Take My Breath Away

Chapter 743 - Wesley Wants A Child

Before Blair said anything, Wesley took Sheffield from her arms.

Just then, Ingrid came to the living room and walked over to them. "Sheffield... Wesley? Blair? Hello! When did you get here?"

"We've been here for a while. Ingrid, is this your son?" Blair's eyes sparkled as she looked at Ingrid.

"Yes, he is. This little boy is so naughty he runs about everywhere. I have to keep an eye on him all day long. Sheffield, come here and let me hold you," Ingrid said while spreading her arms out.

The little boy, however, shook his head and reached out his hands to Blair. "Aunt... Hug..."

Blair and Ingrid burst into laughter, amused by the adorable boy. Wesley, on the other hand, wore a deadpan face the whole time.

With a smirk, Ingrid squinted her eyes at her son and explained, "My son loves pretty girls. That's why he wants you to hug him, Blair. Sheffield, come here before your uncle Wesley gets angry."

Ingrid picked her son up from Wesley's arms and sat him down on her lap.

Blair turned to look at Wesley and was unsurprised with his expressionless face. She playfully reached for Sheffield and said, "Ingrid, let me play with him for a while. I don't have anything else to do. Hi baby, do you want a hug?"

Sheffield giggled and practically threw himself into Blair's arms. His little face glowed from a light within, and his miniature fingers grasped hers and held tight.

After a while, Mooney came back carrying paper bags in his hands. Blair and Sheffield were squatted under a tree, observing ants, while Wesley was chatting with Ingrid.

Wesley got up and took the paper bags politely. "Thank you for the medicines, Grandpa Mooney."

"No worries. Decoct the herbs with red dates. One pack of herbs should last you three days. Drink the liquid three times a day. There are five packs in total. I think fifteen days is enough to cure your wife," Mooney said.

Blair walked up to them holding Sheffield's hand, and upon hearing Mooney's words, she cried out, "Five packages? Three times a day?" Suffice it to say, Blair wasn't very fond of Chinese medicines because they were bitter.

Mooney chuckled at her response. "If you two want to become parents, you must take the medicines. Otherwise, the chances of you getting pregnant are very slim."

Blair cast a reproachful glance at Wesley. 'It's all his fault! Why does he want to have a child so urgently?'

Ingrid laughed, picking her son up and said, "Don't complain, Blair. It's only for two weeks. I know people who have to take Chinese medicines for almost a year. You should be thankful for being so lucky."

Wesley looked at the paper bags and then asked Blair, "You know you don't have to take these medicines if you don't want to, right?"

"But you said you wanted to have a baby. What choice do I have apart from these medicines?"

"I am okay with not having a child," said Wesley. The seriousness in his voice showed that he meant every word. If Blair really didn't want to have a baby, he would not force her.

Mooney smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Look at my great-grandson. Isn't he lovely? Don't you want a baby as lovely as him for yourselves?" Mooney gestured with his eyes at Sheffield, who seemed busy playing with his own fingers.

Blair looked at Sheffield and then sighed heavily, "He is so cute. I'll have these medicines." 'If Wesley wants to have a baby, I'll do it for him.'

The thought of having a baby as lovely as Sheffield and Patrick gave Blair more confidence.

Mooney nodded and then said, "Apart from helping with pregnancy, these medicines have other benefits!"

"Really?" Blair's eyes widened.

"Yes! These medicines can help with the tummy ache during your period as well," said Mooney.

"That's great!" Stomach aches and cramps were problems she dreaded during her period. Blair felt relieved to know that the medicines would work to help her in more than one way.

After saying their goodbyes to Mooney, Ingrid and Sheffield, Wesley and Blair then went to the supermarket first, so they could buy some red dates and a pot to decoct the medicines.

After they got home, Blair wanted to decoct the medicines on her own, but Wesley wouldn't allow it.

He insisted on decocting the medicines for her. After almost two hours, he entered the study with a bowl of thick, mushy black liquid and found Blair working on her laptop. "Wash your hands and drink this," he said.

The whole apartment reeked of an acrid odor that came from the Chinese medicines.

Like a helpless child, Blair stared at the bowl apprehensively and pouted her lips. Unfortunately, she would have to drink the medicinal liquid even though she didn't want to.

She reluctantly dragged herself in and out of the bathroom to wash her hands before she picked up the bowl and blew on it to cool it down a bit.

Wesley went back to the kitchen to clean up and hopefully get rid of the smell, but when he came back to the study, he found Blair reading a book next to the bowl which was still full.

He shook his head as he picked up the bowl, stood in front of her and snatched her book away. "Drink it now. The colder it gets, the bitterer it will taste."

"Really?" Blair couldn't believe her ears. She was waiting for it to cool down so she could chug the whole thing in one go.

"Of course! I would never lie to you," said Wesley with an air of urgency. Fortunately, the liquid was not that cold yet.

Blair picked up the bowl with two hands and took a sip. Her face contorted almost as soon as her taste buds registered the bitterness. It was the first time she had taken Chinese medicines and she prayed for it to be the last. "Water...I want water..."

Wesley, however, didn't move. "If you drink a mouthful of water after every sip, you won't be able to finish this bowl. Just drink it already. I'll go get some snacks for you." He turned around and left the study.

Blair sighed helplessly and watched him leave. She now realized how important it was to be in good health—at least then she wouldn't have to deal with this torture.

When Wesley came back, Blair was still staring at the bowl. He showed her a bag of plum candies and said, "You can only have these after you finish that bowl."

Wesley knew Blair wouldn't like drinking the Chinese medicines, and he was thoughtful enough to buy her some plum candies at the supermarket.

Having no choice, Blair took a deep breath, raised the bowl to her lips and drank as much as she could.

After what felt like an eternity, she only managed to drink two-thirds of it. "Wesley, can you use less water next time when you decoct the medicines?" she complained.

Wesley tried his best to hold back his laughter. "To tell you the truth, I ladled less liquid this time. Tomorrow, you'll need to drink one third more than this," he explained.

"What?" Blair was shocked at his words.

She ate a plum candy to ease the bitterness in her mouth.

After that, she drank the remaining liquid in the bowl. "Great!" Wesley praised her and planted a kiss on her lips.

"I'm not a kid. Your trick won't work on me," she said in a playful voice.

Wesley bit his tongue and winked at her as he took the empty bowl to the kitchen.

In the evening, the two of them lay in bed together, Blair's head on his arm. Wesley was playing on his phone when suddenly Blair called out, "Wesley!"

"Hmm?" He cast a glance at her and then looked back at his phone screen.

"Why are you not mad at me?" she asked.

Wesley locked his phone and put it aside. He kissed her on the lips and then asked, "Why should I be mad at you?"

"Niles and I..." she stammered.

"He wouldn't dare," he simply said.

Besides, Wesley knew his brother very well. Niles only ever regarded Blair as his sister-in-law.

If she had known that Wesley wouldn't fall for it, Blair wouldn't have made a fool of herself.

Suddenly, Wesley's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and then looked at the woman next to him. "Sweetie, I need to take this call on the balcony."

Blair's heart sank. 'Why does he have to answer that phone call on the balcony?' "Is it something serious?" she asked.

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