Take My Breath Away

Chapter 685 - Because I'm In Love

Blair's birthday was on lunar June 6th. Chinese Valentine's Day came a month after.

It had been one month since Wesley's last phone call. Blair kept herself busy at work every day, doing overtime to keep her mind off him.

Life was dull without Wesley.

On the eve of Chinese Valentine's Day, Talbot called her out of the blue.

'Why is Talbot calling me? Did something happen to Wesley?' she wondered anxiously and picked up the phone in a hurry.

"Talbot, what's up?" she asked.

"It's me." Wesley's voice came from the other end.

Blair gave a sigh of relief. "Are you with Talbot?" she asked.

"Yeah. What do you want as your present?"

"Huh?" she asked, confused as to what he was talking about.

"Tomorrow is lunar July 7th," Wesley reminded her. He had heard that this festival meant a lot to women. But apparently, Blair didn't even seem to know that this festival was the next day.

Blair was surprised that Wesley remembered. She smiled. "I'm surprised that you remembered. It isn't like you at all." Wesley had changed a lot.

"Because I'm in love," he replied simply.

Blair blushed, her heart leaping out from her chest. She remained indifferent even though she had been looking forward to Chinese Valentine's Day for the past month. "You don't have to buy me anything."


"Huh?" she blurted in shock.

"I called to wish you. I may not have time to talk to you tomorrow."

"Oh." Blair's face fell when she realized that she would be out of touch with him once again.

"Happy lunar July 7th, Blair!"

"Thank you, Wesley. Same to you," she said with a sincere smile.

"I have to go now. Take care of yourself," Wesley said softly.


And the phone call ended just like that.

By the time Blair got off work the next day, she had gotten neither a call nor any presents from Wesley.

'It's true that I told him he didn't have to buy me a present. But I didn't think he really wasn't going to get me anything, ' she thought sadly.

She looked at the rose bunny and scolded through clenched teeth, imagining the bunny to be him, "Seriously? Nothing? You choose to listen to my words now?

Fine. Don't give me anything. I don't want it anyway. You just wait till I see you next time!"

She gave an irritated snort and then posted an update on Moments. "Ladies, today's a special day. We shouldn't spend it alone. I'm going out to find myself a gigolo. Anybody coming with me?"

Soon, many left comments on her update. Some joked, "Count me in."

"You're right. There's a club in New District. You can go there and have some fun. Those men are cute."

"Blair, you're so cool. Good luck!"

"Blair, aren't you afraid that your husband might see this post?"

"I'll be your gigolo. Come to me."

Blair read all the comments, but none of them were from the person she was looking forward to.

Then it occurred to her that she had blocked Wesley's WeChat account earlier. She had posted that update on purpose to make him jealous, without realizing that he couldn't even see it.

Blair sighed in defeat. She was bored at home and decided to take a walk.

As she was about to leave her apartment complex, she got a call from Talbot.

"Hi Blair," he said.


"Yeah. Can you come to our chief's apartment right now?"

"Eastern Coastal Apartments?"


"What's wrong?" she asked. 'Wasn't Wesley with Talbot yesterday? Is he back?'

"Chief asked me to get something from his apartment. I came back to get it, but I forgot to get the key from him."

"Oh," she answered, disappointed that Wesley wasn't back. "But, I don't have it either." She had returned her key to Wesley when she had moved out of his apartment.

"What about your fingerprint?"

"Um, I could give it a try." She wasn't sure if Wesley had removed her fingerprint from the scanner.

"Excellent!" Talbot exclaimed.

Blair walked to the bus stop.

Before she could get there, a green car came to a halt in front of her. The car window rolled down, revealing Garnet's face. "Blair, where are you going? I'll give you a lift."

After a second's hesitation, Blair opened the door and got in. "Thanks. Why are you here?"

"I'm just passing through." Garnet started the car and drove on.

"I'm heading for Eastern Coastal Apartments," Blair said.

Garnet nodded and drove towards the apartment complex.

Both women were quiet. It was getting awkward, so Blair spoke first. "I never got the chance to thank you for saving me when I was kidnapped. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Garnet said casually.

She was just doing her job. She would have done the same, no matter who the victim had been that day.

It was quiet once again inside the car.

Ten-odd minutes later, they arrived at the apartments. "Thank you again. Drive safely," Blair said after getting out of the car.

"Okay," Garnet responded.

Blair turned to leave. "Blair," Garnet called from behind her.

She turned around to look at Garnet. "I hope you won't contact Wesley again. Your phones had been bugged and he almost died protecting you. He is on an extremely dangerous mission this time. Even his parents never contact him."

Blair gaped at her words. "Is he okay? Where is he?" she asked anxiously.

Garnet looked at the apartment building behind Blair without answering her question. "Bye," she said to her before driving off.

Worried to death, Blair hurried inside, hoping to ask Talbot about Wesley.

She took the elevator, Garnet's words ringing in her head. But when she reached Wesley's floor, Talbot was nowhere to be found.

She called him, but his phone had been turned off.

She placed her finger on the fingerprint scanner. With a beep, the door unlocked. Wesley hadn't erased her fingerprint from the scanner.

Blair let out a sigh of relief. She pushed the door open, walked inside and turned on the lights.

Everything was the same as the day she had moved out.

She walked around, reminiscent of the past. For the longest time, she stood in front of Wesley's bedroom. The door was closed.

She grabbed the doorknob and turned. Suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist. "Aargh!" she screamed.

"Shh! It's me!" A firm hand covered her mouth to stop her from screaming further. She was held fast against a broad chest, and a familiar scent wafted into her nose.

Her heart drummed with excitement. Her eyes brimmed with tears. Removing his hand from her mouth, she asked, "When did you come back? Where's Talbot?"

Wesley didn't answer her. Lowering his head, he gave her a gentle kiss on her full lips. Her beautiful lips had kept him awake on so many lonely nights. "Blair, happy lunar July 7th!"

She looked at him tearfully. "Are you hurt? Let me have a look at you."

She reached out her hands to examine him, but Wesley grabbed them and said, "I'm here to be with you. Nothing else matters. I have only two hours. So, let's not waste any more time."

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