Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 424 - Chapter 424: I’m a newbie, I don’t know the rules (1)

Chapter 424: I’m a newbie, I don’t know the rules (1)

Translator: 549690339

spend two million to buy information on the church of technology? ‘

“I still don’t know if it’ll work?”

This was the first time Lu Xin looked at Chen Jing with unconcealed suspicion.

He wondered if the team leader had gone crazy.

Chen Jing looked into Lu Xin’s eyes and heaved a sigh of relief. She explained patiently, ”

The church of technology has always been a very scary and mysterious organization.

they’ve appeared in the North a few times and caused chaos every time. Even the mental pollution bomb that attacked us was their doing. No one knows what they’re going to do if they make a move. It’s better to be careful.

Then, he looked at Lu Xin and said, you’ve been invited to join the Research Institute’s Club. It’s a good thing for both you and qingang.

the Research Institute has a lot of secrets. The information they have is far from what the special Investigation Department in high wall city can compare with.

expanding our information channels through them will give us a great advantage.

Chen Jing was already giving her rare, heartfelt advice.

Lu Xin didn’t want to talk back to his leader, but he still couldn’t help but say,

“‘But 1 … ”

Chen Jing promised with a smile, “”AII expenses will be covered!”

“You should’ve said so earlier!” Lu Xin said, suddenly relieved.

Then, he handed the communicator over and said, “”There’s not enough change in this communicator.”

Even if he exchanged all of his credit card points for cash, it would only be 100000.

Chen Jing took the communicator, operated it a few times, and said, ” this software is an imitation of the social media software from the old civilization era. Every one of them is bound to the central bank system of the central city. In fact, many technologies in the high-wall city can do this.

it’s just that the foundation of the internet has been severely damaged, so such social software is not very useful.

but since the Research Institute is willing to come up with this, it means that they’re confident in confidentiality and security. Of course, another reason might be that the Research Institute wants to set up this platform and then control everything on their own.

Frowning slightly, he returned the communicator to Lu Xin and said, “”You can use my account first. There’s still some money in it.”

after we return to Green Harbor, I will arrange for someone to help you apply for an account in the central city. I will also give you some funds to buy information. You can pay more attention to the news on this platform in the future. If you find it useful, you can look for me and I will help you apply.

“Oh, oh.”

“Can’t I just give you the communicator?” Lu Xin agreed.

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment. She looked at Lu Xin deeply and suddenly laughed.

He reached out to grab Lu Xin’s hand and placed the communicator back into his hand. the Research Institute naturally has their reasons for inviting you to join this club. You just need to keep this communicator. You don’t need to give it to me. When you return to qingang, you don’t need to say this again.

as for Green Harbor, there’s already a communication system between the cities. You don’t have to worry.

Lu Xin nodded in agreement.

On the side, the lizard, who was sticking its saliva on the envelope and was about to stuff the love letter into it, looked at them talking and stared straight at them.

Lu Xin was finally able to put his mind at ease after receiving his superior’s assurance.

He graciously clicked on the profile picture of the person named ” Dracula ‘ and a private chat box popped up. He sent a message,”l want it.”

“I won’t haggle.”

In the private chat, the other party’s reply was obviously faster:”You should change your name first.”

Lu Xin was a little surprised.

Dracula said, ‘can’t you see that we all have three-word names? Please maintain your formation, thank you.”

Lu Xin exited the room and flipped through the list of names.

Paddies, red dancing shoes, Orianna, night watchman, machinist, and even one called blood guillotine.

It was just three simple words.

However, when he reached the end of the message, Lu Xin was stunned and sent another message to Dracula. “Isn’t there one more word?” He saw a name that said, “I’m the most handsome, I’m not.”

“He won’t change,” Dracula said.

“Then I won’t change either,” Lu Xin replied.

“He’s famous for being an idiot in the club!” Dracula said.

Lu Xin was speechless.

“Which high-walled city are you from?” Lu Xin asked. What’s your real name?”

the first rule of communication in the club, ” Dracula said. don’t f * cking ask around before the other party takes the initiative to tell you!

Lu Xin stared at the man’s profile picture and committed him to memory. Then, he typed a reply. I’m sorry. I’m new. I don’t know the rules.

“Do you want the information?” Dracula asked.

“Yes,” Lu Xin replied.

He immediately transferred two million Yuan to his account.

He didn’t know how much money was in Chen Jing’s account. Two million Yuan was transferred to her account smoothly.

He could use two million at any time …

Lu Xin’s respect for Chen Jing had risen to another level.

hahaha, ” Dracula said. I like newbies like you. A few more will do.

As he spoke, he sent over a compressed file.

When Lu Xin saw his reply, he had a bad feeling and quickly showed it to Chen Jing.

Chen Jing took the communicator, unzipped the file, and frowned. the church of technology’s Archbishop of disaster has appeared in waterbay city and conducted a Science and Technology sermon. Three hours later, the Archbishop of the church of technology and half of the residents of waterbay city have disappeared, and the city has become an empty city.

but I’m sure that other than the Archbishop of disaster, there are three other

Knights with him .

purpose: not clear ‘ “Whereabouts: unknown” “Slightly, slightly, slightly …”

As she said that, she frowned.

“Is it worth it?” Lu Xin asked, concerned.

Chen Jing shook her head slightly. in terms of value, of course it’s not worth it. But we definitely have to do this.

Lu Xin immediately understood what was going on. As he took the communicator, he saw Dracula posting a second advertisement in the chat room. you all know how important the news from the church of technology is. Someone has just paid two million. I’ll talk to those who are willing!

latest news from the church of technology. One million. Private message to whoever is willing! Lu Xin replied. The Night Owl was speechless.

The flying guillotine:

“What the f * Ck are you doing?” Dracula asked.

“One million is too expensive, how about five hundred thousand?”

Instantly, there were a few private messages. I’ll just throw away the 500000 Yuan. I’ll just take a look! “Send me a copy!” transfer: 500000 Yuan!

transfer: 500000 Yuan. Note: I’m not interested in the news. I just want to see you fight Dracula …

Lu Xinyi received the money and forwarded the information.

There was even one person who had yet to transfer the money, but Lu Xin transferred the information to him first.

The other party seemed to be a little surprised. He took the information and transferred the money to Lu Xin.

Dracula’s profile picture jumped wildly, and messages kept coming in.”What are you doing? What do you mean by that?”

“Don’t you know the rules after entering the club?”

“Are you planning to be excluded from the information Network?”

I’m sorry, ” Lu Xin replied in embarrassment. I’m a newbie. I don’t know the rules.

Dracula said, ‘I’m furious, furious, furious. Saber.” Lu Xin replied, “smile, smile, smile.” Coffee.”

“What made you so happy?

Chen Jing noticed the smile on Lu Xin’s face and asked with a smile, “”You’re familiar with the people in the club?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I’ve made friends with quite a few people, and I’m particularly close to one of them,” Lu Xin replied with a smile.

you still have to be careful. Don’t be fooled. Chen Jing glanced at him and said. “Yeah,” Lu Xin nodded.

The helicopter set off from Central City at eight in the morning and landed at two different locations. After a series of transfers, they arrived in the sky above Qing gang by evening. Chen Jing seemed to have taken Lu Xin into consideration and had the helicopter land on the roof of the guard Station in satellite city No. 2. After dropping Lu Xin off, she made a phone gesture and the helicopter took off again, rushing to the main city.

“You’re back just like that?”

Lu Xin picked up his backpack and took a deep breath of the humid qingang sea breeze.

The motorcycle couldn’t be transported directly by helicopter, so he had to wait a few days, so he stayed at the guard Hall first. Under the request of the young female police officer who happened to be on duty, he reluctantly stayed for dinner before coming out.

He took the subway home. In the empty car, his face was reflected on the glass. Lu Xin looked at himself through the glass window and suddenly shook his head.

His neck cracked.

He then smiled at himself through the window.

He didn’t know if it was because the window was too blurry or because of the light in the car, but he didn’t seem to be smiling inside.

it’s time to go home and have another family meeting …

Lu Xin thought.

At the same time, Chen Jing had already arrived at the headquarters of the special Investigation Department. Minister Shen, professor Bai, and the others were already sitting there waiting.

They had all come in person and did not use any long-distance communication devices.

“Three things!”

Chen Jing looked at the solemn-looking gentlemen and pushed the documents that she had just printed in front of them. She said in a deep voice, ” first, the lunar eclipse Research Institute has already disclosed the secret of the abyss, which has led to the clearing of the S-Class restricted zones around the high-wall cities. According to their information, the clearing of the S-Class restricted zones has reached an extremely critical point.

“In other words, we have no choice but to prepare to face the Queen of Happy Town.”

Mr. Su and professor Bai looked at each other. Professor Chen and the others nodded slightly.

They had come because they knew about this.

“The second item!”

Chen Jing took a deep breath and said, ” Shan Bing has received an invitation from the Research Institute to join the advanced talent club. In addition, we can confirm that the Research Institute has confirmed Shan Bing’s identity. They should know more than us, but they have not chosen to be hostile.

Director Shen suddenly frowned and looked at professor Bai.

“It’s within expectations. The Research Institute has never liked to use force,” professor Bai said with a nod.

Teacher su nodded slightly and knocked on the long table with his knuckles.

“What’s the third?”

“It’s about Shan Bing!”

Chen Jing took a deep breath. the Research Institute has confirmed that Shan Bing is not a stage two aptitude user. He is a stable stage three aptitude user.


The meeting room fell silent.

After Chen Jing had calmed down, she said slowly, ” then, should we prepare to absorb him into the heavenly state plan? ‘

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