Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1162 - Don't Ask, and I'll Give You Two Car Services

Chapter 1162: Don’t Ask, and I’ll Give You Two Car Services

But this was a secret base, after all, as well as a very professional military base.

Even if nothing unexpected happened, the chances of taking everyone down weren’t very high.

As long as the base had an emergency protocol in its security system, the possibility that it would self-destruct was very high.

As a security measure, there should be more than one surveillance room. At the very least, there should be timed security check-ins. It wouldn’t be possible to fool the guards inside forever.

Luke couldn’t help but scratch his head. He had too few trustworthy teammates.

In a situation like this, numbers were the best solution.

If he had more than five strong teammates, he was 80% confident that he could take down the base intact.

If he had ten teammates, he was 90% confident.

But the prerequisite was that these teammates had to be reliable, not just in terms of their combat ability, but also their characters.

Otherwise, if they retreated or hesitated, they might lose everything.

A teammate hence couldn’t be chosen at random; even an idiot teammate could get God killed.

The sky finally turned completely dark.

Luke felt his way to what he confirmed to be the entrance.

It was a dam at one end of Alkali Lake. There was a small road near the bank that led to a metal gate at the end.

Nobody had been in or out of this place for the past hour, but based on the condition of the road and the surroundings, cars often passed through the metal gate.

As long as they moved, they would leave traces behind.

No matter what, a base couldn’t be completely concealed. At the very least, it required daily food and necessities.

For example, Luke didn’t believe that the people here didn’t use toilet paper.

The ground was bare 100 meters all around the gate, and there was no cover. Luke didn’t plan to take the risk, and could only observe from 100 meters away.

The multiple surveillance cameras around the metal gate as well as the smell of cars, supplies and people reaffirmed his guess.

Luke wasn’t in a hurry to take action.

The more experience he accumulated, the more mature he became.

In the past, he had always felt a sense of urgency when it came to accumulating points. Now that he thought about it, being so impetuous wasn’t the right way to do things.

The experience and credit points were right there. If he rushed things, he wouldn’t earn much. Instead, he might get innocent people killed, which wasn’t the outcome he wanted.

There were no lights on the metal gate; only the red dots of light from the surveillance cameras indicated that the entrance was under heavy surveillance.

The dam’s layout didn’t allow for more access points.

Apart from this main entrance, there was only one other side door.

But Luke didn’t plan to go in that way.

The side door would definitely have more surveillance that would be harder to avoid; there was more leeway with the main entrance.

Suddenly, Luke perked up and quietly drew back.

The drone in the sky suddenly sent a message: Cars were headed toward the dam.

They certainly weren’t out for a midnight spin.

There were two SUVs escorting a big freight truck in the front and back; they didn’t look like they were here to deliver daily necessities.

Invisible, Luke darted under the bottom of the truck and stuck to it with his hands and feet before he moved closer to the front.

A thin wire stretched out of the armor’s palm and burrowed into a crack under the front of the car. It quickly found a data cable, and Luke swiftly typed out a string of code.

He darted out from the side of the truck and landed lightly on the grass next to the road.

The entire procedure took him less than twenty seconds.

The truck was as steady as ever. When it was within 100 meters of the metal gate, Luke activated the small program which he had just implanted in the vehicle’s steering system.

At a corner on a downward slope, the truck didn’t turn or brake. It suddenly charged off the road and onto the grass on the side.

Several seconds later, the truck finally stopped in a slight depression in the ground.

The two SUVs reacted quickly and braked almost immediately. A total of eight people got out, all of whom were wearing familiar black combat uniforms and full gear.

In fact, Luke could already hear the other party’s notification and request for backup in his earpiece.

He still didn’t take action. He returned to the woods and silently observed everything.

Eight combat soldiers guarded the truck. One of them talked to the truck driver for a few minutes, before he helplessly chose to call for help. “Eagles’ nest, the delivery van has broken down and can’t be started. Please send another vehicle to pick up the packages.”

Five minutes later, a truck similar to the one mired in the mud drove out of the gate.

It was accompanied by a dozen combat soldiers.

After meeting up with the eight combat soldiers, they opened the back doors of the truck that was stuck and carried out some rigid support frames.

A superhuman was bound to each support frame by their four limbs, head, neck and chest. They were all unconscious.

In less than ten minutes, six people were transferred to the new truck.

Closing the back doors of the truck, the guard at the front gestured at the driver to hurry up and drive into the base, while the others remained on high alert.

At that moment, in a bungalow in Washington, a Caucasian man in his forties was pacing back and forth in the living room with the phone in his hand. He frowned and asked, “Are you sure it was just a car breakdown?”

On the screen, a woman in a black leather jacket and pants said, “Yes. Also, the same thing happened to the Benz at the end of last year.”

The middle-aged man was stumped. “Really? Why didn’t I know that?”

The woman in leather said, “Because it happened when the car was in the garage at the base. After that, Benz customer service said that the smart suspension control system just needed to be updated.”

The middle-aged man asked, “So?”

The woman in leather said, “The logistics department will send the truck off to update its program.”

The middle-aged man waited a few seconds. “That’s all?”

The woman in leather said, “They said there’s no oil leak. At most, they’ll give us two more car services after this one.”

The middle-aged man had an ugly expression on his face. “Damn capitalists. Such an expensive car, and there’s still problems with it. We should really turn them into test subjects.”

That being said, he knew very well that if he really pissed the other party off, the biggest possibility was that his own men would send him to the operating table as a test subject.

This was the power of money and influence. All his authority came from the bigshots who had both these things.

The bigshots could give him this authority, and naturally, they could take it back.

The bigshot behind him wasn’t from Benz, but in an exchange of benefits, dealing with him would at most be a bonus.

Thinking that, he became even more depressed.

Also, he had received a call from the higher-ups not long ago, expressing that a “colleague” in Division B had done a good job. The middle-aged man knew what the other party was implying.

The higher-ups were’t satisfied with the resources he had expended and the results he had obtained.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Division B’s research direction was slightly off and didn’t meet the bigshots’ requirements for transforming their own bodies, they would have nothing to do with Division A.

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