Take My Breath Away

Chapter 701 - Let Him Kneel Before You

Wesley cast a glance at Blair as he stated the reason he quit smoking. 'Why is Wesley looking at me like that? I'm not part of the next generation, ' Blair thought. Apparently, his point went over her head.

'Forget the next generation. There's a bloodied jerk kneeling before me! This is so awkward, ' she cursed inwardly.

Wesley obviously had no plan to intervene. Blair tugged at his sleeve and whispered to him, "Ask him to get on his feet first."

"Why?" he asked. "Just let him kneel before you until you're ready to forgive him." 'But I never asked him to kneel before me. He did it on his own, ' she thought.

"I'm not comfortable with him on his knees. You wronged me quite a lot of times too. Why don't you get down on your knees too until I'm ready to forgive you?" Blair replied.

Wesley's eyes showed that he was perplexed. After a long pause, he said, "I'll kneel before you when we're alone." His voice was so low only Blair could hear him.

'What? I was just joking. Did he take me seriously? Did he not know it was a joke?' Blair rolled her eyes and clarified, "Gee, I was just kidding." An awkward smile appeared on her face. 'I wouldn't dare ask Mr. Perfect to kneel before me.

But now it looks like he'll never take over this current thing. In that case, I guess I have to solve it myself.

Now that this jerk is here, kneeling before me, I must take this chance to teach him a lesson.' Blair glared at Mr. Liu, her eyes like daggers. "For Wesley's sake, I will forgive you this time. But I'm warning you. If you dare mess with me again— Not just me. If you touch another woman again without their consent, I will come for you. Do you promise me?"

"I promise! I won't force anyone. If you don't believe me, I'm willing to make an oath," Mr. Liu answered hastily. To be completely honest, he wasn't that horny. The only reason he forced himself on Blair was that she was very attractive and he was drunk.

Wesley taught him a lesson that was quite hard to forget. He wouldn't dare make the same mistake again.

"All right. I hope you keep your word," Blair replied. She thought it was better to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. That way, Wesley wouldn't have to carry the burden any longer.

If she didn't forgive him tonight, things would just get more complicated. It would cause a bigger problem for Wesley. Although she didn't plan to be with Wesley, she didn't want him in trouble because of her.

The bodyguards then carried Mr. Liu out of the room. Only the five of them were left.

After some chatting, Colleen grabbed Blair's hand and asked, "You haven't eaten yet, have you? Let's go order some food!"

Blair wanted to leave. She gave Wesley a look, hoping he could read her mind. "I...I want to..." she stuttered.

"We haven't had dinner yet. Ladies, the pleasure of choosing should be yours. Thank you," Wesley interrupted Blair.

Colleen giggled and told Blair, "The club has a couple of new dishes. Some of my friends told me the new dishes were very good. Blair, try them and tell me if they are tasty. If they are, I'd like to send one of our chefs here to learn from them."

Blair didn't know how to turn her down and could only nod her head. "Okay. I'll try them out."

They found the menu and began to discuss what they should order.

"Ooh, this looks nice. By the way, Blair, I heard that you and Wesley were fighting. Is it because he married someone else?" Colleen pried.

Blair remained silent for a while, not knowing whether to nod or shake her head. Finally, she answered, "I know it was his mission."

"Then why did you start a fight with him? Blair, I'm not defending him. I'm on your side. I only want the best for you two. You love him, and he loves you. I really hope you two end up together." Blair and Colleen were not really that close, and the latter didn't want Blair to get the wrong idea.

Blair gave her a polite smile. "I know what you mean. Thank you, Colleen."

"I'm glad you understand, Blair. Even though we don't really hang out that often, I can tell you're a nice girl. Just like Debbie. And I know for a fact that Wesley loves you very much. Curtis used to complain a lot how Wesley wasn't getting in touch with him in the two years he was undercover. How about you? He must have contacted you, right?" Colleen's expression turned mischievous.

Blair blushed at her words. "He has, but..." Her voice trailed off. After a short pause, she decided to be honest. "Actually, I don't really blame him. The reason I can't stay with him is not because of him, but because of me. I've been waiting for him for too long. I'm just exhausted."

"But his mission is over now. You don't need to wait anymore. He is now the youngest senior colonel in the country. He is a chick magnet. Are you sure you want to give up on him?"

Blair cast a glance at Wesley, who was playing billiards with Damon and Curtis. He looked so attractive when he was focused on something. Her hands balled into fists as she answered, "Yes, he is indeed a chick magnet. But I'm just an ordinary woman. I don't deserve him."

"What are you talking about, Blair? You are not ordinary at all! Even if you were, so what? As long as Wesley loves you, that's all that matters." Colleen tried her best to comfort Blair.

She also heard that Blair struggled with her mental health but refused to seek professional help. She guessed Blair must have been suffering with depression. She really wanted to help Blair. 'Why are Blair's and Debbie's lives so difficult?' she thought sadly.

Blair shook her head slowly, her eyes full of desperation. Not wanting to continue with the topic, she forced a smile and said,

"Thank you for your concern, Colleen. Let's continue ordering the food, shall we?"

Colleen sighed. There was nothing she could do but drop the topic for now. "This bamboo shoots soup looks nice. Would you like to try it?"

"Why not? I'd like to give it a try."

"Okay. Let me see other dishes. Oh by the way, have you seen Debbie recently?" Colleen asked.

"No." Blair shook her head. Debbie was yet to get in touch with anyone after she left Y City.

Not long after Debbie had left, Wesley had left for D City as well. Blair had been too concerned about Wesley's safety to care enough about Debbie.

"She's in Z Country now. Last time I was there, I heard she'd become a pop star. I wanted to visit her, but Curtis stopped me. He said maybe she wanted to be left alone, and asked me to not disturb her."

"Really?" Blair sank into her thoughts for a moment. "Maybe Mr. Huo's death has something to do with it. I can imagine how traumatizing a loved one's death could be." Two years had passed, but Blair still couldn't believe Debbie betrayed Carlos.

Blair thought she and Debbie were the same. Even if Wesley left for ten years, she would still love him and remain faithful to him.

That was when Colleen decided to tell Blair the truth. After all, Blair was not an outsider. "Didn't Wesley tell you? Carlos is still alive!"

"What?" Blair was frozen in awe. She never knew it was possible.

"Yeah! We just heard. Wesley found out even later. Wesley, Damon and Curtis believe there's something wrong with James. They suspect he's hiding something. They're going to talk about it later."

Blair blinked in disbelief. "Then where's Mr. Huo? Why hasn't he contacted Debbie?"

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