Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage

Chapter 963

Chapter 963: The Green Rain

"Exhaust all the Killing value and level up." Yun Xi sat by the bonfire and emptied his almost ten million Killing value in one breath.

Although it was enough to greatly enhance the limits of the princess of the Great Xia and the crown prince's Killing value, it only slightly warmed Yun Xi's body, replenishing the consumption of the Battle God's Seed, and slightly improving his physical condition.

Sure enough, did my body surpass normal limits too much? Yun Xi had anticipated this, knowing that it wouldn't be easy for him to continue improving his racial limit value.

Ten million Killing value may be quite a lot when converted to souls in the Star Trial, but for now, it was just a drop in the bucket in terms of increasing his racial limit value.

Compared to it, the Gigabit Wings that Yun Xi understood under the crazy barrage of the leader bee proved to be an even bigger surprise. The Mist Ghost Sword, strengthened with unreal green crystals, was also satisfying enough.

As for the Killing value, it's not something to worry too much about. Instead, we can look forward to the unknown conditions that trigger the enhancement of racial talent.

Ten million doesn't seem to meet the requirements for enhancing racial talent at all. It seems that there are even more terrifying levels in the upcoming trials.

What's the situation with the other teams now?


The rain kept falling.

It was a pale green rain, emitting a slight scent reminiscent of deep-sea creatures.

In the rain, two armies were engaged in battle.

On one side, there was a mixed army from Crystal Creek Valley, which had already triggered the hidden setting of Killing value, refreshing a hero-ranked leader.

Unlike the leader bee Yun Xi encountered, this was another demon worm.

Its characteristic was not a barrage in the sky, but a super strong aura that enveloped the army.

The crystal bees, controlled by the demon worm, become bigger and unable to fly. They transform from bees into creatures similar to locusts.

Sutton, the demon worm ranked below the top in the celestial demon worm, possesses unparalleled agility and power. Every leap it takes brings a horde of locust guards jumping in unison, causing massive destruction.

The opposing army, facing Demon Worm Sutton, also displays their ferocity. No matter how many times they are struck down, they continue fighting, swaying but determined.

They emit a miserable green glow in their eyes and green blood constantly flows from their bodies. They are stiff in movement but possess immense strength.

Most importantly, they cannot be killed! Regardless of how many times the demon worms tear them apart or even decapitate them, these green figures revive under the nourishing rain of green in the sky.

The army of demon worms versus the green zombie army is like a scene from the end of the world battle.

The demon nest transformed from the crystal bee's nest can continuously spawn crystal locusts. As long as they are bathed in the green rain, the green zombie army, with their immortality, shows no signs of defeat.

The battle lasted from daytime to dusk, and then into the night, until a new day arrived.

The combined monster army in Crystal Creek Valley suffered a loss of over five million.

Finally, the green zombie army started to show scattered signs of damage.

Perhaps due to being resurrected too many times, some of the green zombies with weaker constitutions were no longer able to maintain their human form.

Even if they were revived by the green rain, their bodies couldn't continue to fight and would stagger and collapse after a few steps.

A large amount of green threads moved out of their bodies, crawled up similar bodies, and continued the fight.

Behind the army of green zombies, in a team made up of young aristocrats, Childe Sanquan looked at the green army with a shocked expression on his face.

"This... this isn't... an evil god..."

Even though he prided himself on being clever, he never imagined that he, who was mixed in with the aristocratic camp, would witness such a shocking scene.

These so-called green zombie armies were originally the attendants and guards of the aristocrats!

When did the young aristocrats of the endless god's domains start enjoying this kind of game!

Those fearless individuals, who had no concept of life or death, were the very means the evil god loved to use. They could quickly create a large number of cannon fodder soldiers with combat capabilities.

These zombies could be mass-produced using ordinary materials, and while their combat abilities may not be as terrifying as those of the Black Demon Dog, there were enough materials to make a lot of them!

"Is this also a sacrifice?" Childe Yun He said, looking at the large wave of zombies. He caught a familiar scent.

"That demon worm is quite strong... worth hunting!" Quran licked his lips, his instincts as a dark rage beast, a bloodthirsty hunter, stirring within him.

"Something must have happened... it doesn't feel right..." Childe Sanquan observed the strange glimmer in the eyes of the aristocratic children.

Ever since they entered Crystal Creek Valley, everything had started to become chaotic.

It was already bizarre to have so many aristocratic children gathered together.

These aristocratic children who came to participate in the White Lotus Secret Treasure trial were all after the legendary treasure.

How could the major families from different regions of God's Domain get along so harmoniously, even forming this alliance team and easily blending in?

Something was off, it was too strange.

The noble children, with their green glowing eyes and excited expressions, seemed even more like followers of an evil god.

"Did they... eat something wrong?" Childe Sanquan sniffed the air, detecting a sweet, sticky smell like candy, making his head feel confused.




Suddenly, the noble children all shouted out strange slogans together.

"Quick, join in the shouting!" Childe Sanquan quickly reminded his foolish teammates. Now was not the time to stand out, but to go with the flow.



Childe Yun He and Quran also started shouting, although both of them were confused.

Amidst the strange and fervent murmurs, the green rain from the sky fell even more rapidly, and the remaining army of green zombies, as if energized, began to angrily charge into the swarm of crystal locusts.




In the picturesque Crystal Creek Valley, bursts of green rings suddenly erupted. They were created by a magical spell using green zombies, causing a massive bombardment that wiped out the majority of the crystal locust army, along with the injured Demon Worm Sutton.

The remaining green worm creatures scattered on the ground quickly burrowed underground, as if something was approaching.

In the next moment, countless corrosive green acid bombs fell from the sky.

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