Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 853 - Watch Them Beaten to Death, Interesting

Chapter 853: Watch Them Beaten to Death, Interesting

What Luke needed to do now was to accumulate enough experience and credit points to increase his basic attributes and meet the prerequisites.

This was the way to improve his strength.

While they were chatting, Selina asked, “What’s this? Why does it look like… ninjas?”

She shared the connection to the drone she was responsible for with Luke.

When Luke received the feed, he saw seven or eight people rushing out of a dilapidated warehouse next to the river. They were all wearing dark red ninja uniforms and slashing at a man in black.

The two parties fought among the shrubs and trees by the river.

After only a few glances, Luke knew that they weren’t cosplaying or playing street games.

Whether it was the seven or eight ninjas in red or the man in black, they were quick and skilled, especially the man in black who was surrounded by the ninjas.

He was only using two staves, which couldn’t compare with the long blades of the ninjas.

Even so, outnumbered as he was, he was only at a slight disadvantage, and the ninjas couldn’t take him down.

However, his situation wasn’t good either.

The wounds on his body weren’t fatal, but they were still bleeding. He would be defeated sooner or later.

Selina asked, “Who should we help? I hate those ninjas.”

Luke found that strange. “I remember you watch a lot of ninja movies with Gold Nugget. Why do you hate them?”

Ninja culture was pretty popular in the United States.

Selina said, “The ninjas in the movies are often shot dead by the protagonist. It seems interesting.”

It wasn’t until then that Luke remembered that almost all the ninjas in the movies she watched were shot dead by the protagonist. He smiled.

“Let’s check it out.” He gestured, and the two of them left the roof and descended quickly.

The jets on their backs activated almost at the same time. Drawing arcs in the air, they flew toward the battle by the river more than two hundred meters away.

At that moment, the man in black was trying his best to keep moving quickly so that he wouldn’t be surrounded by the ninjas.

He was alone, and his injuries were increasing. Once he was surrounded, he might not be able to escape.

He had known that the old warehouse was a trap, but he hadn’t expected the other party to be able to fool his ears.

He had been focused on finding someone, and finally suffered a setback.

Blood soaked the cloth over his rib injury; he knew that he couldn’t hold on for much longer.

Finally, he was too slow.

A long saber broke through his stave defense and slashed at his neck.

Alarmed, the man in black fell back desperately and barely avoided the dangerous attack.

But the next moment, he heard the sound of rushing wind behind him.

From the sound of the trajectory, the man in black knew that things were bad.

A weird sickle slashed at his waist. Attached to the sickle was a long chain, and on the other end was a ninja in red who had suddenly attacked from the side.

The man in black roared and abruptly turned to roll out of the way.

He escaped the hook, but the tip of the blade still brushed past his waist.

The man in black grunted and staggered back. He couldn’t help but cover his waist with one hand as another cut appeared and blood oozed out.

The consequences of this injury were severe.

He staggered as he retreated, his speed severely hampered, and the group of ninjas seized the opportunity to surround him.

The ninjas stopped.

The ninja with the thin chain and sickle was obviously the leader. He walked into the circle unhurriedly and slowly spun the sickle in his hand. “You’re an admirable warrior, Mr. Black Mask.”

The man in black panted as he stared at him silently.

The ninja circled the man in black and continued, “Choosing us as your opponents was the stupidest decision. Perhaps you wanted to do the same thing in New York, with Batman appearing in Los Angeles. It’s a shame that you overestimated yourself and underestimated us. Even if Batman provokes us, he won’t live for more than a month!”

The man in black suddenly smiled. “I’ve been looking for trouble with you since a month ago, but I’ve survived until now. You’re just full of hot air.”

The sickle ninja smiled coldly. “You’re wrong. Today is our first time dealing with you. As a warrior’s show of respect, I’ll leave you an intact body and bury you. Watch my blade!”

With a roar, he charged forward like a tornado, and the sickle lashed out at the man in black, who was kneeling in the middle.

The man in black raised his stave to fend him off.

However, his face suddenly changed.

There was the strange sound of jets coming in at an angle from the sky, and they were picking up speed.

In the world constructed by his keen hearing, two people suddenly appeared in the sky.

They sounded like Stuka bombers whistling downward, and the landing point… was here?!

The ninjas in red didn’t notice anything, including the sickle ninja.

He was waving his sickle as he lunged at the man in black with a dark smile.

The man in black, on the other hand, held up his staves as he tried to retreat.


A dull noise rang out as Luke kicked the sickle ninja in the back.

The sickle ninja was thrown forward and ate dirt as he hit the ground.

Bang! Bang!

Two ninjas were kicked in the back by Selina, and they were thrown forward.

When the ninjas were distracted by the surprise attack, the man in black suddenly jumped into the Hudson River.

Invigorated by the cold river water, he did his best to follow the current as he swam.

On the battlefield, Luke tilted his head and looked at where the man in black had jumped into the river.

The man in black wasn’t stupid.

He hadn’t jumped in before because he was the ninjas’ only target.

He was heavily injured, and if he jumped into the river, he would only be putting himself in a passive position.

Luke and Selina, on the other hand, had come out of nowhere and taken down three ninjas, including the leader, so the man in black finally had a chance to escape.

As for why Luke and Selina were here, he didn’t have the time to think about it.

Since he was seriously injured, he needed to protect his own secrets rather than uncover the identities of these two strong characters who had disrupted things.

Luke looked at the struggling sickle ninja. “How should I address you, Mr. Ninja?”

“Kill him.” The sickle ninja didn’t answer the question, but directly gave the order to the remaining five ninjas.

The five ninjas in red lunged forward as three came at Luke head-on and the other two attacked Selina from both sides.

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