Take My Breath Away

Chapter 680 - Marriage Certificate

Seeing that he was unable to change Wesley's mind, General Zhao had no choice but to give in. After all, he was proud of Wesley. "You win." He threw up his hands in a helpless gesture, his voice tired. "As long as you sign the document and agree to get transferred to D City, I'll sign your marriage application forms. Now, go fetch your document."

Wesley saluted to express his gratitude and left the office to fetch the document. He soon returned with the transfer agreement. While Wesley signed it, the old man did the same on the marriage application forms.

After all the procedures, Wesley got the marriage licenses the next morning.

He couldn't help the need to share the good news with Blair, but she was still at work. He had to find something else to do to kill the time.

By the time Wesley headed home, it was about 8 o'clock in the evening, a silver moon high in the sky. When he opened the door, Blair, who was packing her stuff in the walk-in closet, paused for a while before continuing on. He eased the envelope with the marriage licenses in it from his pocket, a nervous flutter in his belly.

After a deep breath, Wesley walked in and reached out to Blair, the envelope in his hand. "Take a look!" he smiled.

Blair paused, but she didn't say anything, nor did she take the envelope. She returned to folding her clothes.

A bit anxious, Wesley grabbed her wrist. "Look at it!"

Blair looked at him, her eyes full of sarcasm. "A shameless woman like me doesn't deserve to look at your stuff."

Wesley hung his head, her words stinging him. "I'm sorry for what I said." He'd been mad at her for drugging him, and had allowed his anger to get the best of him, which led to a slip of the tongue. A slip he wished he could take back. But words were like arrows, and once fired, they could not be called back.

Blair, of course, would not forgive him that easily. Glaring at him, she snorted. Then she grabbed the envelope, shook off his hand, walked to her door, and threw the envelope out of her bedroom. She pointed at the living room, voice like ice. "Get out!"

Wesley's face darkened.

His mood became black, dampening the joy, the earlier excitement, and the dreamy occasion he had envisioned.

"Wesley Li, I don't want to see your face right now. You may leave," Blair added coldly.

Wesley didn't move.

Blair took a deep breath before going back to the walk-in closet to continue packing her stuff.

However, just as she was about to pick up a shirt, Wesley grabbed her hand, a helpless feeling running through him. "Blair, please, just look at the thing in the envelope."

"I said no!" Blair struggled.

Wesley pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

Her familiar fragrance reached Wesley's nose, and he unconsciously held her closer to him. The love bites on her neck reminded him of the crazy night they had.

A warm current coursed through his belly. He originally wanted to force her to take a look at the marriage licenses in the envelope, but now all he wanted to do was fuck her. The feel of her filled his mind, his every thought, and he felt himself grow hard.

Wesley's eyes were dark beads full of lust. Desire. Hunger. Blair suddenly had a bad feeling about it. His eyes reminded her of a wild predator about to pounce on its prey. She wanted to run away from him as far as she could. But it was already too late.

His Adam's apple bobbed. He lowered his head and kissed her rosy lips, which had been torturing him for the past few days.

He scooped her up, strode into the bedroom, and threw her onto the bed. Another crazy night ensued. A night full of love and lust, teasing and playing, soft touches and exploration, which turned into sucking and fucking and every position they could imagine. On the bed, the floor, against the wall, in the closet, at the window...No space or part of their bodies was left untouched.

When he woke groggily the next morning, Wesley took a moment to gather himself. He eased up and glanced at Blair, admiring the sleeping woman's beauty. Then, he got dressed, went into the living room, and picked up the envelope from the floor.

He took out the two marriage licenses from the envelope, a satisfied smile on his face.

Then he put the empty envelope on the table and tucked the licenses into his breast pocket.

He returned to Blair's room, planted a kiss on the sleeping woman's forehead, and left the apartment.

When he closed the door behind him, he looked at the door as if he could see through it.

Regret hung like a thick cloak.

Never had he been this regretful before.

In his heart, he knew he should have agreed to Blair's marriage proposal a few years ago. If he had done so, they would have been leading a happy married life all these years. Maybe they would even have had one or two children.

And more importantly, he would have been able to make love to her every night. That was truly amazing. A treasure.

'But it's still not too late now.' Wesley felt warm inside when he thought that Blair was his wife. The very idea made him smile.

Now that they were married, she would always be his, whether he was here or abroad. A soldier's marriage was under the protection of law. Even if he went to carry out a mission and was not by Blair's side, no man would dare to get close to her.

Thinking of this, Wesley realized he had made a wise decision to get the marriage licenses.

Wesley got what he wanted and was on cloud nine. Blair, however, was in the opposite situation. To her, he had taken her virginity, asked her to take the morning-after pill and disappeared for a few days. Then he came back and fucked her again without an explanation. 'Am I just a booty call to him?'

She had to ask for a day's leave again, which made the department manager a little unhappy.

Wesley was too hard on her the previous night. He had been an insatiable beast. She felt like a truck had rolled over her body. And yet, as much as she disliked admitting it, as much as she was sore, she felt great. After giving the department manager the call, she went back to sleep.

When she woke up again, it was already in the afternoon. She went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Unintentionally, her eyes were drawn to the love bites on her neck again. They made her not want to leave the apartment because she knew eyes would be on her. On them. She would be ashamed.

After having a warm bath, she put on her pajamas. Then she remembered something.

She went to the living room to look for the envelope on the floor, but to no avail. Then, she saw it on the table.

She picked it up and opened it, but there was nothing inside.

'Why did he give me an empty envelope?'

She thought for a long while, but couldn't come up with an answer. She would not ask Wesley. 'Whatever! I don't want to talk to him again.'

What happened next shocked her out of her wits. Something happened to Debbie! More accurately, Carlos, Debbie and Emmett were involved in a serious car accident.

Blair got the news from Colleen. When she heard that Emmett died at the scene and Carlos' life hung in the balance, she was dumbfounded.

She had once overheard Colleen say Debbie was pregnant.

Though Blair and Debbie had only met a couple of times, they had a good relationship. She really liked Debbie. Blair couldn't help but worry about the woman.

She wanted to go visit Debbie, but before she could do so, she got the news that Joslyn had been wheeled into the labor room. She was going to give birth at any time.

Torn between seeing Joslyn or Debbie, Blair made a quick decision. Joslyn's hospital was nearby. Since Blair didn't know where Debbie was, it made sense to go to keep Joslyn company. After all, Joslyn was her best friend.

Two hours later, Joslyn gave birth to a healthy boy. The Ji family members were thrilled at the good news.

Joslyn named the boy Patrick Ji.

After keeping her best friend company for a while, Blair went to look for Debbie. But she didn't find her, and Debbie's phone was off. She went to many places Debbie would frequent, asking if anyone had heard anything or seen her, but to no avail.

Left with no choice, she decided to call Wesley for help, though she was still mad at him. But his phone was off too. She then learned from Adalson that Wesley was on an urgent mission. It would take him a couple of days to return.

Desperate, Blair turned to her cousin, Hartwell. Maybe he would have better luck.

Meanwhile, news spread of the accident and scandals about Debbie. There were stories that she cheated on Carlos. Someone said she divorced Carlos and had an abortion after knowing his life hung in the balance.

Days passed and Blair still could not find Debbie. She was in a panic. To make matters worse, Wesley still had not returned from his mission.

One of Hartwell's men saw Debbie, but before he could follow her, she got into a car and disappeared.

Then came the news that Carlos died.

Wesley finally came back. Ignoring the fact that they weren't on speaking terms, Blair called him and said urgently, "Debbie's got it bad. You need to help her."

"Calm down. I'm on my way." The moment Wesley came back to Y City, one of his men told him that Carlos had a car accident and Curtis asked him to call back.

He called Curtis, but Curtis told him Carlos was dead. Wesley's heart sank. "Are you kidding me? If so, this isn't funny at all!" he spat, refusing to believe it.

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