Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1457 - Mad Stomps and Incoming Missile

Chapter 1457: Mad Stomps and Incoming Missile

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

But the black foot didn’t stop there. Its owner paid more attention to the scepter than Loki did.

The foot left afterimages in the air as it stomped down repeatedly like a pile driver.

Less than three seconds later, the big black foot switched targets as it lightly flicked up the scepter from where it had slid out of Loki’s right hand, and the owner of the foot grabbed it.

Only then did Tony cry out, “Batman!”

Thor finally came back to himself. Looking at his brother’s wretched state, he couldn’t help but yell, “What are you doing?”

“Keep an eye on your brother, or his head will be the next to blow up.” Batman glanced at him coldly with his blood-red lenses. “I’ll close the space portal. Don’t be rash. Keep firing and steadily eliminate the nearby Chitauri. Don’t expose our purpose prematurely.”

With that, he stuck the scepter on his back and charged out of the building.

The black giant, who had been holding Loki’s other leg, also let go and rushed out.

The black liquid on the black giant’s back fluctuated erratically, and two shoulder cannons fired rapidly, blowing up all the approaching Chitauri fliers to protect Batman.

This black giant was naturally Selina in her symbiotic form.

What happened just now was very simple.

Selina had been hiding ever since she left the battleship.

After Loki and Thor were sent crashing into the building by the Hulk, she immediately used the complete symbiotic form’s ability to change shape and the special Thousand Faces System’s color-changing function to sneak into the building during the chaos.

She got lucky.

Thor and Loki were fighting close to her position.

She approached the battlefield very slowly and stretched out one arm, but didn’t act rashly.

Loki’s strength and ability to withstand attacks were beyond expectations; he could actually hold his own against Thor.

It would be troublesome if they couldn’t take him down in one blow and grab the scepter.

That was when Luke returned through the portal, and he told her to hold her position.

By the time he arrived, Loki had just been distracted by the Hulk.

Without hesitation, he told Selina to act.

Remembering Luke’s warning, Selina hit Loki in the most violent way possible as soon as she made a move.

Luke was the second insurance.

Seeing that Loki still had the energy to activate the scepter, Luke immediately stepped forward.

But even after being kicked in the crotch, Loki still wouldn’t let go of the scepter.

New and old grievances immediately welled up in Luke’s heart, and he stomped on Loki like crazy.

With each stomp, he added in his heart: “This is for Shackelford, this is for Grandpa’s kitchen, this is for Grandpa’s living room, this is for the one million needed to build the concrete maze, this is for Phil. And another for Phil. And another, and another…”

As he stomped on Loki in Phil’s name, Loki finally let go of the scepter, and Luke picked it up begrudgingly.

Behind him, Tony was taking advantage of this last bit of time to circle round and have Jarvis sneakily take a 360-degree shot of Loki — provided that the tycoon looked imposing enough in the group photo.

With his back to Thor, he stood next to Loki and didn’t forget to give a V sign in front of his chest for the drone outside.

Next to him, Loki was upside down in the ground, his legs sticking out powerlessly and swaying in the air like wilting willow branches in the cold wind; it was an indescribably desolate scene.

Thor stepped forward with a conflicted expression and finally pulled his brother out.

Looking at Loki, who had a face full of dust and looked like he had nothing to live for as he lay on the ground and groaned, Thor was full of anger.

He could fly into a rage, but who could he vent on? After all, the two guys who had beaten Loki up had already run off.

He could be sad, but Loki was the cause of this disaster in New York and had just shot himself in the foot.

Besides, this idiot brother had had a death grip on the scepter just now; clearly, he hadn’t been done with his tricks.

He wasn’t dead only because Batman was in a hurry to close the space portal.

After taking a quick photo, Tony flew off with a whoosh, leaving behind one sentence: “Keep an eye on your brother.”

He knew that this was the best they could do.

Earth didn’t even know where Asgard was, and had no right to mess with them.

After provoking the Chitauri, there was no way Earth would create conflict with Asgard.

Even if Thor said that his brother was adopted, it was Odin who had adopted him.

If they tried to get rid of his cheap brother under Thor’s nose, he would definitely throw Mjölnir at them.

Tony even speculated that Batman had taken this into consideration and had seized the opportunity to retaliate when Thor was in weak condition.

The tycoon knew very well that Batman had a lot of wicked things in his hands, and there might have been an easier way to get the scepter from Loki.

However, he had still chosen to stomp on Loki between the legs dozens of times, creating a dent in the armor there.

Thankfully, Phil probably wasn’t dead, or Loki might really die today. The thought flashed through the tycoon’s mind, and he was very pleased.

Phil and Batman were on good terms, but not as close as Tony and Batman were.

If something happened to Tony one day, Batman would help him get revenge! Even if the other party was Asgard’s second prince.

This Mr. Wayne wasn’t the “saint” that the people imagined. He was selfish and petty, but he was also very generous toward his friends.

Friends like these were sometimes irrational, but undoubtedly more reassuring than friends who were always rational.

Jarvis suddenly interrupted his thoughts. “Nick Fury is looking for you, sir.”

Tony didn’t think much of it. He said casually, “Put it through.”

He was a little smug. Should he broadcast them closing the space portal and completing the mission for the baldie?

The call was connected, and before he could say anything, Nick Fury said, “Someone went over our heads. An aircraft has taken off from the Helicarrier, carrying a nuke for Manhattan.”

Stunned for a moment, Tony blew his top. “D*mn it, we’re about to close the space portal here and win. Who would give such an order? Are they crazy? This is Manhattan, with millions of people!”

As he spoke, he quickly flew south.

The Helicarrier was in the south, and the fighter plane would naturally come from there.

Nick Fury coughed and lowered his voice. “Do you remember what Batman said?”

Tony thought for a moment and understood. “Hy…”

He stopped, then said, “I’ll stop the jet. Keep an eye on your side. Don’t let another plane fly over.”

He hung up before Nick Fury could reply.

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