Take My Breath Away

Chapter 761 - Will You Marry Me

Wesley's phone was broken, and Blair knew about it. During the mission, one of his men had called her to let her know that Wesley was safe.

"Mm hmm." He had come back just to see her, and he needed to leave once he got changed. Blair entered their bedroom and picked a set of clean clothes for him.

Wesley didn't have the time for a bath. He put on the fresh clothes, gave Blair a gentle kiss and left in a hurry.

Blair picked up his dirty clothes, put them into a large basin and began to wash them by hands.

His clothes smelled of sweat, and there was blood and mud on them. She didn't frown at all. He was good at his job, and she was proud.

Wesley didn't come back again until it was almost half past midnight. Blair was still waiting for him. As soon as he walked in, she offered, "Are you hungry? Go take a warm bath first. I'll cook some noodles for you."

"All right."

Blair went to the bathroom and ran the hot water for him. While he took his bath, she began to cook.

When Wesley got out of the bathroom, Blair was cooking the vegetables. "It'll be ready soon. Wait for a while," she said.

Wesley entered the kitchen and held his wife from behind. "Babe."

"Hmm?" Blair's lips curled when she heard his soft voice.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"I am." She was available every day. She only had a part-time job right now. As long as she could finish her work on time, she could go anywhere, at any time.

She planned to find a full-time job after summer.

"Come to the base with me tomorrow." After a pause, he added, "Bring Joslyn along."


"Mm hmm."

"What's up?" She looked at him in confusion.

"You'll know." Wesley didn't tell her, and Blair didn't press further. She ladled the noodles into a big bowl and placed it on the dinner table.

After he ate the whole bowl, they went to the bedroom. "Let's play hide the sausage," he said with a mischievous grin. Blair couldn't stop laughing.

The next day, Wesley drove Blair and Joslyn to the army base.

The two women stared at the young soldiers who were training in the grounds. Their athletic bodies made them drool. Joslyn slid her arm into Blair's and said, "This is the second time I've been here. I don't remember seeing so many soldiers here last time. There are at least a thousand soldiers now."

"Yeah, and they are all so handsome!"

"Come on! None of them is more handsome than your husband. Or are you already tired of seeing his face?" Joslyn asked with a wicked grin.

Blair shook her head. "You don't get it. They give me different feelings."

"What different feelings? I can only tell that they are all handsome. And strong." She drooled.

Blair gave her friend a cunning smile. "It doesn't matter whether they are handsome or not. The thing is I have taken a fancy towards a company of young soldiers."

Wesley, who was chatting with a soldier nearby, heard this.

He turned around and saw his wife drooling over other men. He was super jealous.

Joslyn said excitedly, "You have taken a fancy towards a company of soldiers, while I would rather have the whole battalion. What should we do now? Blair, how about we find new husbands?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking, my dear friend. But I don't know which one to choose." Blair decided to play along.

"Blair..." Wesley's low, cold voice came from behind her.

Blair released Joslyn's arm and trotted towards him. She gave him a sweet smile. "Honey."

"How about I let you choose a company to take home with you?" Apparently, Wesley had heard their entire conversation.

Knowing he was joking, Blair flashed a grin and nodded. "Really? You are such a good husband, Wesley. I better pick a company of soldiers as handsome as you."

Wesley snorted and ordered, "Ten-hut!" B

lair immediately stood in attention. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "I'll teach you a good lesson tonight."

Blair gasped. She had dug her own hole. 'Noooo!' she cried inside.

After the training, the soldiers surrounded their chief, and stared at the two women with much curiosity.

At that moment, Talbot and Bowman walked over to them. Their uniforms were different now. Blair guessed that they had been promoted as well.

"Hi, Chief! Blair! Joslyn!" the brothers greeted them.

Blair and Joslyn greeted them back.

Talbot gave his chief a wicked grin. "Chief, why don't you introduce Blair to our new soldiers?"

"Yeah! Come on, Chief." Some of them whistled playfully.

With a deadpan face, Wesley grabbed Blair's hand and announced, "Blair Jing, my wife."

The soldiers greeted Blair warmly. They respected Wesley very much, and they showed the same respect towards his wife.

Bowman told the soldiers, "I'll tell you something amusing. Blair has been here three times. The first time she was here, our chief introduced her as Lieutenant General Ji's niece. The second time, he said that she was a friend. This is the third time, and now, she is his wife. No wonder he almost killed me when I told him that I wanted to woo her.

Turns out he had long planned to make her his wife." The young soldiers burst out laughing.

Blair blushed at his words and tugged at Wesley's sleeve, flashing a shy smile.

Wesley cast a sidelong glance at Bowman. "Are you sure you want to offend me?" But the faint smile on his face betrayed his true emotions.

Soon after, a few neat lines of soldiers appeared on the playground not too far away from them, with a bunch of roses in their hands. If someone was looking from above, they would have seen that the soldiers with the roses had formed the word "LOVE."

The soldiers around Wesley dispersed in an uproar. Wesley grabbed Blair's hand and moved forward.

She suddenly realized what was going on, and her heart started racing in her chest. "Where are we going?" she asked in a low voice.

Wesley gave her a reassuring smile without saying anything.

When they were a few meters away from the soldiers holding the roses, Wesley released her hand and fished something out of his pocket.

Under Blair's wide eyes, Wesley went on one knee, opened the embroidered box and revealed a diamond ring. The stone glinted under the sun's rays.

'He is going to propose...'

Blair looked at the smiling soldiers around them and then into Wesley's affectionate eyes. "I… Wesley, you..." She didn't know what to say.

Wesley spoke loudly so that all the soldiers in the grounds could hear him. "Blair, a few years ago, you proposed to me right here, in front of all those soldiers, but I turned you down. And as they say, 'Get up where you fall.' That's why I decided to bring you here to ask you the same question. Blair, I love you. Will you marry me?"

"Woah! Marry him! Say yes!" Before Blair could answer, the soldiers began to echo Wesley.

Their cheering made Blair's mind go blank for a second.

She hadn't expected him to propose to her in front of his soldiers, just like how she had done a few years back.


She remembered what had happened two days ago, and tried to hold back her tears. "No! I don't want to marry you!" she said, loud and clear.

Disappointment, pain, guilt... A myriad of emotions flooded through Wesley. 'When I turned her down, did she feel the same back then?' he thought. He regretted having treated her like that in the past.

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