Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 381 - Chapter 381: I finally found him (1)

Chapter 381: I finally found him (1)

Translator: 549690339

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After Lu Xin pressed little nineteen against the wall three times in a row, the laboratory began to shake.

The test tubes, the green liquid in the pool, and the chocolate on the operator’s table all trembled slightly. It was as if the basement was experiencing a slight earthquake. Even the incandescent lights flickered for a moment.

“What’s that?”

Zhao Shiming, who was wearing white gloves and mixing the medicine in the flask, frowned slightly and stopped what he was doing.

Not far away from him, Chen Xun was gently pulling off the mask he was wearing.

He gently picked up a squirming brain that had a strange sense of beauty and placed it beside Zhao Shiming.

As he admired the brain, he smiled. “That’s the power of a tyrant.”

Zhao Shiming was slightly stunned and turned around stiffly, “Is it the tyrant that you guys stole?”

“Yes, but it’s an incomplete body.”

Chen Xun said as he removed his gloves.”Of course, it’s equally terrifying.”

Zhao Shiming looked at the red Digital watch on the pool, which showed the progress of their experiment.


“Do we have enough time?” he asked after a moment of silence.

“I’ll try to buy enough time.”

By then, Chen Xun had already walked to the side. He took off his white coat and hung it neatly on the clothes rack.

Then, he took out his exquisite watch and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses from a utility box beside him. He slowly put them on his hands and face. He even tidied his clothes and combed his hair while looking into the mirror.

He no longer looked like a researcher.

Instead, it was a well-dressed young man. Although he was old, he still had a good temperament.

Zhao Shiming’s expression turned grave as he watched his actions.

After a while, he suddenly put down the test tube and turned to look at Chen Xun.”ls it worth it?”

“Professor Zhao, don’t you think you’re looking down on me by asking me this question at this time?” Chen Xun turned around and smiled.

There was no smile on Zhao Shiming’s face as he said, “Then I want to ask, what are you doing all this for?”

of course! Chen Xun was silent for a moment before he smiled and said, ” of course, it’s to give my teacher a satisfactory report card!

Zhao Shiming took a deep breath.

He suddenly took off the glove on his right hand and solemnly extended his palm to Chen Xun.

Chen Xun was stunned for a moment before he slowly raised his head and said, “”ls it worth it to waste this little bit of time at this point?”

“It’s worth it,” Zhao Shiming nodded.

Chen Xun did not say anything more. He reached out and shook Zhao Siming’s hand.

“Happy cooperation!”

Zhao Shiming let go of his hand, put on the gloves again, and continued his experiment.

Chen Xun picked up a stopwatch from the table next to him and turned to the door of the laboratory. Everyone in the laboratory was still minding their own business with their heads lowered. It was as if no one had noticed what he was about to do.

Only the elderly cleaner raised her head and looked at Chen Xun. Her lips trembled slightly, and a few turbid tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

Chen Xun smiled at her and nodded.

He then stood at the door of the laboratory, bowed to the people inside, and left.

“Thank you for all your hard work.”

Lu Xin held his sister’s hand as they walked into the deserted building.

The surroundings were pitch black, with only a faint light coming from the sparse lights on the street outside.

However, after his eyes got used to the darkness in the building, he could still see that the first floor of the building was very wide.

It used to be a vast Hall. The ground was covered in thick dust, and there were messy wooden shelves, papers, glass fragments, and so on. It looked no different from the other abandoned buildings, but something seemed to be wriggling in the dark.

Lu Xin only stopped for a moment before continuing on without even taking out his flashlight.

The thing in the darkness seemed to have developed some kind of fear of him. As he moved forward, it began to shrink into deeper darkness.


In the dead silent building, only Lu Xin’s light footsteps could be heard.

He tilted his head slightly, listening to something, and then walked forward, approaching his destination little by little.

As he walked through a desolate corridor and was about to find a way to go underground, he suddenly stopped.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the right side of the corridor, where there was no light at all.

His pupils contracted slightly, as if he had already seen someone.

With the help of the candlelight, one could see that it was a bar that had been abandoned for a long time. In front of it was a curved bar counter covered in dust, and the shelf behind it was full of wine bottles that were either covered in thick dust or half broken.

A man wearing gold-rimmed glasses was lighting candles one by one, and the light gradually filled the bar.

“Crack …”

A small voice suddenly came from beside him.

The younger sister was gritting her teeth and staring at the man behind the bar.

Her eyes seemed to be filled with hatred, but also confusion.

She raised her hand and hit her little head. Then, she looked at the person behind the bar counter with an even more fierce look.

However, she didn’t try to tell Lu Xin what she was thinking.

Lu Xin didn’t ask any questions. He held his sister’s hand and slowly made his way to the bar counter.

At this moment, he felt slightly more relaxed.

He finally found Chen Xun, his relative from the orphanage.

Behind the bar counter, the man had already lit more than a dozen candles, illuminating the surroundings as if the lights were on. Then, he took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the thick dust around him. The handkerchief had turned black in a few moments.

Lu Xin made his way to the bar counter and patted the dust off a bar stool before sitting down.

“You’re here?”

The man with gold-rimmed glasses looked at him with a smile, as if he were greeting an old friend.

He took out a set of sealed glasses from the cabinet under the bar counter and a bottle of whiskey that was half-filled with golden liquid. He poured four glasses of wine, one in front of himself and the other three in front of Lu Xin. This action made it seem as if he was not entertaining one guest, but three.

Lu Xin looked at the three glasses and frowned.

He had no interest in playing this kind of game of courtesy before violence. He was only thinking about what he should do to make it look better.

“Do you still remember me?”

The man with gold-rimmed glasses, or rather, Chen Xun, smiled and picked up his cup.

But he didn’t drink it. He just took a deep breath and showed a happy expression.

“I have some impression of it. I just remembered it.”

Lu Xin answered honestly as he looked at him, ” but I know that you’re also from our orphanage.

“It’s normal that you don’t have much of an impression of me.”

Chen Xun smiled. after all, I was in charge of other things at that time. I didn’t have much contact with you. In the entire orphanage, only a few people have seen me … Moreover, it’s been so many years, and you’ve become like this.”

Lu Xin was silent for a moment before he lifted his head slightly. His eyes were as deep as a well.

He asked stiffly,”that girl …” What’s going on?”

“Have you forgotten?”

Chen Xun held the cup in his hand and said with a smile, “Her code name is nineteen. ”

Lu Xin’s eyes narrowed.

Chen Xun brought the cup to his mouth, but he did not drink it. After a while, he shook his head and laughed at himself.”ln the past, I loved to enjoy such things, but later on, in order to protect my rationality and to prevent my hands from trembling during surgery, I quit for many years. Now that I smell it again, it’s still as fragrant as before, but I’ve lost some courage …”

After pondering for a while, he made up his mind and was about to drink it.

However, Lu Xin suddenly grabbed his wrist and whispered, ‘”What did you do to her?”

Chen Xun stopped in his tracks and looked at Lu Xin’s hand.

After a slight pause, he put down the glass with his other hand and put his hand in his pocket. Lu Xin had no intention of stopping him. He simply allowed him to do as he pleased, as if he didn’t care if he would end up with a gun or something else.

What Chen Xun took out was only an old watch.

The needle on it was moving slowly, and the time was set at ten minutes.

this is a parasitic object with serial numbers 2-31. It’s counting down.

Chen Xun placed the clock on the table beside him and looked into Lu Xin’s eyes. make a wish when you start this watch. When the watch hits zero, the wish will come true …

“It sounds interesting, doesn’t it?” actually, this is just an illusion. A sequence 2 parasite doesn’t have the ability to change reality.

“It can only change itself.”

however, it’s still very useful in some special situations.

He smiled and continued to explain. for example, the wish I make is to make myself lose all my memories, or to suddenly stop my heart, or to directly explode my mental power and destroy my brain.

if you do anything to me or destroy this timer, it will cause this situation to happen immediately.

so, I’ll use these ten minutes to have a good chat with you .

Lu Xin glanced at the clock, his expression calm.

“Tell me, what do you want to ask?” Chen Xun laughed.

Lu Xin looked at him expressionlessly as if he was in deep thought. Then, he slowly said, you and that little girl … Little nineteen, what did you do?”

“I’m just letting her live.”

Chen Xun raised his head and looked at Lu Xin. His eyes were calm.

As he spoke, he looked straight into Lu Xin’s eyes.”lsn’t this much better than you?”

The corners of his eyes slightly wrinkled, and he seemed to be smiling. when you were facing her just now, didn’t you feel that she was very familiar? ‘ after all, this isn’t the first time you’ve killed her …

I’m curious. When you killed everyone in the lab, you felt the same way …

“Are you sad?”

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