Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 374 - Chapter 374: Big brother, I found her (2)

Chapter 374: Big brother, I found her (2)

Translator: 549690339

He decided to ignore her and continued to look around. His sister was currently wandering around, as if she was anxiously looking for something.

we’re indeed here to visit our relatives. Isn’t it a coincidence that we encountered something like this? ‘

Seeing that Lu Xin was ignoring her, Chen Jing laughed and explained, besides, we’ve already done everything we can to cooperate with the central city. No matter what we do in private, we’re not breaking any of your rules, are

“We should have sealed the city,” Xia Chong’s face turned even colder.

Chen Jing said, ” but you did not make an announcement. A few cars are just there. Who knows what you are doing? ‘

“You …”

There was finally a hint of anxiety in summer bug’s voice. all the major intersections have been sealed. How did you get in? ”

“I just walked in like this.”

Chen Jing said, ” when we came in, no one stopped us. No one told us not to come in.

Summer bug was completely silent. After a while, she said, ‘”‘1 hate you!”

“I quite like you, stubborn little girl.” Chen Jing smiled.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

The lizard watched the two of them quarrel with great interest, and a foolish smile appeared on its face.

Who knew what he was thinking at this time …

Although Lu Xin’s attention was on his sister, he had also taken their words to heart. He couldn’t help but sigh.

“A leader is. leader ..

When he saw clearly that it was summer worm, he felt a little guilty. However, after listening to Chen Jing’s words, he could not help but puff out his chest. The team leader had said it so well, and he had not broken any rules at all.

“It’s done …”

As if she could see that Xia Chong was brewing her anger, Chen Jing also changed the topic and said, “”What happened to you that made you so injured?”

“A monster that can control flesh and blood.’

Summer bug’s attention was diverted. “Of the two members, one is dead and the other is injured. However, the injuries on my body were caused by myself,”


Lizard and Lu Xin shuddered at the same time upon hearing this.

The lizard was looking at the summer worm’s legs. It slowly raised its hand to support its chin, showing a pained and thoughtful expression.

Lu Xin’s mind went astray as the image of this woman cutting her own thigh with a knife flashed across his mind. He felt a chill run down his spine.

“Haha, good evening …”

Before summer bug could elaborate, she suddenly heard a chuckle.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a man in blood-red clothes in the dark alley. They immediately became alert. When they walked out of the shadow, they saw a man in a red coat walking in front of them. He was dressed like a doctor.

No, it was the white coat, but the coat was dyed red.

Behind him were two people wearing the blue and white striped clothes of mental patients and plastic shoes.

One of them was thin and tall, but his face was covered in blood and band-aids. His eyes were full of spirit.

The other one was wearing a chubby baby’s mask, but at this time, the mask was already half destroyed, revealing his rough face.

One of them came over and sized Chen Jing up.

Just as Chen Jing was thinking about whether she should introduce herself, he pursed his lips. “So skinny, not masculine at all.”

Lu Xin was immediately indignant. Even though team leader Chen was pretty, he had a heroic spirit to him.

However, he didn’t answer because he noticed that the other person in the mental patient’s clothes was already facing him after walking over. The eyes between the two strawberry band-aids had been curiously looking back and forth on his body.

Lu Xin gave him a friendly smile and said, “”Hello,” he said.

The man immediately turned his head and looked at the lizard. He responded enthusiastically, ‘”‘Nice to meet you.”

Only then did Lu Xin realize that his gaze was a little off.

He could not help but sigh. His peers in the central city did not seem to be

normal either …

“Scalpel .

“All of you survived, ” Xia Chong said with a low breath.

“We were almost completely annihilated.”

The doctor replied with a smile, making it hard to tell if he was telling the truth or joking.

However, he immediately noticed something and said, “”Did something happen to one of you?”

Summer bug nodded and did not continue speaking.

Xia Chong glanced at her and did not hide anything. seven teams have arrived at the outpost. One team will stay behind, two teams will be on the move, and the other four teams will enter buffaloes city from four directions … Including your Qing gang, that’s a total of eight teams.”

“That means there are at least two more teams coming?”

Chen Jing was silent for a moment and said, “”Are you guys planning to wait for us to regroup, or do you want to Scout ahead?”

Xia Chong looked at the building coldly, seemingly unable to make a decision.

Under her ice-cold expression, there seemed to be great anger.

It wasn’t too much to say that she wanted to burn the building to ashes immediately, but she took into account that one of her team members was injured and had completely lost the ability to fight. She obviously couldn’t make such a radical decision before someone took her out successfully … “We should at least wait for the captain to come over first!”

The doctor laughed. now we can be sure that the black table is for real. The mysterious organization is in need of treatment more and more. They actually have their own team of aptitude users, and it’s a team that’s not inferior to us …

Lu Xin was a little embarrassed by his words.

The ones doing bad things now were his relatives …

As he thought of this, he suddenly sensed something and looked up into the sky.

In the dim sky, something suddenly floated over quietly from a distance.

It looked like a round thing, floating in the air as if it had no weight.

Everyone was shocked at first and pulled out their guns. It was not until they got close that they realized it was a red balloon that was floating quietly.

It was a windless night, but the balloon seemed to have a life of its own as it floated over. When it floated to their side, it stopped in mid-air, looking like a blood-red eye, quietly watching them.


However, unlike Lu Xin and the others, Xia Chong, the doctor, and the others were shocked when they saw The Red Balloon.

Their voices were filled with disbelief and coldness.”Captain Li …”

“Captain Li’s team was completely annihilated?”

It could be seen that whether it was the usually expressionless summer worm or the doctor who always had a particularly frivolous expression on his face, they all had the same expression on their faces at this time. They were shocked, disbelief, sadness, and fear.

“What kind of monster could annihilate the captain’s team?”

They looked at each other, but no one could answer this question.

However, it was clear from their reactions that their Captain was a very powerful existence.

brother, I’ve found her …

Just as everyone in the central city base was in a state of panic, Lu Xin’s sister suddenly tugged at Lu Xin’s shirt. Her voice was filled with excitement.

“Creak. ”

Before Lu Xin could turn around, he heard a shrill noise coming from not far away.

It was the sound of a knife cutting through an abandoned car.

Everyone turned around at the same time and saw a little girl in a white dress at the end of the street.

She was a little petite, and her small skirt fluttered in the night wind, revealing her pale legs covered with thick needle horns. Her black hair hung down and swayed slowly as she walked, and her small face was also strangely pale. She held a knife in her hand and slowly cut through the broken car shells on the street.

His eyes were empty as he looked over indifferently..

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