Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1212 - Founder-tier Body Technique, Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley!  

Chapter 1212: Founder-tier Body Technique, Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley!

“Ulan, Xia Fei, and anyone related to him and their clans or sects must die!”

Hearing that sentence, Xia Fei’s eyes immediately shone blood red, and his killing intent exploded!

Everyone had their bottom line, and people targeting Xia Fei or the people around him was definitely something that went well past his bottom line!

Xia Fei felt a rush of relief now that he was infuriated. With a cold snort, Xia Fei did not say anything. Radix knew very well that this was by no means a good sign. The calmer Xia Fei appeared, the more it meant there was no salvaging the situation. His mind was already made up.

Though these men were Fuchen’s sect brother and disciples, and they were also Unrestricted Spiritualists like Xia Fei, that was no longer a problem. Xia Fei had already determined that this was a matter that would not be resolved without the death of the other! Even if Fuchen were to suddenly come back and stop him, Xia Fei would still deal the killing blow!

Inside the room, Shu Yuhe and Fan Zhong were staring at Nan Shazi. They felt that Lingxing and the others were making a somewhat unreasonable demand, and so they sought their master’s opinion.

They saw Nan Shazi nod his head slightly, so Shu Yuhe replied with knitted eyebrows, “Okay, we’ll agree to your condition. However, we need to postpone this matter. We’ll require at least three month’s time in order to organize things on our side.”

What he meant by organize was none other than demarcating the lines between who was friend or foe. Once the factionalization was complete, those who were aligned against the Dark Spiritualists would then face a merciless massacre, to the full extent of their might!

Lingxing nodded, and handed a letter to Shu Yuhe, “This here is the distribution of power pertaining to Fuchen, as well as a list of important names. We have time, so we can wait.”

Shu Yuhe was annoyed, “Hmph. You’ve even got a name list, so why haven’t your people acted?”

Hei Wuji replied, “It’s not good for there to be internal conflicts. There are some things that are inconvenient for us to do, or to put it in another way, if both parties present today did not need help from one another, there would have been no way for us to collaborate so successfully.”

Nan Shazi abruptly rose, laughing raucously. “I’m afraid it’s not just Fuchen’s people on that list, but also others that you wish us to eliminate! But I happen to like the deviousness you three possess!”

With that said, Nan Shazi stroded off without sparing another look at them. Ling Xing and the others followed after him, sending Nan Shazi and the others off now that their deal was done.

Xia Fei could not contain himself from lighting up a cigarette and taking a few puffs, his face practically filled with killing intent.

“In three months’ time, the Dark Spiritualists will make their move, what should we do?” Radix was worried! They had mentioned Garde 83, which was of course referring to the Aurora Clan, and Radix was infuriated.

Xia Fei shook his head, “That moment just now, I wanted to kill those three men really badly, but I don’t feel that way anymore.”

“Then what are you planning to do?” Radix asked urgently.

“Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures; I would like to find out just who is even more vicious!” Xia Fei rumbled.

He wanted to leave, yet the two custodian slaves of the Unrestricted Pavilion were still staring at him, and were blocking the way. Xia Fei realized that they had left a path open in the opposite direction.

“Hmm? Could they want me to go somewhere? Somewhere all the other Sectmasters would head to?”

With that thought in mind, Xia Fei headed in the direction that the custodian slaves had directed him toward. Neither of the moving corpses spoke, simply following behind Xia Fei.

After making several turns, Xia Fei had no idea where they were as they ended up in front of a door. The two custodian slaves proceeded to take up positions on the left and right sides, a vacant expression on their faces.

Xia Fei pushed open the door, and saw there were piles of dust-covered books inside. Xia Fei randomly picked one up to browse. Flipping through the pages, Xia Fei’s face gradually turned solemn.

“I would never have imagined… I originally believed that Fuchen had only taught me some normal Spiritualist Art this whole time. I would never have imagined that he had been teaching me the most powerful Arts of the Unrestricted Sect!” Xia Fei gasped after he set the book aside.

Radix nodded, “But of course. Just take the technique you learned to forge Soul Eyes. It is definitely a secret art from the Unrestricted Sect that they would not impart easily to just anyone! No wonder you were able to forge the most powerful Burning Eyes. It was because the things you’ve been learning were never normal from the start!”

Xia Fei was silent. He took out the Burning Eyes from his spatial ring and examined it. It was a completely red eyeball, like a burning cloud. It also seemed to be a transparent ruby, sparkling enticingly.

Xia Fei had actually learned more than half of the secret manuals here! It just went to show how attentively Fuchen had been teaching Xia Fei while they were journeying together.

He quietly stored all the manuals into his spatial ring, prodding Radix to ask curiously, “What are you doing? Isn’t it written plainly on the wall here that you’re not allowed to take these tomes out from the Unrestricted Pavilion?”

Xia Fei scoffed, “So what? As long as I set my eyes on it, it belongs to me!”

In no time at all, Xia Fei cleared out the entire library. He was now holding onto a manual called Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley, reading it avidly and letting out a low whistle.

“What is that?” Radix asked, curious.

“This here is the only book in the entire Unrestricted Pavilion that has nothing to do with Spirituality. It seemed to be a book about how to forge one’s body. I reckon the two outside have learned this and ultimately lost their souls. Their bodies are fine, which is why they are the soulless corpses you see them as now.”

Xia Fei flipped through and read the manual so quickly that it took him just several minutes before he finished it cover-to-cover. When he was done, he marveled as he exclaimed, “Sure enough, this is what is called a secret manual! This book basically deciphered the composition of sapient life, and aside from the seventh brain region, everything is under control. This thing is very important. I must take it back and study it thoroughly!”

“What grade is that manual?” Radix had to ask.

“According to the book itself, this body cultivation technique is the cloud beyond the summit,” Xia Fei said matter-of-factly.

“The cloud beyond the summit?! The highest grade attainable by body cultivation is Law God! So this is a cultivation technique that is even higher than Law God tier?! That’s far too ridiculous! Everyone knows that Law God is the apex point of body cultivation, so how could there be another tier above that?!” Radix was extremely shocked.

In some sense, body cultivation and spirit cultivation ran parallel with each other. After they perfected their physical form, cultivators would begin to strengthen their soul power. This Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley claimed that it was a cultivation technique that is even greater than Law God. How rare!

Xia Fei chuckled, “You clearly don’t understand the meaning of cloud beyond the summit. Let me give you an example: body cultivation is akin to a person coming of age into adulthood, and their body has been strengthened and is capable of standing their own. But you failed to consider one aspect: men can jump, as well!

“Using the explosive strength of the body to make a forceful leap! In that instant, would you not transcend beyond the heights that a body could achieve?!”

Radix saw sense in his words. Xia Fei was right; humans were not rocks, and after they were done developing their physical frames, they could still jump! Though it would be for a short period of time, they had the ability to shoot well past the height they had originally possessed!

“So do you mean to say that Law God is not the limit of body cultivation?!” Radix was excited.

“Definitely not. Take this Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley, for example. Using it means you can instantly reach the maximum limit!” Xia Fei was also excited now. It was not due to the book itself, but because it presented a completely new line of thinking!

A single person’s body could be strengthened through training!

A person who was 1.7m tall, able to jump 2m, could very well reach 2.1m or 2.3m higher in their jump if they trained for several years! Maybe even more!

It was such an explosive increase in might that the Law God tier could not compare!

After taking a breath, Xia Fei proceeded to store the book into his spatial ring, his eyes sparkling, “I know the grade of this manual; it’s a Founder-tier body technique!”

“A Founder-tier body technique!” Radix nearly shouted that aloud in all his excitement. His face promptly turned red as he asked, “I’ve thought of a problem. You’re a speedster, so if you cultivate this Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley…”

Xia Fei placed his two hands behind his back and affirmed, “I’ll reach near lightspeed!”

Leaving through the door, he saw the two custodian slaves were still blankly staring into space. Xia Fei had no idea why, but he suddenly sympathized with their plight.

“What is a person without a soul like? Are you two suffering?”


Radix nearly sputtered audibly when he saw Xia Fei begin to feel closer to these two walking corpses.

The custodian slaves did not seem to understand what Xia Fei was saying, and merely lowered their heads wordlessly. Their long hair covered their faces, and Xia Fei could not make out just what expressions they were making, if they were making any at all to begin with.

“A man lives his life as do the plants that last a season; death is what awaits us all. Look at me, after activating this miraculous Unrestricted Spirit Soul Mark, I don’t even have eternal life. But actually, you all have it a lot worse than us. From the beginning I felt that my fate was terrible, having to worry about being backstabbed at all times or potentially dying. But as time went by, I began to see that these so-called immortals aren’t anything at all, and they are still unable to experience rebirth once they meet the business end of my Fiendish Blade Nirvana. There are none as happy as me.

“Do you two still remember Fuchen?” He was your ex-Sectmaster. He’s a good soul, but his heart is too soft. He even ended up rearing a house of white-eyed wolves without even realizing it…”

When speaking of Xia Fei’s good points, perseverance was definitely one of them. But this sort of perseverance regardless of the situation was unbearable to Radix. Xia Fei was actually happy to chat to these two corpses; what kind of madness was this?

Xia Fei was quite talented as an actor, looking approachable with his harmless smile, adopting a soft voice when telling a story. It was extremely beguiling, and a good part of how Avril was charmed by him was due to Xia Fei’s ability to tell stories.

Unfortunately, these two corpses felt nothing. They simply stood there like wooden blocks, but Xia Fei persevered nonetheless, pestering them two without letting up in the least!

Radix slowly saw the exit appear in front of them, as if Xia Fei was experimenting with his hypothesis, or perhaps it was just something he suddenly thought of after reading Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley. Xia Fei’s brain worked so quickly that Radix had a hard time keeping up with his thoughts.

As the minutes and seconds passed, it looked like it was about to become daylight, and Radix got somewhat flustered. He urged Xia Fei several times, yet he persisted in acting how he pleased.

“You know what, I have a friend, called Oro. That person was originally a huge golden-haired lion from the Lionheart clan, but after a slap with my Law of Primal Chaos that day, guess what? He turned into a human being!

“Heavens, can you even imagine? A huge golden lion that stood several meters tall has now turned into this delicate-looking scholar. Every day, he is still rampaging about, throwing his now small body around. I always want to laugh to myself every time I see him, but I can’t. That’s because I was the one who changed him into a human. If I were to laugh at him, he might very well fight with me to the death,” Xia Fei stood there reminiscing.

It was at that point when Radix suddenly spoke in a creeped-out voice, “Xia Fei, LOOK! These two corpses… They are smiling!”

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