Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 491 - Chapter 491: This is our plan (3)

Chapter 491: This is our plan (3)

Translator: 549690339

“Wuuu …

The speeding modified car almost flew up on the bumpy Mountain Road.

Before his rear butt touched the ground, he had already turned around in a hurry and plunged his head into the road surrounded by high mountains, completely blocking his shadow from the mountains on both sides. At the same time, Lu Xin turned to look at doll and chuckled, ‘ here comes the fun part. Now, you can retract your influence.

Doll was a little scared by Lu xinshan’s flying car and was holding onto his seat belt tightly.

Hearing Lu Xin’s words, she turned around in surprise.

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Lu Xin’s reassuring smile greeted her.

Rumble …

The sun quietly shone on the mountain forest, which was still a little wet after the light rain. It was quiet.

The leaves of the grass were still condensed with water droplets, reflecting the color of the sun.

Suddenly, the air in the mountain trembled violently.

He didn’t see anything appear, but the tall trees suddenly rustled.

There were even some who were directly pushed to the side by the invisible force.

The wild grass on the ground was rolled up and flew everywhere like clear paper money.

Masses of air were being compressed, and they trembled as they transmitted this invisible pressure forward. However, because the thing that was compressing the air was invisible, nothing could be seen. Only the ripples in the air were becoming more and more dense.

One after another, the spiritual monsters squeezed into the passageway and climbed forward greedily.

However, on this road that happened to block the sun, they didn’t see their target.

On this long road, there was a clear track of car tires that meandered forward.

To them, the tracks were meaningless. What they were tracking was the smell that made them go crazy.

However, the smell was becoming extremely faint, or even disappearing, so they panicked.

Along the narrow path, they fought and snatched, squeezing and squeezing as they quickly climbed forward.

Finally, in the depths of the road, in front of a big rock that had rolled down from the top of the mountain, they saw the modified car. However, the car was empty, and the door was wide open. They could feel that there seemed to be some residual mental power in the car.

Countless mental monsters desperately squeezed to the front of the car, greedily trying to fight for the remaining mental power.

Due to the excessive air pressure, the modified car began to shake slightly.

* Ka ka *

A crack suddenly appeared on the car window. It spread little by little and then suddenly shattered into tiny pieces of glass.

This residual spiritual power could not satisfy them at all.

Therefore, many of the mental monsters that either squeezed into the car or couldn’t squeeze into the car suddenly raised their heads.

All over its body, the hundreds of eyes that grew on it showed a greedy expression.

The smile on the human face was stiff, and the mouths were thin and dense. At the same time, they let out irritating shouts.

“Hello …”

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from above.

Countless spiritual monsters raised their heads at the same time and saw a young man squatting down on the top of the mountain.

A girl in a thick black dress was floating next to him, holding an umbrella.

Although the girl seemed to be using a certain method to conceal the mental power that could drive people crazy, the mental monsters that were following her could still feel that she was the source of all the abnormal attraction.

The eyes on their bodies were blinking with all their might, and their faces were filled with surprise.

But they didn’t rush up, because the young man was squatting beside the girl.

He was looking down with a smile and a slight nod of his chin, as if he was counting the number of mental monsters.

Then, he smiled and looked into the distance. “Can you guarantee that they won’t escape now?”

“Ka ka ka …”

Elegant and crisp footsteps sounded from behind the narrow path, as if someone was wearing high heels and stepping on the dry and hard road. These footsteps weren’t particularly loud, but they made all the mental monsters feel a heartfelt fear.

In the next moment, the valley seemed to grow darker and darker.

Although the mountain next to the valley blocked the sun, it was still daytime, after all, and the light was still very abundant.

At this moment, it felt as if the light was slowly being drawn away. The surrounding scenery became dark, as if it was covered by a layer of shadow.

Most importantly, this shadow was constantly deepening, from gray to black. “Hehe .

“Big brother, are these my toys?” a strange and cute laugh sounded.

“Don’t mess around,”

The young man squatting on the top of the mountain chided her and corrected, ‘ this is obviously our toy …

They didn’t know what the others were thinking, but the mental monsters that had rushed into the passageway suddenly had a strange feeling.

It was so scary …

The priest walked out of the village with light footsteps. He walked along the path that was covered in wild grass and headed in the direction of Happy Town.

The sun was right above their heads, but it made them feel a little cold.

Perhaps it was because of the wind blowing from the open wilderness, or perhaps it was because of the faint footsteps behind him.

There seemed to be someone behind her as she walked forward.

However, when he turned around, he only saw an empty wilderness.

From this perspective, the priest should be an optimistic person.

He didn’t look back, nor did he raise the grapeshot in his hand to deter anyone. He just walked forward in a hurry.

He had a silver case in one hand and a grapeshot in the other, and was even patting his leg lightly.

It was as if he was humming a song in his heart while walking.

The sound of footsteps continued to follow behind her.

However, other than the sound of footsteps and the strange feeling of being stuck behind him, there was nothing else.

There was no hand on his shoulder, and no bullet flew toward his back. That person seemed to be just following him and looking at him at the same time.

He lifted his feet and stomped on the ground. With two sounds, the priest gradually left the village and came to the wilderness.

The path should have been a two-meter wide country road, but at this time, because of the cover of weeds, only a shallow grass path could be seen, extending all the way into the distance. A few hundred meters away, there was a seven to eight-meter wide river. On the river, there was a stone bridge.

This kind of village bridge seemed to have a particularly long life. After 30 years, it still firmly crossed the two sides of the river.

Once they crossed the bridge, they would be able to head to Happy Town. However, the priest stopped in his tracks when he passed through the fields full of weeds and came to the bridge.

Because at this time, a child had appeared on the bridge, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bridge. He was wearing clean clothes that only people in the high-wall city would wear. In front of him was a simple and convenient folding table with a laptop on it.

He looked very young, but he was wearing big glasses.

He was alone, sitting quietly in the middle of the bridge, facing the computer and typing seriously.

There were two other people beside him.

One of them was a short-haired woman in a black combat uniform. She was tall and had an amazing figure. She was leaning on a motorcycle.

She was wearing a pair of large sunglasses and holding a gun in her hand.

The other one was a young girl in a school uniform.

He looked to be about 17 or 18 years old. He was sitting on a bridge Pier with a thermos cup in his hand.

When they noticed the priest, they turned around and looked at him quietly.

When the priest stopped walking, the rustling sound behind him also disappeared.

The priest smiled and slowly walked forward. He raised his head to look at the child on the bridge and smiled gently.

“Is this your plan?”

His voice was polite, and he patted his right chest as if he was bowing.

However, when he raised his head, there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.”To be honest, you guys didn’t give me too many surprises.” the church of technology, the priest of wishes? ‘

The short-haired woman, who was leaning on the motorcycle, stood up straight. She had a slim figure, but her voice was very calm.

now, we suspect that you’re a missionary of the church of technology and have done something harmful to our Green Harbor. We’re waiting for you here, and we hope that you can come back with us to investigate. If you’re ready to resist, then we’ll talk after we fight.

“This …”

A smile slowly appeared on the priest’s face, as if he was really happy. He bowed seriously again and said softly, ” I apologize for my arrogance just now. It’s mainly because there’s a shadow following me, which more or less made my mood a little bad.

now, I’ll officially raise a question to you.

are you really ready to stop the church of technology? ”

maybe we can have a talk. For example, I’ll satisfy one wish each of you in exchange for your concession …

“Nothing to talk about.”

“After all, you’ve already killed many of our people,” the short-haired woman said softly.

when you guys don’t care about the lives of our Qing gang colleagues, there’s no longer any possibility of us talking.

“Hehe .

When the short-haired woman spoke, the priest lowered his head slightly, as if he did not dare to look her in the eye.

He was still smiling, but there was a strange emotion in his voice. He said softly, ” I have to admit that qingang is very different from four years ago, but I’m also curious about what gave you so much courage …

“You actually dare to appear in front of me?”

The short-haired woman was stunned for a moment before she understood what he was talking about.

His face showed some disgust, and he said calmly, ‘”‘Time is of the essence. We don’t have the time to plan so many twists and turns.” waiting for you here and capturing you is our plan. “If you think that I’m underestimating you, then I’ll apologize.” “After all, in our eyes, you’re just a criminal.. That’s all!”

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