Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 450 - Chapter 450: A warning to qingang (2)

Chapter 450: A warning to qingang (2)

Translator: 549690339

“Just to deal with us?”

“If it’s just to deal with us, there’s no need to set up such a large contamination domain.”

“For some kind of experiment?”

the vast majority of this domain is just an empty wilderness. They don’t even have a target for their experiments …

“It can even be said that this doesn’t seem man-made.” after all, if it’s man-made, then setting up such a large pollution domain must have been mixed with some individual will.

but in fact, we didn’t. Because although we died and were awakened, we could still maintain our rationality.

“We can conclude that they only set up such an energy field, but the energy field itself is pure.”

I’m really curious now. What’s the purpose of setting up this pollution domain

Lu Xin knew that these were valuable first-hand information, so he memorized them all.

Other than researcher Wang song, it was probably impossible for anyone else to enter this place and reach these observations.

At the same time, his heart sank.

Even though he did not get the core evidence, based on his logical judgment, he could already be certain that the power of the contamination came from the Queen of Happy Town. However, this power had already undergone some sort of change, and it was not just pure contamination.

Just like the four questions that machinist had raised.

One was the power to make people kill each other.

One was the power to awaken the dead.

One was the power to not realize that one had already died.

One was the power to turn into a spiritual monster.

Lu Xin guessed that the power to awaken the dead came from the Queen, and researcher Wang song guessed the reason for the mental monster. However, there were still many problems hidden in this domain.

Of course, Lu Xin already had his own goal and direction.

Right now, his main goal was to break this contamination domain.

But after that, he would have to make a trip to Happy Town.

Lu Xin did not really want to make an enemy out of the Queen of Happy Town.

After all, Green Harbor had three options for the Queen of Happy Town. They were either to clear her out, communicate with her, or weaken her. He had originally been inclined to either weaken her or communicate with her.

However, if the Queen had completely lost control, then the only option left was to clean her up.

After all, she was her mother’s friend. It was not good to completely fall out with her.

However, the choice was in her hands.

With these questions in mind, Lu Xin slowly stepped on the accelerator and sped up.

In the gloomy wilderness, as the launchers were destroyed one by one, there seemed to be an invisible cover gradually becoming transparent and tilted. The power that was originally evenly distributed also became thin and unstable at this time, like a gust of wind.

This was the counterattack of the dead, fighting against the invisible panic in the wilderness.

our stabilizer is being pulled out, and it’s fast.

As Lu Xin and the rest of the information-gathering team split up to destroy the launchers, there were also people watching a computer screen.

It was an observation point set up in an abandoned village not far from Happy Town. There were very few people there.

There were only four people. One of them was wearing a dirty windbreaker, his eyes red and swollen, and he was drinking coffee.

As he sipped his coffee, he looked at the green marks on the computer screen. They were turning red at an average speed of one group disappearing in more than a minute. He sighed softly and said, “”How sad, destruction is always easier than construction.”

“It’s so easily destroyed?”

A woman’s voice rang out from the entrance of the dilapidated room, in your design, isn’t this supposed to be an unsolvable pollution cycle? ”

as long as someone comes in, they will be contaminated. But if they don’t come in, it’s impossible to discover the contamination here.

“Hey, hey, hey, can you blame me for this?”

The person who was drinking coffee shouted. He slammed his keyboard and the scene changed. He was looking down at a speeding truck. Through the front glass, he could see Lu Xin and researcher Wang song.

One was driving, one was holding a tablet, one had a calm expression, and the other was as pale as a corpse.

He could see what they were talking about, and they even had smiles on their faces. look, look, he’s working with the dead. Who would think of working with the dead? ”

Looking at the image on the monitor, the others shivered slightly. Someone sighed.

cooperating with the dead, how perverted …

Someone else questioned, ” in your previous design, the dead will only follow their habits and unconsciously move. In the end, they will become a member of the forest of the dead. This death domain is the foundation for their continued existence. They will only subconsciously protect the domain.

why are they destroying the domains now? ”

The person who was drinking coffee took another big sip and said, ” some kind of power is affecting them. It should be related to the only living person.

He switched the screen to Lu Xin, who was in the driver’s seat.

His face was calm, and his eyes were looking straight ahead. However, if one looked closely, they would feel a sense of fear.

why is he still alive? is it because he can resist the power of the music box? ” The red-haired woman asked in surprise as she leaned against the door.

hehe, why are you guys so lacking in imagination? ”

At this moment, a man with a cigar in his mouth, who was sitting in the corner of the room, chuckled. He had a full beard, a pair of large sunglasses, and a red beret on his head. He said, if I remember correctly, the Knights in the outer circle were defeated in qingang city. This is enough to show that qingang has an extraordinary ability user.

“Since that’s the case, why can’t this person be the one directly resisting the domain’s power?”

Everyone in the room became silent.

It was obvious that even they couldn’t understand what kind of person could directly resist such a massive domain.

In this room, the last person with a very old and strained voice slowly said,

“It’s fine.’

“Since the floodgates have been destroyed, let’s start the second plan.” With every sentence he spoke, he would stop and take a rest. His breathing was heavy, and he seemed to be very tired.”We’re here under the guidance of the Oracle, and there can’t be any mistakes in the gospel plan. Since someone has become a variable in this plan, we’ll just destroy him.” “This can also be used as a warning to qingang..”

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