Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1473 - The Second Bruce's True Appearance

Chapter 1473: The Second Bruce’s True Appearance

From here on, Luke’s body transformation went smoothly, and nothing else happened.

However, without any IV nutrients, the energy required for the body transformation could only be provided with credit points.

Two credit points per minute wasn’t too much.

When the most intense reactions passed after an hour, Luke had Osiris give him another IV.

Credit could provide energy, but not all the nutrition needed for the body.

Also, it cost practically nothing to buy a pile of IV bags.

Credit points, on the other hand, were all hard-earned. He worked hard to accumulate them, and of course, he would save as much as he could.

At that moment, the number on the system panel was: 31.

Luke struggled to smile. “Sure enough, the Chi Refining Technique can increase my stats.”

If he could increase his stats by three or five points like last time, then reaching 80 might not be a pipe dream.

When his stats all hit 60, he would have 20 stat points more than when he didn’t have the Chi Refining Technique.

These were the stats that could only be obtained by leveling up two or three times. In other words, he didn’t need to spend countless experience points to get the same basic stats.

A day later, Luke was all smiles as he read the new report.

His Strength had skyrocketed after this level-up.

His Mental Strength had indeed dropped significantly.

However, his Dexterity had reached 40, and the practical coefficient had increased from 2 to 4.

His main body had 13 Dexterity, but the practical effect wasn’t any worse than his 29 Dexterity previously.

More importantly, his Strength had reached 60, and the coefficient had increased six-fold.

24 hours later, thanks to the boost from the Chi Refining Technique, he obtained another stat point for Strength, which was now 32.

The actual effect was that his strength was now 18 times that of an ordinary person, which was a new record.

From a survival perspective, his main body was definitely stronger than before.

In addition, the practical coefficient also applied to his clones.

The Level 1 clone was now six times stronger than an ordinary person, and the Level 2 clone was 12 times stronger.

With the two clones working together, they were even stronger than he and his Level 1 clone put together during the Battle of New York.

So, one New York battle was equivalent to earning… one extra identity?

Luke was delighted with his earnings in half a month. He couldn’t help but look at Stacy’s list of abilities.

Elementary Replication (Prerequisites: 60 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 40 Mental Strength, 20,000 credit).

Taking a deep breath, Luke used up 20,000 credit points.

A moment later, the second clone in the seaside villa suddenly began to transform.

Less than two seconds later, a handsome man appeared.

He was more than 1.8 meters tall and had clearly defined muscles, though he was clearly on the slimmer side.

Taking off the clothes which were now loose, Luke put on a black suit unhurriedly.

Looking at his new appearance in the mirror, he sighed. “Perfect! You’ll be the new Mr. Wayne in the future.”

Half an hour later, on the top floor of Stark Tower, Tony frowned at the man in the elevator who removed his stealth mode. “You, you’re not Bruce?”

Stepping out of the elevator, Luke smiled and covered his face with a Thousand Faces System.

A moment later, Bruce Wayne with the face of Big Ben appeared. At the same time, he grew five centimeters taller and his figure broadened out.

Luke canceled the Thousand Faces System and put it back into his pocket. As he tidied up his wrinkled clothes, he walked to the bar.

Looking at the alcohol, he couldn’t help but shake his head. “As expected of a rich man – there’s not even one bottle of supermarket wine.”

That being said, he had already reached for a bottle of whiskey and grabbed two glasses.

Tony’s eyes flickered as he glanced at Jarvis’s analysis on the virtual screen in front of him. “The target’s posture and the amount of alcohol he poured is 88.9% similar to Mr. Wayne on the yacht. Basically, it’s him.”

Tony hummed and walked to the bar. He picked up a glass. “You said something else last time. What was it?”

Amused, Luke raised his glass. “Although this isn’t supermarket wine, it’s the first time I’m having it with a friend. So, it doesn’t matter if it’s expensive or not.”

Tony smiled and clinked his glass with Luke’s before they drank.

Luke poured them more whiskey.

Tony didn’t want to suppress his curiosity. “Why aren’t you wearing a nanomask this time?”

Luke chuckled. “Because Batman has already left. You can call me Bruce, or call me by another name — Bale.”

Tony: “Real name?”

Luke shrugged. “Bruce Bale Wayne — nothing wrong with that.”

“I see.” Tony nodded.

The tycoon’s full name was actually Anthony Edward Stark. Occasionally, people called him Anthony or Edward, but most people were used to calling him Tony Stark.

Thinking for a moment, he shook his head. “Let’s call you Bruce. Dr. Banner won’t mind anyway.”

“Whatever you say.” Luke chuckled. Dr. Banner’s full name was Robert Bruce Banner. Did he have to fight with him over the name Bruce?

Tony finally got down to business. “Didn’t you say that you should keep a low profile for the time being?”

Luke raised his hand and pointed at his face. “It’s Batman who needs to keep a low profile. After all, he’s already ‘departed,’ while I’m the second Bruce. There’s no need to be so cautious.”

Tony was unable to respond.

He hadn’t expected Batman’s nanomask to be able to change his body.

If even a tech bigshot like him never thought of that, it would be even harder for anyone else to connect Bruce to Batman.

Even if Natasha was here right now, she wouldn’t know if nobody told her.

What surprised him even more was that this super paranoid person really took off his mask to meet him. Was it because of the Battle of New York?

Actually, Tony also felt that after the battle, he was willing to trust more people, like the Avengers and Batman’s team — provided that they were willing to reveal their faces.

After all, the tycoon was an adult. It was impossible for him to completely believe in a nanomask. Who the hell knew who was behind it?

Now that Batman seemed to have guessed his thoughts, it did feel pretty good.

Thinking quickly, Tony asked, “Can I tell Nick Fury about this?”

Luke shook his head. “Just keep it to yourself for now. As for them… hehe.”

Tony’s expression changed. “You mean, Hydra?”

Luke tapped the rim of his glass. “Has Nick Fury investigated the nuclear weapon?”

“No.” Tony shook his head solemnly. “The pilot suddenly had a brain hemorrhage after he was locked up. He’s now in a coma. Also, the person who activated the nuclear missile launch sequence was a close aide of the Secretary of Defense. He went missing after that, and hasn’t been found yet.”

Luke sneered.. “Did these department bigwigs grow up eating sh*t?”

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