Take My Breath Away

Chapter 734 - Is Megan Crying

"Why do they hate you? And why are you so scared of them?" Wesley's face displayed the confusion that was in his mind perfectly. He had doubts as to whether Blair really spoke to Megan like that.

"I don't know... I feel like Aunt Blair and Debbie aren't very fond of me. Perhaps it has something to do with you and Uncle Carlos adopting me and treating me so well. They don't seem happy about that..." Megan spoke in a pitiful tone.

Blair, standing in the doorway, was overwhelmed by an urge to slap the hypocritical girl's face. Clenching her teeth, Blair tried to keep her anger in check.

Oblivious to Blair's presence, Wesley took a look at his wristwatch and said, "Don't think about it too much. We're obligated to take care of you. I..."

"Uncle Wesley!" Megan chimed in.

A hint of impatience flashed in his eyes. "What now?"

"I don't know how to say this, but I saw Aunt Blair with another man last time. They seemed...very intimate. It was the same man who tried to kill me... Aah! Aunt...Blair?" Megan drew a sharp gasp of shock all of a sudden. She stared at the doorway, pretending that she was shocked by Blair's presence.

Wearing a smirk on her face, Blair couldn't help but applaud for Megan's excellent performance.

When Wesley turned around and saw Blair walking in, his eyes sparkled with excitement. He had missed her so much. "Blair," he called out to her.

Blair, however, did not give him a response. Instead, she walked up to the bed, gently placing her purse on the night stand and grabbed a glass of water. Staring at the water for a moment, as if to think, Blair suddenly shifted her gaze towards the girl lying in bed. "Did you fall sick?"

"Yes..." Megan looked at her, terror evident in her eyes.

Wesley was surprised to see such look in Megan's eyes. That was the same look she had with Debbie around. Why was she so afraid of Blair too?

Before Wesley could put his finger on the matter, Blair poured the water onto Megan's face without warning. "Ah!" the sick girl screamed.

Megan was soaking wet mess, her mouth agape and eyes protruding from their sockets in astonishment.

Wesley quickly pulled out a few tissues and was about to wipe Megan's face, but Blair grabbed hold of his arm. When he gave her a puzzled look, Blair stared into his eyes and said, "Wesley, do you think it is appropriate for you to care for her so much in front of me?"

He glanced at the tissues in his hand and then at Blair. "Be good. Don't make a fuss right now."

Blair sneered, her hands still holding his. "I wonder why most men get easily fooled by pathetic girls? Of course, you are no exception. Right?"

Wesley shifted his gaze towards the girl lying in bed. "Megan, don't ever say such things again. If you do it again, I won't take care of you anymore." He didn't hesitate to tell her off.

Wesley could turn a blind eye to Megan's impertinence as he didn't want to argue with her over trivial matters, but that didn't mean he would allow her to wrong Blair.

The sternness in Wesley's voice startled Megan. Perhaps it wasn't wise of her to go overboard. Instead of playing the victim, she immediately started to apologize. "I am so sorry for disappointing you, Uncle Wesley. I must have seen it wrong. In any case, I shouldn't have said that about Aunt Blair. Please, forgive me."

Blair let go of Wesley's arm. He handed Megan the tissues. "Wipe your face. I'll have the maid change your bed sheet."

Blair couldn't stand to be there anymore. The mere thought of the man she loved being tender to another woman drove her up the wall. Exasperated, she turned around and left the room.

Wesley ran after her at once. He gripped her hand, but she jerked free from him. With a deadpan face, she looked at the man and said, "I just want to be alone right now. Don't follow me."

"You don't know the place too well. Let me come with you."

"No, thanks."

Suddenly, the sound of Megan's phone ringing in her room caught their attention. They both heard her answer the phone. "Hello, who is this? What are you talking about? No! I'm not Megan Lan! Don't call me again... Ah! Help!"

Megan's high-pitched shrieks reverberated around the whole second floor. Wesley threw a worried glance towards her bedroom and told quickly Blair, "I'll go check up on her. Wait for me here. Don't leave."

When Wesley ran inside, Megan was curled up in bed, shivering like a dry leaf and her phone was on the floor. He picked it up and immediately checked the call log. He tried calling back the number, but it didn't go through. He tried calling again a few more times until there was an automated voice saying that the number was no longer in service.

"I'll keep your phone with me for now. Just stay here and get some rest. Don't go out."

"Uncle Wesley, please don't leave me alone..." she begged him.

Wesley, however, dashed out of the room before she could finish talking, only to find that Blair was gone.

He quickly ran downstairs and found only the maid busying herself in the kitchen. "Freda, did you see Blair just now?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah. I just saw her leave in a hurry."

Wasting no more time, Wesley put on his boots and ran outside where he saw a taxi driving away.

'Where is she going?'

As he hopped into his own car, he called Blair's phone. He didn't think she would answer his call, but unexpectedly, she picked it up in a heartbeat. "Honey, where are you?" he asked, sounding concerned.

Blair was actually hiding in a corner, watching him and smiling to herself. "I'm leaving."

"Let's go back to Y City together."

"No need. Don't come home yet. Please take your time to finish your work first."

Blair sounded chirpy, not a hint of anger in her voice.

That was unusual. Wesley started the engine. "I'm coming to you. We need to talk."

"Fine. I'll wait for you at the airport."

"Okay, I'll see you there." With that, Wesley sped away to the airport.

The soldier didn't know that Blair was just hiding behind the bushes.

Just as his car went out of sight, Blair went back into the Li family's house.

Freda was stunned to see her back so soon. "Mrs. Li? Didn't you just go out? Mr. Li was looking for you just now."

"I know. Thanks, Freda. I left something here."

"Oh, I see!" Freda didn't know what was going on between them, nor was she in a position to pry into her employer's business. As such, she didn't bother to ask anything else.

Blair returned to Megan's room and knocked on her door. When she opened the door, Megan had already changed into her pajamas. She looked at Blair contemptuously and said, "Did you two argue over me again?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but you're not that important to me. Why would I quarrel with Wesley over you? Who do you think you are?" Blair leaned against the door frame casually.

"Then why did you come back?" Megan pulled a long face.

Blair stood up straight. "I came back to teach you a lesson on behalf of your uncle!"


Blair's words were followed by the thundering sound of a loud slap. The suddenness of the act caught Megan by surprise.

Since there was nobody else there, Megan didn't need to pretend to be a weak girl. In an instant, she narrowed her eyes and glared at Blair. "How dare you! I might lose to Debbie, but you? I'm sure I can defeat you easily. What if Wesley sees me lying on the floor with a red mark on my face?"

"Why don't you give it a shot?"

Smack! Blair delivered another tight slap across her face.

Blair didn't care what Wesley would think of her. She wasn't afraid of being misunderstood by him, because if push came to shove, she would just leave him.

Wesley had almost arrived at the airport when he received a call from Blair. "Wesley, I'm at your house."

Wesley slammed the brakes and slewed to a stop in a cloud of dust. He had been fooled by the woman.

Immediately, he made a U-turn in the middle of the empty street and drove back home. "Wait for me there," he ordered.

"Fine. But can you hear something now?"

Wesley listened carefully for a moment and then sighed, "Is that Megan crying?"

"Bingo!" She let out a chuckle. "You have such good ears!"

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