Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1154 - Get Lost, The Front Door Is Min

Chapter 1154: Get Lost, The Front Door Is Mine

Luke immediately rejected this possibility. “No, it wasn’t just a flesh wound. It was definitely from an autopsy; he had definitely been examined by a coroner.”

Selina drew in a sharp breath and understood. “Then I don’t have to hold back when I run into them.”

Luke smiled and didn’t question her attitude.

Apart from himself, he didn’t think that many people could kill bad guys diligently without any psychological issues.

At the very least, Selina wasn’t one of them.

But looking at the tragic state of the kids, Selina probably wouldn’t be able to rest easy if she didn’t torture a few members of the Hand today.

In that sense, she was more like a good cop than Luke was.

She wanted to protect the innocent, and didn’t ask for anything in return.

She wanted peace of mind.

At that moment, she suddenly looked not far away. “Why is Foggy here?”

Luke didn’t say anything and simply used his private number to send a few messages.

A moment later, he looked at Foggy’s reply and said helplessly, “He was looking for Temple, and ran into rival gang members sent here by the police for treatment. They’re arguing in the E.R. now, even in handcuffs, and it looks like another fight is going to break out.”

Selina was stunned. “Where are the patrol officers?”

Luke said, “They needed more hands with the kids who were sent in just now, so a few men were sent over. In any case, if these gang members get into another fight and die, they deserve it.”

Selina got it.

Compared with helping innocent kids, they indeed didn’t have to care too much about these gangsters.

Even if they were stopped today, they would still die in a robbery or a gunfight in the future.

Luke, on the other hand, looked at a dark red figure who was crouched on the roof. “That guy’s here too. Hm, his ex-girlfriend isn’t here. It seems that this old flame hasn’t been completely stamped out.”

Selina glanced over and curled her lip. “This guy made a mess of things. Foggy found out about his little secret not long ago, and Karen guessed it too. Besides, he’s been getting hurt all the time, and has basically left the law firm to Foggy and Karen. Those who don’t know might think that it’s been renamed Nelson and Page.”

Pondering for a moment, Luke could only say, “It can’t be helped. It comes down to looks. Foggy doesn’t stand a chance.”

Selina was lost for words. She felt that she couldn’t say anything in good conscience.

Luke and Selina chatted idly.

Foggy was also busy at the hospital as he used his lawyer skills to keep these brainless gangsters under control.

Matt was on the roof behind the hospital opposite them.

He was being obedient because Luke had simply used a “secret transmission” to tell him that he was watching the front entrance.

Since Batman had taken the front door, Matt didn’t say anything and obediently chose to crouch at the back.

He and Luke had similar thoughts. They were very wary of the Hand and were prepared to stand guard here for a while.

If the police could send out a large number of officers, the Hand might not make a move.

But after a dozen kids were sent to the hospital, only four patrol officers had been left behind.

It wasn’t easy to do any sort of work nowadays, and the police department didn’t have enough manpower.

The bulk of the police force was at the expo, so naturally, there weren’t many people here, thanks to the money which Stark Industries had shelled out.

With less than ten patrol officers present, the Hand wouldn’t be too concerned.

This organization was different from regular gangs. Their real faces had never been exposed.

Luke had investigated them through Gianna, but the companies he uncovered had a tangled and complicated network of involvement in shares, and weren’t big.

The information from the High Table confirmed that the Hand had been around as a force for at least 100 years.

They had probably existed before that, but there was no proof.

This outrageous organization hadn’t been destroyed even after 100 years. They definitely had a lot of connections.

The companies that Luke found, for example, were just for appearances. Many of them were just empty shell companies which only received investments when they were needed.

It didn’t take long for these companies to be completely abandoned.

From this point of view, the Hand was as cautious as Luke and his fake identities, the only difference being that their “fake identities” were in the form of shell companies.

Thus, there was only one way to find the main body of the Hand.

That was through people.

Once people from the Hand took action, the shell companies lost most of their use as a cover.

Like with Luke, as long as any of his aliases was unmasked, all his disguise would be for naught.

He knew this was a weakness, but he couldn’t solve it, because there were many things he had to do himself, and he had to earn experience and credit points himself.

By the same logic, the Hand had to take tangible form during an operation.

Whether it was the ninjas in red or the people in charge of the digging, they had to have a core in order to control the outcome of things.

In other words, it had actually been a waste for Luke to kill Yoshitake Shin and all his men in his fury.

But he had been happy to do so.

Now, he would catch another group of people from the Hand.

Yoshitake Shin had been cautious and moved autonomously.

Luke didn’t have much information, including how they communicated with each other.

Killing Yoshitake Shin and taking the stone coffin might fluster the Hand into making a mistake.

The more anxious a person was, the more likely they would make a mistake, and the more opportunities they would be giving their opponent.

Luke was patient. He would wait until the Hand’s bare ass was exposed before he kicked it.

Waiting was boring.

Time slowly passed until it was 1am. The paparazzi who had heard about Batman had basically all left the hospital.

The kids were all being treated in the ICU, and the officers who had been at the crime scene were replaced to prevent reporters from interviewing them and interrupting the hospital’s work.

Also, since the details of the case weren’t clear, the police department told everybody not to divulge any relevant information for the time being, so the news didn’t spread on a large scale.

Metro General Hospital was still busy after midnight, but it was much more peaceful than the bustle during the day.

At that moment, an ambulance sped over. It entered the hospital through the front entrance, and another ambulance entered from the back at the same time.

For a large general hospital, the ambulances were still very busy, even at midnight.

Luke didn’t think much of it. His attention was focused on two teams of ninjas in black who were charging out on both sides of the hospital.

Matt noticed the movements as well.

He didn’t know why these ninjas had switched out their flashy red for the traditional black, but their movements and steps were exactly the same as before.

“Take Hellhound into the hospital. Be careful of misdirection,” Luke said to Selina. He then revealed himself and lunged at the ninjas on the left.

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