Take My Breath Away

Chapter 683 - Preserved Roses Bunny

Without further ado, Wesley took something out of his pocket, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Orion. It was a red certificate. "Orion, you're not new in China. I believe you know military marriage is protected by the law."

The red certificate gave Orion a bad feeling.

He opened it. As he read, his eyes widened in shock.

On the certificate were Blair and Wesley's names. And their pictures.

'So, Blair's married?' According to the date on the certificate, they got married only a couple of days ago.

'Blair married Wesley?' Orion shook his head. His mind refused to accept the idea, but he couldn't ignore the pain inside him.

Orion scratched his head, his heart full of sadness as he tried to come to terms with the revelation. "So..." Orion looked at Wesley, at a loss for words, his heart aching.

Wesley put away the marriage certificate and stood up. He loomed, his very presence making Orion feel small.

"Keep your distance from my wife from now on,"

Wesley warned.

Then he turned and left.

One love rival down. Wesley smiled inwardly. This was too easy.

Orion remained in his chair, devastated. His love had just been shattered into pieces and scattered on the wind.

The next day, Blair felt Orion act weird around her. He had been avoiding her and was even cold toward her. She decided to talk to him.

What frustrated her even more was that Wesley, who had promised he would never let her go the night before, was now gone.

Blair didn't see him even once in the next two months.

As time went by, she couldn't help but think of herself as an idiot. She had believed him that night. She'd hung on his every word.

On her birthday, Blair received a birthday gift when she was at work. It was a gift box. She had no idea whom it was from.

Blair opened the gift. Lying in the middle of a velvet cloth was a ring, the giant lilac diamond on it shining brightly.

Along with the ring was a colored card.

"Wait for me," it said. The signature was L.

"Wesley," Blair whispered. She covered her mouth, tears of happiness streaming down her face. Warmth flooded her as she thought about their time together.

That man was so irritating. Infuriating, even. He had been missing for two months. Just when she started resenting him and hating him, he surprised her like this.

Before she could wipe her eyes, a courier showed up with a big transparent gift box. "Who is Blair Jing?" he asked. She raised her hand. "I am."

"Your husband sent you a birthday gift," the courier said. "Please sign for it. Thank you."

It was lunch time. Some of her colleagues hadn't gone out for lunch yet. When they saw what was inside the box, they were even more excited than the birthday girl. "Oh, my God! It's a customized preserved roses bunny!"

"Whoa! This is the first time I've seen it in person." "This is so romantic! Blair, I'm so envious."

"Blair, come on, go sign for it." "Who sent it?"

The questions came hard and fast. But Blair herself was too confused to answer any of them. 'My husband?' She walked up to the courier, pulled him farther from the crowd and whispered, "Who is it from?" She herself didn't even know when she got married.

Her eyes were still on the gift. The bunny was made of preserved Ecuadorian roses, more than one meter tall.

When the box stood straight, it reached up to Blair's waist.

The courier gave a bashful smile. "The gift giver asked me to say it was from your husband, and to say it loudly."

Blair frowned. It was an odd request.

She looked on every side of the box but there was no signature, only the gift inside.

"Then I can't sign for it. I have no husband. You can go now." She didn't think the gift was from Wesley. That man wasn't the romantic type. Even the ring a moment ago had been a surprise. Last time, when she asked him to buy her a bouquet of roses, he had said no. How could he have possibly bought her a bunny made of roses?

Convinced it couldn't be from him, she wanted no part of the gift.

Her colleagues all disagreed when they heard her words. They crowded around her, offering opinions, their voices making it hard to separate each person. "Blair, do you know how much this is?" "I think this is the tallest preserved roses bunny. I saw it on the website once. It costs more than one hundred thousand!" "Come on, sign for it!"

"My gosh! All that money just for a bunny? Blair, your husband is rich!" "When did you get married?" "What does he do?"

"This is killing me!"

On and on the flurry of questions and statements came.

Caught in the storm stirred by the gift, Blair grew upset. This had to be some kind of practical joke.

The courier suddenly pointed at the lower right corner of the box and asked, "Look! Does that remind you of anyone?"

Blair looked carefully. The letter "L" was written with a black marker.

Blair's eyes grew round. Had it really been from Wesley? As excited as she was, she tried to deny it.

She didn't want to believe he'd sent this gift. He wasn't that kind of guy. Someone must be impersonating him.

She started pushing the man toward the door. "Let's talk outside. You've made a mistake. This isn't for me."

"But it is for you," the courier exclaimed. "Look. Your employee ID says your name is Blair Jing with the translation team. That's what it says on the address. Just take it. I'm running late for my next delivery."

Just then, Blair's phone rang. It was Niles.

"Hi, Blair, have you gotten my brother's gift?"

"What gift?"

"The preserved Ecuadorian roses bunny. He had it customized two months ago. To make sure nothing went wrong, he asked me to supervise it. Haven't you received it yet?"

Blair opened and closed her mouth. She could not find the words. But her heart was filled with such joy. It was him. It was really Wesley. She grinned from ear to ear.

Since when had that man been so romantic?

"I thought it wasn't from him. I was considering rejecting it," she said honestly.

"It's from him. Sign for it. Then I have done my job," Niles said.

Blair signed. The courier left.

She decided to move the box into the lounge so that it wouldn't distract anybody. She used one hand at first, but it was quite heavy and didn't budge at all. She had to use both hands to get it to move. "What got into your brother? Why did he send me this? I once couldn't even get him to buy me a bouquet of roses."

"Who knows?" Niles said. "He has been acting weird. He wouldn't lend me money or buy me things, but he got you an apartment, buys you clothes and other things, and he even bought you such a fancy gift. Ugh, I envy you so much. By the way, I don't think this is his type of thing either. I doubted it, but he did call me and asked me to supervise this matter."

"Okay. Do you know where he is?" Blair asked, her tone sad.

"No way!" Niles exclaimed. "I would have expected you would know where he is. Although I didn't know either until I heard my grandpa say that he went to D City. He has been transferred."

"Transferred to D City?" Blair frowned.

"Yes," Niles said.

'This is huge, ' Blair thought. 'Why didn't he tell me?' She swallowed her sorrow and asked, "How long will he be there? When is he coming back?"

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