Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 488 - Chapter 488: It’s really comfortable to be corrupted

Chapter 488: It’s really comfortable to be corrupted

Translator: 549690339

“This should be enough, right?”

Lu Xin could feel a powerful force field expanding around doll.

According to their initial plan, he had not only completed the initial expected mission, but he had even exceeded it. He counted the time in his heart and turned to look at doll who was in the passenger seat.

At this moment, doll had just returned to his seat after jumping around for a while.

Because she was too happy just now, her little face was a little red, and there was a little sweat on her forehead.

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“Did she really think that I brought her out for a ride?”

A strange thought suddenly flashed through Lu Xin’s mind, and he asked with a smile, “”How do you feel now?”

The mission was completed much better than expected. Doll’s influence was far beyond Lu Xin’s expectations, so he did not know if she was under too much pressure or if she could hold on for a little longer. At this time, he had to show some concern. After all, before he brought doll out, Chen Jing had repeatedly reminded him to take doll’s condition into consideration and not to exceed her limits.

Sigh, this was the kid from qingang.

The doll tilted its head to the side and gave it some serious thought.

Then, he suddenly smiled and answered seriously, ”

“I’m happy.”

Lu Xin was taken aback for a moment before he chuckled. This was a good answer.

Since he was happy, it meant that he had not reached his limit, and he could now finish this mission.

At this time, Chen Jings voice could no longer be heard on the channel, probably because the distance was too far.

However, this was within Lu Xin’s expectations. From the very beginning, Lu Xin had already discussed a plan with Chen Jing and the rest. They would use doll’s influence to lure the armed forces away. As for how far and how far they could be lured away, it would be up to Lu Xin to judge based on the specific situation.

Now that he thought about it, he had already circled around most of Happy Town, and he had already affected more than half of the armed forces.

In the wilderness behind him, he could see countless people running with all their might.

Now that he had met his expectations, he could proceed to the next step.

then turn to the distance and completely separate these people. Leave them in the wilderness …

Lu Xin thought to himself as he turned the car around at a fork in the road and sped up.

From afar, the sea of people behind him was like a vast ocean, chasing after him.

Most of these people had rushed over from nearby.

The ones in the distance could no longer be seen because they had been left too far behind.

However, Lu Xin knew that they were still chasing after him. With so many people gathered together, there was a strong sense of oppression. The Black Mass was like an ant colony, spreading across the wilderness. Some were running wildly on the main road, while others were climbing through the muddy grass.

It was as if he had already faded, and chasing had become an instinct.

However, no matter how fanatical they were, no matter how crazily they chased, they could not break through the human limit.

It was impossible for two legs to outrun four-wheeled vehicles.

Furthermore, with his sister’s help, they wouldn’t be able to outrun Lu Xin even if they were to drive as well.

Therefore, the plan itself would definitely succeed.

“But, is it that simple?”

As he stepped on the accelerator, Lu Xin took a look in the rearview mirror.

Previously, in the discussion with Chen Jing and the others, Chen Jing and the old and prudent drunkard had both raised a problem.

When facing an opponent like the church of technology, it was never too much to be careful.

By the looks of it, the plan to use doll’s power to lure away the armed forces around Happy Town had a high chance of success, and the enemy would definitely not think of it in advance. However, he still had to be careful of the countermeasures the church of technology had prepared beforehand.

As such, Lu Xin had already made preparations to deal with any unexpected changes that might occur during the mission.

There would definitely be a change, but he didn’t know what it would be.

After the simplest speculation, it was most likely related to the spiritual level.

The church of technology had used some method to lure these people over and he would use doll’s power to lure them away.

It seemed to be a very simple matter, but this was actually a confrontation between two forces.

Sandwiched in the middle were the armed personnel of the gathering point.

These people had been attracted to the area around Happy Town, and they did not even mind breaking through the line of vigilance they had set previously because they had been affected by something and were willing to risk everything. Simply put, their desires had been hooked by some kind of power.

At this moment, they should be described as:A lightly contaminated body that has been contaminated by desire.

Doll’s appearance added another layer of influence to them.

When the two forces intersected, it seemed to be a very normal thing to have problems.

“Hehehe …

Some people were running with all their might in the wilderness.

He had caught up from the beginning and had long been left far behind. He could not see the shadow of the modified car at all.

However, he was still running with all his might. There were people running around him in a fanatical and excited manner. This made him feel extremely uncomfortable because he saw the princess-like woman and the people around her.

the people around us are chasing after him like madmen. How can we do that?

these crazy guys, these bad guys, if they catch up to that girl, what will they do to her? ‘ the consequences of this are unimaginable.

that’s why I have to catch up to them before they do so that I can protect the little princess.

With this thought in mind, he ran desperately.

However, his physical strength would decrease and he would feel tired.

The more he ran, the slower he became, and the more intense the conflict and worry in his heart became.

He almost hated himself. He hated himself for being so weak that he couldn’t run anymore after just over 10 kilometers. He hated that there were more and more people around him. Why did these guys, such rough guys, chase after such an innocent and kind girl?

He even hated himself.

He remembered that he had come here in pursuit of a great treasure …

But why did he suddenly forget about the treasure?

What was he doing? why was he completely confused?

Vexation, regret, all sorts of indescribable and indescribable emotions filled his mind.

He felt pain, and this pain was fermenting.

He was on the verge of breaking down. He wanted to squat on the ground and cry out loud without caring about his face.

However, the people around him were all fighting for their lives, so he could only do the same.

All of these emotions were so strong that they could not be dissolved. It was a sharp contrast to the extreme fatigue of his body.

Between the cracks, there were two feelings of intense devastation.

Under this kind of torture, his mind had been stretched into a straight line, and he was on the verge of collapse at any time.

Of course, he was not the only one who had such emotions.

In this wilderness, more and more people were caught up in this kind of emotional torture.

When countless people were shrouded in such emotions, a heavy atmosphere shrouded the entire wilderness.

The sun had already risen to the highest point in the sky, and the rays of light were white and blinding.

The twisted desire had already fermented in the crowd, as if it was exuding an extremely delicious taste.


Suddenly, someone fell to the ground and retched violently, like a fish out of water. His limbs twitched and his body trembled.

The indescribable desire in his heart still dominated him, making him use all his strength to open his almost dim eyes and look forward. The moment he realized that it was impossible for him to catch up with the modified car, he was in a state of despair.

However, she didn’t want to accept this kind of despair. She never wanted to.

At this moment, his rationality suddenly collapsed completely, and his vision

turned black.

Before he passed out, he seemed to see a pair of eyes.

Something rushed out from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly felt relaxed.

The inextinguishable, tormenting desire in her heart seemed to be swept away by some kind of torrent.

His body became light as a feather, as if he was flying, but also as if he was surrounded by countless individuals like himself. They formed a new individual, and his brain was filled with countless voices. They were shouting, roaring crazily, cursing and cursing viciously.

He didn’t want to associate himself with them and even felt that they were disgusting.

But now that she was too tired, she couldn’t help but have a thought in her heart, that it was okay to not be so tense …

It seemed that it was great to admit that she was the same as them, to accept and integrate completely …

It was really comfortable to fall.

Although they seemed to be surrounded by dirty and ugly faces, they felt a sense of security when they were together!

“What’s that?”

Lu Xin sensed the change behind him and immediately turned around.

When his eyes swept across the rear mirror, he could see that there was nothing in it.

However, when he turned around, he saw that a few huge monsters had appeared in the empty wilderness.

They had slender limbs but bloated bodies, and they frantically climbed over the heads of the people chasing them.

Due to his excessive weight, his body had already turned into the shape of a tire.

However, its head had a smiling human face.

He was round and chubby, and his smile was gentle but stiff. It looked a little strange, but one would only realize what was strange if they looked carefully. This face was made up of different faces. Some had expressions of fanaticism, some had expressions of sadness, some had expressions of pain, and some had expressions of anger. These different faces without different expressions were arranged together to form this smiling and gentle face.

There were neat black stripes on its body. Upon closer inspection, one would realize that the stripes were eyes that were spinning quickly to look around. At the end of its slender limbs, there were human hands that were contracting and opening. They clawed at the ground quickly.

“A spiritual monster?”

Lu Xin was taken aback. He did not expect to find such a powerful mental monster in the wilderness.

Moreover, it seemed to have appeared suddenly.

twisted desires will inevitably give birth to evil thoughts, which are what you call mental monsters.

Her mother sat in the back seat and said in a relaxed tone, ” these few are considered to be low-level existences in the abyss.

“They’re actually quite kind, they just want to protect something.” however, because they are too kind, they only swallow the things they want to protect. After all, only by swallowing the people they want to protect can they guarantee that they will not be separated and will be together forever, right? ‘

“Ah, this …

Lu Xin couldn’t help but glance at his mother through the rear mirror with a worried expression.

You call this protection?

In the past, he had always been worried that his sister’s three views were problematic. Now, it seemed that his mother’s three views were also very dangerous..

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