Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1308 - Delivery and the Woman Who Brought It

Chapter 1308: Delivery and the Woman Who Brought It

He knew this woman, but it had nothing to do with the Boogeyman John alias.

She was the only female assassin V had let off to spread the word after the gunfight in Swamp Park.

After surviving the disaster, the woman stayed at the New York Continental Hotel and rarely went out.

It was unlikely that she was looking for him to earn the bounty on the Boogeyman. She didn’t have that capability.

A moment later, the woman returned and sat on the couch diagonally opposite him.

But when she sat down, she leaned toward him.

Luke watched quietly.

The most convenient weapon for a female assassin was her own charm. With a little training, she could accomplish things that many men couldn’t with her figure, looks, and movements.

However, this person didn’t really want to hook up with him. It was just a habit.

Who knew, she might be able to get him to soften toward her, and she could then seize a decisive opportunity.

Sure enough, she leaned back on the couch and crossed her legs gracefully.

It was the standard procedure and posture for distracting men.

Luke, on the other hand, was still as aloof as ever.

Boogeyman John had always been like this, and he didn’t plan to ruin this King of Killers’ style.

This way, he spoke less and could avoid being exposed.

The woman snorted and lost interest. She took out an envelope and pushed it over. “I came from New York. Someone told me to bring this to you.”

Luke didn’t touch the envelope and simply looked at her quietly.

Looking at his face, the woman smiled brilliantly and stood up. She gracefully took off her white muslin dress and dropped the shoulder straps of her silk shift so that it slid down her body.

As she walked over, her body swayed and glowed in the evening light in the room.

When she reached Luke, she bent down and reached for his shoulders.

“Huh?” Her eyes widened in shock, and she paused.

Luke put a hand on her face to stop her from leaning forward. Her hands stopped five centimeters away from his shoulders.

“You’ve brought the letter. Is there anything else?” Luke’s stiff expression finally changed.

The woman said bitterly, “John, have you forgotten what we had…”

Luke flicked his wrist, and the woman fell back onto the couch.

“Ms. Perkins, please put on your clothes and leave immediately.” His cold voice rang out. “Otherwise, I’ll believe that you’ve targeted me.”

The expression of the woman named Perkins changed slightly before she immediately smiled. She got up grandly and picked up the dress from the ground.

Perversely, she deliberately had her back to him.

After she put on the dress, she turned around. “Does it look good?”

Luke said indifferently, “Your skin is rough. You should make more money before you retire, or your targets will throw up when they see you like this.”

He wasn’t lying at all.

Compared with Max, whom he had only known for a short while, the only advantage this woman had was that her legs were long enough; in all other aspects, however, she was crushed.

Face dark, Perkins raised her hand and gave him the finger. “F*ck you, John! You have d*mn E.D.. Do you really think I like you?”

Luke stood up. “Five seconds. Otherwise, you no longer have to leave.”

Pausing for a moment, Perkins then yelled, “As if! This is the Continental Hotel! I don’t believe you would dare attack me! Just you wait!”


With that, the door slammed shut. The female assassin didn’t even put her high heels back on. She slammed the door and left even before she finished speaking.

Luke looked at his watch. It was almost four and a half seconds. The woman was indeed a professional.

He took two steps forward and kicked out.

The high heels flew in two arcs through the open balcony door.

Closing the balcony door, Luke returned to the table and opened the envelope. Inside was a white sheet of paper with messy letters on it.

Thinking for a moment, Luke put on his sunglasses and looked at the paper.

Soon, Polaris picked out some letters from the pile and put them together to form a web address and a password.

Luke took out his phone and accessed the website. There was an encrypted file on it.

He downloaded the file, keyed in the password, and opened it. A lot of information appeared.

After flipping through the file, Luke sat back, deep in thought.

The file was from Winston, and the cipher on the paper was the way they contacted each other.

The file contained the movements of the High Table after he killed Santino, and some speculation on Gianna being attacked again.

Luke had gotten most of this information from Gianna, but there was some new content about the attack.

Before coming here, even Luke himself thought that Gianna’s opponent might be the Ndrangheta. After all, the Ndrangheta had been taking a lot of small actions recently.

The Camorra was in the north in Campania, and the Ndrangheta was in the south in Calabria. The two territories were separated by only a small area of Italy in the middle.

However, according to Winston’s intelligence, it was the Sacra Corona that was acting against Gianna.

The Sacra Corona was in the Apulia area, and was a branch which had broken off from the Camorra in the 1970s.

In fact, it had been the personal force of the Camorra family head back then.

Something went wrong during the coronation process of the family head’s successor at the time, and the position fell into the hands of another branch. After that, Gianna’s father took over.

Once Gianna died, the D’Antonio family which she belonged to might become the next Sacra Corona.

The Sacra Corona was a lesson for the D’Antonio family.

While this discovery was unexpected, it made sense.

Luke had thought that it was an external threat, but in the end, it was still a “half-traitor.”

Anybody who was robbed of their “throne” would probably think, “That should be mine.”

Given the Sacra Corona’s current power, it was indeed possible for it to return to the Camorra.

After all, the Sacra Corona’s nest was in Apulia, which was right next to the Camorra nest. Returning meant expanding strength and territory at the same time, and they could also fight the Ndrangheta in the south together.

However, Winston mentioned that the Sacra Corona wasn’t powerful enough; logically speaking, it should be very hard for it to swallow the Camorra.

Luke felt the same way. At the very least, the sniper who had almost killed Gianna wasn’t someone that the Sacra Corona could contract.

Top talents in any trade were rare.

A top sniper was no less intimidating than a legendary killer in certain aspects.

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