Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 398 - Chapter 398: You’re not God (Part 1)

Chapter 398: You’re not God (Part 1)

Translator: 549690339

An endless sense of oppression spread out.

The red Crescent moon hung over the city. The moonlight was red and cold, carrying a cruel feeling.

Under the Crimson Moon was the mountain-like monster of flesh and blood that was taller than the city, and the ” God ” who stood on top of the monster of flesh and blood, looking down coldly at the building ruins that had been piled up into a mountain and compressed by a great force.

In the air, there was a huge twisting force field. No matter who looked over, its figure was blurry.

In this dynamic world, it had a sense of peace.

It also seemed to be puzzled. Under such a ” mountain, ” all living things should be dead. It had been a long time since it had felt any movement from below. But in its perception, it found a sense of oppression. It was as if there was a certain emotion growing beneath the mountain. It made the air thicker, like the Crimson Moon in the sky, making it instinctively feel threatened.

“Captain … Why hasn’t the captain appeared in such a long time?”

In the distance, the lizard was waiting expectantly, but as he waited, he started to panic.

Even when he was facing the S-rank ability user from the maritime Kingdom, the captain did not waste so much time.

He had even dealt with the aptitude user from the maritime Kingdom before the pollution had truly spread.

And now, the flesh monsters had actually spread.

If this was a big city with a large population, 2/3 of the city had been completely polluted.

However, that ‘God’ was still there.

Captain’s temper was that good?


It was also at this moment that a dull crashing sound suddenly came from under the mountain-like ruins.

The sound of the impact was so intense that it sounded like an earthquake. It was not just the joint squad’s ability users in the distance who raised their heads in a strange manner.

The six eyes of the ‘God’ under the Crimson Moon turned quickly and looked at the mountain below.

He felt a strong mental wave from under this “mountain” that no one should be able to survive.


Once again, there was a violent shaking sound.

At the same time, a certain part of the mountain was rapidly collapsing, as if a black hole had appeared beneath it.

“Chi …”

The air around this ” God ” suddenly became distorted, like boiling water.

Countless Python-like tentacles stretched out and climbed on the empty ground. They skewered seven or eight houses like tofu and lifted them high, tearing them from the foundation and lifting them into the air.

Then, it smashed down on the collapsed area.


The huge pressure surged through the air, and the building pressure on the tentacles collided with each other, making a scalp-numbing sound.

However, just as the buildings were about to crash into the garbage mountain, a violent tremor was heard again.

At the place where the collapse was happening, an extremely dense black shadow spurted out.

The shadow seemed to have become solid. It was no longer the kind of shadow that appeared because light was blocked. Instead, it was black. Every tiny particle was shaking violently and erupting from the foot of the mountain, like the eruption of a black volcano that had been accumulating for a long time.

“Chi …

The moment the shadow spurted out, it met the string of buildings and tentacles.

In an instant, all the buildings exploded one by one, turning into mud, stone, and steel fragments that scattered in all directions like a meteor shower.

Then, the tentacle broke off bit by bit, and stinky blood mixed with a meteor shower scattered on the ground.

The six eyes of the ‘God’ contracted at the same time, and they stared down.

In the distance, the faces of the other members of the joint squad also stiffened as they looked forward in a daze.

Xia Chong, in particular, had already subconsciously stood on her tiptoes.

Amidst the rain of mud, sand, and the stench of blood, Lu Xin emerged from the bottom of the mountain of trash.

He was holding a little girl in a white dress in his arms.

He still looked very calm, but there seemed to be something more.

“Gulp …”

The ‘God’ lowered its head and looked down at Lu Xin with its six eyes.

At the same time, Lu Xin slowly raised his head to look up at the ‘God’ that was taller than the entire city.

Their gazes collided, and violent distorted air ripples spread in all directions.

Compared to the time in the laboratory, the mental attack of the “God” was dozens of times stronger.

Lu Xin’s body was thrown off balance by the massive impact, and he slid backward.

The concrete slab was silent, but a web-like crack appeared on it.

However, Lu Xin’s body stopped moving and he narrowed his eyes as he stared at the ” God ‘

The gods seemed to have been provoked. Their huge flesh bodies suddenly shrank violently at the same time. After this contraction, they suddenly relaxed. Then, an indescribable and powerful spiritual impact came pressing down from the sky like a tide.

All the building debris sank at the same time, about half a meter deep.

The wristwatch-like mental energy detector on Lu Xin’s wrist flickered with a bright red light, and the numbers became chaotic.

This kind of spiritual attack had already affected its operation.

However, just as the violent force was about to reach Lu Xin, a large shadow suddenly shrank under his feet.

It was as if there were lights around him, gathering the shadows to a small area in front of him.

In the center of the shadow, a strange black shadow was floating up quickly, like an evil ghost from hell. As it floated, large black shadows gathered on its body, making its body bigger and heavier.

The spiritual attack rushed to the shadow and then split into two, surging out to the sides.

A deep V-shaped mark appeared on the ground, starting from the shadow in front of Lu Xin.

The only thing that remained was a small stone that was caught in the spiritual attack. It bounced off like a bullet and flew toward the little girl in Lu Xin’s arms.

Lu Xin raised his hand and caught the small stone in his palm.

you’re still not good at protecting …

Lu Xin crushed the stone in his hand and looked up at the black shadow.

“Hehehehe .

The black shadow let out a hollow and heart-palpitating laugh. It was filled with disdain, excitement, and freedom.

“Are you ready?”

Lu Xin’s expression turned serious as he looked at the black shadow.

The shadow was silent and no longer smiled. Instead, he asked in a probing manner, “”You’re really willing to believe me?”

“Actually, you’re the one who didn’t trust me all this time,” Lu Xin replied after a moment of silence.

The two blood-red eyes on the shadow’s head contracted slightly, as if it was on guard. “I’m sorry!”

Lu Xin suddenly lowered his head to the shadow and said in a sincere tone,

‘”‘The previous me was indeed not worthy of trust.”

“I’ve forgotten too many things, including what I promised them.”

a person who doesn’t even have a sense of direction isn’t worthy of too much trust, so I can understand you.

but please believe me. I know what to do now.

The shadow seemed to be frightened by his honesty, and actually fell silent for a long time.

Then, he whispered, “”You really remember everything?”

“Not all of them .

Lu Xin raised his hand helplessly and knocked on his empty head. “There are still a lot of memories, but they’re all blank. However, I’ve already remembered the most important thing. Back then, perhaps she had thought that these memories were no longer useful, so she had forgotten about them? But I didn’t expect that there would be such an important thing waiting for me to do, and someone else waiting for me …”

Then, he laughed in embarrassment and said, ‘”‘This should be the sense of direction, right?” “Hehehehe .

The shadow laughed.

This laughter was extremely dark, as if it was going to seep into every corner of the city.

“Chi la …”

It was also at this time that the ‘God’ who had failed in the spiritual attack, gushed forward like a tide.

It did not choose the wrong method like before. Instead, it planned to drown Lu Xin with its flesh and blood. After all, this kind of highly contaminated flesh and blood was its strongest power. It was also the true advantage that it could rely on as a ” God.

The sound of flesh being torn apart rang out as a mountain of flesh and blood appeared before Lu Xin’s eyes.

In the flesh and blood, one could vaguely see nerves and blood vessels, moving like the head of a snake.

“You look much more pleasing to the eye now …”

The black shadow looked at Lu Xin as a pair of eyes appeared on its head, which gradually turned blood red.

His voice also gradually became low, and there was a faint oppressive aura.

Lu Xin’s smile was warm and confident. people will grow up, and we need family members to trust and understand us.

“Is that so?”

The shadow said in a low voice, a smile appearing in his blood-red eyes.

By then, the mountain of flesh and blood, or rather, the sea of flesh and blood, had already reached Lu Xin.

The blood waves were so high that even the Crimson Moon in the sky was covered. Darkness descended.

Lu Xin was about to be drowned like a small pebble.

However, at this moment, Lu Xin gently placed little nineteen on the ground and patted her head.

“Turn around. Children shouldn’t look.”

When little nineteen turned around obediently, Lu Xin also turned to look at the monster.

Then, his expression suddenly became ferocious, and blood vessels climbed up to the White of his eyes.

His right foot stomped on the ground, and his body rushed straight forward.

At the same time, he extended his palm.

Beside him, his younger sister, who had long been prepared, had already tried to reach out her little hand.


When she grabbed Lu Xin’s hand, he almost pulled her up into the air.

The younger sister was thrown onto Lu Xin’s back and wrapped her arms around Lu Xin’s neck.

As the two of them held hands, Lu Xin’s speed suddenly increased by several times. His limbs and torso seemed to possess an indescribable agility. Immediately after, he charged forward again and collided with the shadow in front of him.

The shadow instantly wrapped around his body, causing his figure to look as if it had expanded by two or three times.

However, his agility and speed were not affected, and his direction was even more direct. In an instant, he crashed into the mass of flesh and blood that was squeezing over.

Countless nerves and blood vessels immediately began to burrow into Lu Xin’s body.

However, before they could even get close, they were sliced apart by the surging black substance around Lu Xin.

The next moment, the sea of flesh and blood was torn apart, and the cracks spread upward.

It was like the Red Sea had parted to give way to Moses.

The only difference was that Lu Xin had made the flesh and blood give way to him.

He charged forward, and wherever he passed, a huge hole was melted into the flesh and blood, which spread outwards.

With an extremely terrifying speed, he rushed to the top of the tall monster, where the main body of the ” God ” was. A gloomy smile appeared on his face, and his eyes and the shadow’s eyes looked forward at the same time.

It looked like he had four eyes.


Lu Xin chuckled. His voice seemed to echo, but it also sounded like two voices overlapping.

“No, you’re just trash!”

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