on dates secretly.

"Why not just marry her as soon as possible? Then, I can hang out with her," Blair suggested excitedly.

At that moment, Cecelia walked into the room with a bowl of hot soup. "Blair is right. Since you two love each other so much, you should get married soon." Then, she turned to Blair. "Here, have some soup."

Blair pouted; she had gained weight in the past few months. "Mom, I don't feel like eating now. I just had an apple." Cecelia cooked delicious food for her every day, and Blair had gained thirty pounds already. What if Wesley failed to recognize her when they finally met?

The loving mother-in-law put the bowl on the tea table before Blair. "You must eat. Don't worry about your weight. Only your belly is bigger; your limbs are still as thin as ever. After giving birth to my dear grandson, you'll return to your normal size."

Left with no choice, Blair picked up the bowl and started to eat the soup.

When she was done with that, Cecelia gave her a handful of nuts. "Eat. Nuts are good for both you and your baby."

Blair sighed and received them. She knew that Cecelia wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Good girl. Do you want to go to the art exhibition today? A friend of mine has invited me."

"Sure." She was bored at home anyway.

"Great!" Cecelia went upstairs to get changed. She seemed to have forgotten all about her son.

Wesley, on the other hand, became more and more irritable. After hanging up on Niles, he called his father. "Get a grip on yourself, Dad! Don't make Mom unhappy after all these years. What's going on with the woman who is always around Mom? I have heard all kinds of gossips about her. Is she some slut you picked up when Mom was not around?" Every time Niles called him, he would go on and on about "Mom's bestie." Wesley was tired of hearing it.

"What nonsense! She is your mom's friend, and they are very close," Baldwin said in a calm voice.

"Are you trying to protect her? That woman knows that you are home most of the time, yet she always stays at our place. I don't think she is a good woman. And ask Niles not to bother me again!" 'Blair is so close to Debbie and Joslyn, yet she wouldn't go to their homes every day. This woman should learn a thing or two from Blair and not get others into trouble!

Damn it! I miss her again, ' Wesley cursed inwardly.

"Watch your tongue, boy!" Baldwin spat. 'You'll regret your words when you find out that this woman is your wife.'

He had long wanted to tell Wesley about this, but Cecelia forbade him. What else could he do? He could only play along.

"You are protecting her, yet you refuse to admit the truth! You had her investigated, didn't you? What does her husband do? Where is he? Does she have some hidden agenda for getting close to Mom? How about I look into it?"

"You don't have to. There's nothing suspicious about her. Her husband is in the military as well."

Wesley thought about it and realized that it made sense that the woman's husband was not home all the time. "All right. I gotta go, Dad. Ask Niles to stop bothering me." Then, he hung up.

Before the Lunar New Year, Wesley flew back to A Country, but he left in a hurry after paying a short visit to Keith.

He didn't even notice that the woman he had been missing all these months was standing on the second floor of his house, staring at him with longing eyes.

Carlos had decided to throw a grand wedding ceremony for Debbie. As Carlos' best man, Wesley had to fly to Y City.

After one of his missions, Wesley lit a cigarette and told his men, "My friend is tying the knot. So, I have to go."

He started smoking again. Blair was not around anymore.

He wondered if he could meet Blair at Carlos and Debbie's wedding party. After all, Debbie was her friend.

But Blair didn't come to the party. He searched for her the whole time, but she never showed up.

Carlos took pity on him and finally told him that Niles knew about Blair's whereabouts from the very beginning. How Wesley wished he could kick his brother to the South Pole!

He grabbed Niles by the ear and punched him in the face to vent his anger.

Niles held his aching face and cried, "Wesley, you can't blame me. I've been telling you! Mom's bestie—"

"Fuck Mom's bestie! Where is Blair? One more word about Mom's bestie, and I'll have my men send her away!" he roared.

Niles begged, "Brother—"

"Don't call me brother ever again! I don't have a brother like you. Just tell me where Blair is." All he wanted was her location.

"Mom's bestie—" He was trying to say, "Mom's bestie is Blair."

However, he never got the chance to finish. Wesley grabbed his collar and snarled, "You are done!" He took out his phone with the other hand and dialed a number. "Go to A Country now. Send that woman with my mom away. The farther, the better!"

"Don't! You'll regret it. Mom's bestie is—"

"Shut the fuck up!" The words, "Mom's bestie," were like a curse; every time Wesley heard it, he would flare up.

"Where are you going to send her?" Niles asked.

"Cabo de Hornos," Wesley simply said.

Niles' face twitched. 'Oh my God! That can't be good.'

The Chilean town, Cabo de Hornos, was the farthest town from A Country. If you went straight east from the Pacific Ocean, there was a minimum distance of more than 20, 000 kilometers. And if you went straight west from the Atlantic, that distance was also about 20, 000 kilometers.

Cabo de Hornos was the southernmost town, closest to the South Pole.

"Then, you'll have to go to Cabo de Hornos to look for Blair," Niles said hastily.

"Blair is in Chile?" Wesley asked in shock. He hadn't sent his men there to look for Blair. He didn't think she would be able to stay for long in a place near the South Pole. There were very few people there, and the town was called the end of the world.

Niles shook his head. "If you send Mom's bestie there, then Blair would be there."

"What nonsense are you—" Wesley choked on his next words and stood frozen in his spot. He stared at Niles fiercely, and his pupils gradually grew larger. His voice was hoarse from excitement. "You mean… Mom's bestie is... Blair?" He was too thrilled to speak properly.

No wonder he was unable to find her. He had asked his men to look for Blair all over the world, but he had never thought of the possibility that she would be in the Li family's residence.

Niles nodded innocently. His brother had finally realized it.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Wesley roared. He really wanted to strangle Niles to death.

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