Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 469 - Chapter 469: The taste of being human (1)

Chapter 469: The taste of being human (1)

Translator: 549690339

what mother said makes sense …

Lu Xin was taken aback by his mother’s question.

It seemed to be the truth.

He could not think of anything that matched the characteristics of the third stage, but he could not think of anything that he could walk freely on. He was like a child. If she appeared in a place with people without any preparation, she would immediately cause a disaster. There was also the Queen of Happy Town. Even now, he did not know whether she had intended to turn Happy Town into such a terrifying and strange place or not.

If they were unconscious, that would be too terrifying.

She was scarier than doll.

And these cases that he had learned of fully explained one problem. The higher one was on the steps, the more abnormal it might be.

“The main point is at the back.”

Lu Xin’s mother looked at Lu Xin’s sudden realization and smiled. “It doesn’t matter if we can reach it or not.’

“The key is whether we can continue walking down this path.”

Lu Xin was deep in thought as he slowly read the explanation of the fourth stage theory.

What greeted his eyes was a bunch of complicated formulas and technical terms that were difficult to understand. Among them, Lu Xin saw a theoretical model that was intertwined with various factors. He also saw different keywords such as ” abyss ‘ ‘ reality “, ” spiritual world “, and so on. He kept flipping through the pages, and after a few pages, he finally saw the key to the fourth step.

“Spirit Lord.”

This was the first time Lu Xin had seen these words, but he felt a sense of familiarity.

He subconsciously knocked on his own head.

He fell silent, as if he was thinking about something, but judging from his expression, he seemed to be in a daze.

After a long time, he subconsciously asked, “”1s this thing accurate?”

“You need to understand one thing.”

The mother looked at Lu Xin with the patience of an adult who was tutoring her child.

all the theories and models are actually for people to understand the laws.

“The real thing is always there.”

it doesn’t need beautiful formulas or complicated models. All the theories are in it.

it can walk to the end with its instinct …

“It’s like a person. From birth to death, he naturally has his own rules.” but in order to understand why, people have spent countless efforts …

however, no matter how much effort they put in, they can only recognize it.

They can’t change it.

perhaps, this result will make people despair.

Lu Xin nodded. so, this is the reason why the genius researcher jumped down from a hundred-story building? ‘

“I think so,”

His mother nodded with a smile and said, ” but there are differences between people. Some people think that they can’t break this rule, so they’re in despair, but some people are happy because they recognize this rule. Why should they be troubled by the final result? when they recognize this result, they can interfere with the development of things a little and let them go more smoothly. Isn’t that a kind of success? ”

Judging from Lu Xin’s expression, it was hard to tell if he understood.

After a long time, he suddenly twitched his mouth and continued to read.

The fifth stage, the sixth stage, and even the seventh stage ..

what an interesting theory …

“What I’m more curious about now is what we’ve encountered and how we’re going to break it,” he said with a smile as he slowly thought about it.

His mother smiled without saying a word. In the distance, the roars of his sister and father fighting could be heard.

Lu Xin flipped through the documents page by page. If he couldn’t understand something, he would just ignore it and pick what he wanted to read.

Then, he saw a report attached to the last step theory:

Zero ability user.

It looked like an incomplete report.

It was unknown if the genius researcher was too anxious, but he jumped down before he finished the report.

The core of the report was stability.

Stability was always the core of the seven stages. Only by achieving stability in the first stage could one advance to the second stage, and only by achieving stability in the second stage could one advance to the third stage. However, this report had mentioned the most stable concept.

Ordinary people.

No aptitude user was more stable than ordinary people.

In fact, they were too stable to become ability users.

Because they had not experienced any mutation, ordinary people would still maintain their previous mental strength Level even after the red Moon incident. However, if they were to strengthen their mental power and allow ordinary people to have an extraordinary mental strength Level, what would happen?

This report was a conjecture in this aspect.

It could be seen that when this report was written, everything was based on speculation and conjecture.

However, Lu Xin’s experience in the central city had taught him that people with zero abilities had already been developed.

Lu Xin understood his mother’s intentions and whispered, ” so, if I want to climb up the ladder, I have to walk the path of a person with zero ability? ‘ “You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to,” his mother said with a smile.

“This …”

Lu Xin decided not to ask any more questions after being scolded by his mother and continued reading.

A person with zero ability had no ability.

Even if he was strengthened by his mental power, he would not have any abilities.

It was just that with the help of their powerful mental strength, they could do things that were beyond ordinary people.

One was a spiritual attack, and the other was a distortion force field.

Third …

When he saw the third message, Lu Xin instantly understood why his mother wanted him to read these things.

His expression first became a little strange, then he smiled helplessly.

After a long sigh, he closed the information page.

I don’t know what the Church of technology is doing, ” he said softly, looking up. but judging from the current situation, they’re probably attacking the Queen. I don’t think any person or creature would be willing to have their spiritual power taken away. So, the church of technology and the Queen aren’t working together, but are hostile? ”

“That friend actually has a good temper.”

His mother raised her head leisurely and looked in the direction of Happy Town.”She actually doesn’t want to be enemies with anyone.”

“I know what to do then,” Lu Xin said with a nod.

Her mother smiled and moved to the side gently. She seemed to be a little lazy as she stretched her waist.

He acted as if he had already finished his work.

“What is he doing?”

At the same time, in the dead man’s forest, Grand Knight godpool and rose Knight were frowning as they looked at the factory below. In their field of vision, the huge pit where the factory was located was already filled with distorted and chaotic spiritual bodies.

The space was distorted exaggeratedly, as if it was separated by several layers of thick glass, and it was impossible to see clearly.

However, they could sense the changes inside through the domain.

That person was still there, but he had become motionless. No matter how they released their abilities, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, disappearing without a trace. Even when they urged the flower of death to bloom several times in that place, releasing powerful spiritual attacks, there was no movement.

This was almost beyond their common sense.

They could only continuously conjure more flowers of death and enter this domain to tightly surround that person.

During this time, they had already had several tactical discussions.

The only consensus they had was that the person must have some sort of defensive power that could isolate powerful mental damage.

However, he was unable to move when he used this defensive power.

Since that was the case, as long as he was locked inside, he would still have to come out sooner or later.

At that time, he would be able to truly get rid of him.

The only thing worth consoling was that during this period of time, there were a few messages that came in.


The Archbishop’s work was still in progress, but he needed the domains to be repaired in time, otherwise it would affect the progress.

The priest had already completed his task and created a favorable location for himself.

The restoration of the domain was also in progress at this time. However, due to the lack of helpers, the speed was relatively slow.

Therefore, they were still a little anxious to solve this problem and help the Bishop with his other work.

It was also at this moment that they suddenly had a telepathic thought. “It’s starting to move …”

They could clearly feel that their target, who had been standing still all this time, was once again walking through the flower of death.

“End the battle as soon as possible!”

Grand Knight God-blessed said in a low voice. He took a deep breath and took out a silver saw from the box.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at his right calf.

The red-haired rose Knight’s chest heaved up and down nervously. He knelt down in a pious manner and held the music box in his hands. The ethereal music suddenly became louder and clearer, as if it was made of silk, and it reverberated through the forest with a fanatical emotion.

“Buzz Buzz Buzz …”

There were too many flowers of death around him. The moment his mother stepped aside, Lu Xin had already touched three flowers.

The blossoming of the three flowers of death immediately caused a chain reaction. Uncountable violent spiritual turbulence and impact intertwined around him. The earth rumbled as the ground was lifted layer by layer. The spiritual impact was like steel needles, piercing his eardrums and even his pores into his blood vessels, heart, and mind, and stirring them continuously.

His heart was beating faster and faster, and there was a song that seemed to be controlling the rhythm of his heart, making him feel abnormally excited.

A scalp-numbing pain suddenly came from his right calf, as if a saw was pulling it.

Lu Xin stood there quietly and unmoving in the midst of the indescribable pain.

He carefully felt all the pain and mental confusion, as if he was tasting a cup of strong wine.

Then, his face turned slightly red, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The corners of his mouth pulled up, and his expression was a little weird, even a little happy.

“Is this the feeling of being human?”

“It’s quite interesting….”

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