So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 137 - Experience The Joy Of Being A Woman

Chapter 137: Experience The Joy Of Being A Woman

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Li Xianyu looked at his left arm in amazement. When did this guy have the same voice as me? Is it intentional, or is it imperceptibly merging with me? In the case of the former, I can think of it as being mischievous, and hit it when I go back.

If it’s the latter…

Li Xianyu’s heart sank. It began to imitate my character, language style, and voice. Is it in preparation to take over my body for the future?

This was more troubling. Having a devil as a companion was really a very dangerous thing. Without Great-Grandma, he may have been taken over by Slime in the cave. How did the Demonic Priest get entangled with the devil for many years, and manage to counter the devil?

It seemed that everyone who could become a Gokudo member was a great hero. It was not that they had special adventures and opportunities, but that they had that kind of qualification.

Slime’s ability was very important to him today. To take advantage of it to rise, Li Xianyu must bear the corresponding consequences. He had this realization.

In the past, Li Xianyu will definitely run to Great-Grandma and cry, “My gran, this thing is becoming more and more like me, please find a way to take it away. I’m so scared.”

But now Li Xianyu just clasped his left fist and smiled, “Maybe, I can try to torture something out from them.”

“You?” Elder Shen squinted at him and said, “Let me make a disclaimer that our Baoze is not a cult and does not use those bloody and cruel means.”

Li Xianyu waved his hand. “Boss, do I look like the devil? I just need that woman.”

Elder Shen frowned more deeply and his tone grew sharper. “Baoze thirsts for talent, but we also pay attention to the character and integrity of the staff. Even if the criminal is the most heinous of the perpetrators, it does not mean you can do anything you want to them.”

Okay, is that suspicion that I’m going to do something unspeakable to a female prisoner? Li Xianyu muttered in his heart, My blood is so precious, not to mention semen. Who knows who is on the losing end? He didn’t speak and looked at the God of Apes.

“How confident are you?” King Jiji asked.

“It’s worth a try. I’m free now anyway.” Li Xianyu did not guarantee anything.

“I’m going too, I want to go too.” You Mengyu raised her hand and was in high spirits. As soon as she heard the topics related to abuse and torture, she was extremely excited.

Every Baoze Group branch had a built-in dungeon to hold demon descendants who committed crimes. If there was a ferocious criminal, he would be escorted to headquarters in secret. For example, the Golden Boy and Jade Girl, the old monsters, had to be escorted to the safer headquarters of the garrison.

The person-in-charge Elder Shen personally took them down, found the senior staff on duty on that floor, and entrusted Li Xianyu and You Mengyu to him. He then left after instructing a few more words.

There was a group guarding each floor of the dungeon, and the team leader was also called the general guardian. Each general guardian was the top master of senior staff.

The title of the general guardian of this floor was called “Ten Points Real Man”. He had a square jaw and a military temperament.

At first sight of the name, Li Xianyu felt very familiar. Only after inquiry did he find out that his superpower was to increase his combat power significantly, but it could only last for 10 minutes. This was akin to the effects of Bian Que’s “Five Seconds Real Man” medicine.

Needless to ask, this title was given by Mo Fei.

Opening a layer-by-layer encrypted iron door, the addict Blood Devil and a woman in a white robe were held in the same room. They wore Demon Entrapment Bracelets on their limbs and there were steel nails embedded in their joints. They were also regularly injected with drug agents that inhibit cell activity.

The Blood Devil was dishevelled and his face was full of blood. He curled up in the corner, and trembled like a drug addict.

The woman was wrapped in a white robe and looked listless. She should have been tortured not long ago. Her white robe was stained with blood.

Ten Points Real Man said, “I have tried, violence doesn’t work for them, mental induction and hypnosis don’t work. They’re all determined people. For fear of irreparable trauma to the prisoner’s mind, we retained the means of mental shock. After all, if they become mentally retarded, we can’t torture anything out of them.”

Li Xianyu nodded silently and pretended to understand.

Ten Points Real Man asked, “You don’t mind if I watch?” He wanted to see if Li Xianyu had any special means, and he could learn the skills of the Li family descendent.

Li Xianyu asked You Mengyu beside him, “If it was your sister, can she torture information out from them?”

You Mengyu pursed her lips. “She will only abuse the prisoner to death.”

She followed to see what special torture techniques Li Xianyu had.

Among the two prisoners, the Blood Devil was weaker than the white robed woman. Technically, he should be the right target for torture. Unexpectedly, Li Xianyu did not even look at the Blood Devil but went straight to the white robed woman.

Aware of someone approaching, the white robed woman looked up. Although tired, she still greeted Li Xianyu with a disdainful and provocative smile.

“Tsk tsk, you’re pretty. It’s a pity you are a villain.” Li Xianyu looked at the woman. This woman had a seductive allure and would be a stunning beauty if she were to dress up.

He recalled information about the white robed woman in his mind at the same time. She was one of the senior combat forces of the Ancient Gods Clan, one of the few masters who escaped in the battle to destroy the Ancient Gods Clan. She joined the Ancient Gods Clan from an early age and was first trained as a Class A killer. However, she was later disqualified for some reason.

Her partner was Black Robe, and the two often cooperate in the execution of assassination missions.

“Who is the person behind your Ancient Gods Clan? Who gives you financial support, or what industry do you secretly have, and where is your secret stronghold?” Li Xianyu asked consecutively. “Think slowly about it and answer me.”

The white robed woman sneered coldly, and seemed to hold disdain for Li Xianyu, that she ignored him.

“How stubborn. You’re the only bunch left in the Ancient Gods Clan. Why don’t you submit to Baoze and eat and lead a luxurious life,” Li Xianyu said.

He recalled now. These guys were the crazy followers of the ancient demons. They had always believed that the immortal ancient demons would return to the world and bring destruction and creation to the world. Li Xianyu felt that the original doctrine of the Ancient Gods Clan was actually caused by the social background at that time.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Han people were ruled by foreigners for the first time. Some people could not accept it but could not do anything to stop it. They pinned their hopes on the illusory ancient demons, hoping that the ancient demons would return to the world and re-establish order. That was how the Ancient Gods Clan came to be.

“I don’t know if the gods will be born. All I know is that if you don’t tell me, you may die.” Li Xianyu pursed his lips.

The white robed woman smiled coldly again.

Li Xianyu suddenly asked, “Are you still a virgin?”

The white robe woman was slightly stunned, and then smiled charmingly/ “I still am. Does Little Boy want me to serve you all night?”

What the hell? What Little Boy? You can be my mother at your age. Li Xianyu snarked in his heart, as he smirked and said, “I can tell if you are a virgin or not. Don’t think about hooking up with me as an opportunity to nourish yourself.”

The white robed woman frowned and didn’t know what he meant. However, he seemed to be interested in her body, so she gave Li Xianyu a wink.

Beauty was always a great weapon for a woman. She didn’t expect to be saved by her beauty. She just wanted to take the opportunity to get nourishment from the Li family descendent and suck him dry.

Unlike a Class A killer who pursued extreme power, a killer like her should learn to employ any of her advantages, including beauty.

Every Class A killer was the precious property of the Ancient Gods Clan. They were not allowed to have any desire, emotions, or blasphemy. They existed for only one purpose: to pursue absolute power.

Once one became a Class A killer, one could easily enter the core of the Ancient Gods Clan, or even become the leader, when one retired.

Originally, the God of War was most likely to be the next clan leader. With his preference for San Wu, she would be the candidate for the next clan leader if the Ancient Gods Clan had not gotten exterminated.

Thinking of the previous Class A killer, hatred flashed in the white robed woman’s eyes.

You could have enjoyed a supreme status and wielded absolute power, but betrayed the Ancient Gods Clan and turned to the enemy just for childish ideas.

If San Wu didn’t lead them here, how could Baoze uproot most of the Ancient Gods Clan’s strongholds in a short period of time?

Li Xianyu raised his left hand expressionlessly. The sleeves of his patient garb slid down. Fine blood vessels on his dark and ugly left arm lit up and they looked ferocious and terrible. It seemed to be the most evil entity in the world. Just looking at it made people feel sick and uncomfortable all over.

You Mengyu shrieked and retreated hurriedly.

“Experience the joy of being a woman.” Li Xianyu smiled and pressed his left hand on the shoulder of the white robed woman.

Woman, witness the horror and unorthodox ability of my left hand.

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