Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 767 - Stop Looking

Chapter 767 Stop Looking

Shen Qianrou looked up and said, “Why not? She’s slandering me! She’s taking revenge on me! I must make her explain herself.”

Shen Qianrou had regained her rationality. Since Shen Fanxing didn’t appear just now, it was impossible for her to appear again.

She didn’t know how many tricks Shen Fanxing had up her sleeve.

At the moment, she could only take it one step at a time.

Now, she could only guess that Shen Fanxing had already left or that it was impossible for her to appear again. Hence, she could only blow things up. As long as she appeared indignant in front of everyone, she would be treated unfairly and insulted. Even if she didn’t win the award today, she would have a reason and excuse to return to China in front of the media and the world.

Shen Fanxing was behind this. Someone was trying to harm her!

She was the victim.

Even if she was questioned, Shen Fanxing’s reputation wouldn’t be any better. The International Fragrance Competition would also be questioned worldwide.

Since they didn’t want her to have an easy time, they wouldn’t.

At Hua frowned. He could guess her intentions.

How dare he drag the entire International Fragrance Competition down with him?

“Miss Rosanna, someone has reported you for plagiarism. Don’t you feel guilty at all?”

“I didn’t plagiarize. I was the one who opposed plagiarism just now. I didn’t want to make this matter too clear. That’s because even if I went overboard in the middle, I wanted to save her some face and make her back off. But now, she’s forcing me again! She’s forcing me to become her enemy again and again!” “Since she’s forcing me like this, I have to make it clear! It’s my sister, Shen Fanxing, who plagiarized my work! She had a precedent six years ago. On account of kinship, I didn’t hold it against her. Now, she’s slandering me for plagiarism at such an important occasion. She’s taking revenge on me. No… she’s repaying kindness with ingratitude!” “I really want to ask her what I did to her to frame me like this!”

Shen Qianrou clenched her fists tightly, feeling nervous. However, in the end, she seemed to have been deceived by her own lie. She couldn’t help but feel angry.

Shen Fanxing stood there and couldn’t help but smile when she heard Shen Qianrou’s words. She wanted Shen Qianrou to talk to herself. She wanted to give her a chance to keep digging a hole for herself. Then, she would dig a fatal abyss and fall to her death.

She only needed to give her a fatal blow. It was just right.

There was no lack of people who knew about their relationship.

Shen Qianrou was an artiste and Shen Fanxing was the boss of an entertainment company.

Only those who had experienced the terrifying speed and popularity of the media and the Internet would know.

Shen Qianrou’s unconcealed words made everyone even more curious about the battle between the sisters.

“Are you sure you’re not a plagiarist, but your sister is?”

Shen Qianrou sneered and said, “How many times have I said it? I’m Rosanna, a perfume maker personally groomed by Teacher Feng Shuoguang. Why should I plagiarize the work of someone who has plagiarized?”

Seeing how confident Shen Qianrou was, Feng Shuoguang heaved a sigh of relief.

“Rosanna is my disciple. She personally showed me the formula before the competition. She has been studying the formula meticulously for the past few days. How can such a hardworking and serious person plagiarize?”

Seeing that Feng Shuoguang couldn’t stand speaking up for her, Shen Qianrou heaved a sigh of relief.

Her biggest bargaining chip tonight was Feng Shuoguang. Now that Feng Shuoguang had not testified, she still had the advantage.

At Hua frowned and said, “Teacher Feng, you can’t testify for this matter. Moreover, you can’t prove where she came from with the formula she showed you. I think this matter can’t be groundless. Why don’t we find Rosanna’s sister and ask her face to face?”

Then, he turned to Shen Qianrou and asked, “What do you think, Miss Rosanna?”

Shen Qianrou naturally wouldn’t reject him. “Of course I can’t ask for more. It’s best if I can find out the truth! No matter what, I will never be the plagiarist. This is an anti-slander and it will affect my reputation. If you can’t give me a perfect explanation, I won’t be stingy with using legal means to protect my reputation!”

Vice President At Hua was so angry that he laughed. If it weren’t for the fact that they were friends, he would have taught this shameless woman a lesson.

“Are you saying that if the results of our investigation are determined to be plagiarism, you’ll sue us?”

Shen Qianrou raised her chin and said, “Unless you have enough evidence to convince everyone! You can ask around about my sister’s reputation in the country. Although my name, Rosanna, is insignificant, it’s more convincing than the name Shen Fanxing!”

The Vice President understood what she meant. “You mean that you’re the famous Rosanna, so you won’t copy the work of a nobody.”

There was no doubt in her statement.

Shen Qianrou didn’t deny it.

Athua looked up at Shen Fanxing and their gazes met briefly. Shen Fanxing nodded at him lightly.

At Hua heaved a sigh of relief. “Then let’s talk to your sister first.”

Shen Qianrou’s heart tightened slightly. She looked below the stage and suddenly said, “Shen Fanxing, since things have blown up, what’s the point of hiding? You’d better come out and explain yourself. You’d better produce evidence to prove that I copied your prescription!”

Everyone below the stage looked at each other and shook their heads in denial.

Jiang Rongrong was held tightly by Su Heng and she said angrily,

“At this point, if she doesn’t stand up, why don’t she get everyone to remove that mask?” This award ceremony must have been arranged by Shen Fanxing on purpose to make it easier for her to hide!

At Hua said calmly, “Everyone, please remove your masks.”

Everyone took off their masks and looked around, but no one was Shen Fanxing.

Shen Qianrou finally felt relieved.

Without Shen Fanxing, did that mean that she had already left?

That b*tch had given him a huge blow!

It could also be said that she had achieved her goal. At this moment, she walked to the edge of the stage and stammered,

“Sister, if you’re at the scene, stand out and let’s make things clear. Seeing me suffer such humiliation, you must be overjoyed, right? How can you go overboard?! Come out!”

Shen Qianrou’s words were heartbreaking. Shen Fanxing smiled and took two steps forward.

“Stop looking.”

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