Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 366 - Chapter 366: The city full of monsters

Chapter 366: The city full of monsters

Translator: 549690339

“Shua shua shua …”

Lizard and Lu Xin were shocked by the changes in their surroundings.

After Chen Jing used her ability, they saw a sudden change in the lively Street. The pedestrians, who were either in a hurry or had a leisurely expression, suddenly became alert. They rushed toward Chen Jing, Lu Xin, and the others. They used their bodies to form a three-layered defense line around the three of them and continued to move forward.

It was as if they had suddenly gained an additional 100 guards, and they were moving forward like a military camp.

During this process, Chen Jing’s eyes remained blood red.

She seemed to be under great pressure, and her steps were a little unsteady as she walked.

Lu Xin and the lizard saw this and rushed forward to support her. Chen Jing glanced at the lizard and pushed him aside. She then placed an arm on Lu Xin’s shoulder and used him to support her body as she moved forward quickly.

Just like that, they strode forward like a group of hooligans fighting.

The people around them looked as if they had seen a fight between two young and dangerous men and quickly hid to the side.

He moved forward quickly, passing through the streets and heading towards the city center.

“Creak …”

Finally, as they went deeper into the city, they gradually triggered some other changes.

This seemingly prosperous and beautiful city was like a real and huge curtain. When they were in the middle of the curtain, everything around them was reasonable and orderly. However, as they went deeper and deeper, it was as if an extra force was applied to the curtain. The entire curtain began to stretch and deform, and it faintly emitted the hoarse sound of steel being bent.

“You’ve done the right thing .

Lu Xin and the others stopped in their tracks and looked at each other. They saw the relief in each other’s eyes.

The path in front of him was being stretched and deformed.

The surrounding buildings and influences also began to show irregular States.

Even the lights were elongated, as if they had become bright lines.

This meant that the tension of this fake city, or rather, the fake images that they felt and were in, had reached its limit. If this fake city had a boundary, then they were slowly leaving this boundary.

fortunately, we’re almost out, ” the lizard said in a low voice. and fortunately, we didn’t stay in this damn place to find its source. The longer I stay in this city, the more I don’t want to leave. Just now, for a moment, I was really attracted to the young girl here .

this is the effect of memories.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Chen Jing, who had her arm on Lu Xin’s shoulder, said in a low voice, ” if I’m not wrong, the longer you stay here, the deeper the contamination. In the end, you’ll be deeply trapped in your memories and never want to leave …

Hearing their words and seeing the fear in their eyes, Lu Xin was taken aback.

He could also see the city, which meant that the source of the pollution was also affecting him, but he didn’t seem to want to stay.

“Don’t be careless,”

Looking at the distorted scene around them, Chen Jing reminded in a low voice, ‘”‘1 can feel that there’s something powerful in the depths of this fake Street. It should still be staring at us and trying to attack us. I’m guessing that it’ll most likely attack us at this time …”

don’t worry, team leader, ” Gecko said with a smile. I understand that. Who would really relax at this time? ‘

Lu Xin was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have really relaxed .

“Put on your protective shield and goggles.”

Chen Jing said in a low voice. She pulled up a hood from the back of her combat suit to protect her face. Then, she took out a pair of goggles and put them on. At the same time, she whispered, ” in this city, the scariest thing is the contamination of flesh and blood, so I’ve prepared this set of clothes. But you have to be careful, this set of clothes can only be used for defense to a certain extent .

Lu Xin did the same, but the lizard did not put on a mask or gloves.

Chen Jing did not order the lizard. She knew that the lizard was not acting cool. As a Spider-type ability user, agility and response to the surrounding emergency situations were the most important. The lizard would not reduce these aspects of agility for safety.

As for Lu Xin …

. Lu Xin had always been a well-behaved boy. Besides, he wasn’t a pure Spider.

“Alright, get ready … Rush out!”

Seeing that her two team members were ready, Chen Jing also took a deep breath and suddenly shouted.

At this moment, they and the people around them who were blocking everything for them suddenly rushed out at the same time. Their speed suddenly increased several times, which made their movements very abrupt.

The surrounding scene became even more exaggerated because of their sudden acceleration. It was like an oil painting that was stretched and pulled out of shape. All the light and shadow became strange and unreal.

At the same time, the strong smell of rotten blood rushed into his nose.

It was as if they were approaching a slaughterhouse that had been out of power for a long time in summer and was filled with the stench of decay.

This pungent and strong smell formed a strong contrast with the bustling and clean Street in front of them.

Then, something heavy fell from above and smashed down on their heads.

“Leave the higher-ups to me …”

The lizard said in a low voice as it pulled out its gun.

Looking up, there was nothing above, but the feeling of the strong wind pressing down on his face was extremely real.

This was the reason why geckoes did not wear protective shields. As Spider-type ability users, even if their core abilities did not have any abnormal detection abilities, when their bodies were under a certain degree of control, they could still identify hidden dangers through many small details.

Pilipala …

Blue electric arcs appeared above his head, vaguely outlining the shape of a flesh tentacle.

The electric arc from the special bullet caused the tentacle to burn and stiffen to a certain extent, slowing down its movements.

At the same time, the red light in Chen Jing’s eyes reached its peak, and the people around her rushed forward.

Lu Xin, on the other hand, had his arm around Chen Jing’s shoulder. As he led her forward, he glanced at his sister. Her sister had already understood Lu Xin’s intention and rushed forward with a smile. Her speed was even faster than the ” shield ” beside her.

“Pa la …”

As they rushed out, there was a clear shattering sound in the surroundings. Everything collapsed and shattered in an instant.

Lu Xin’s vision turned dark as he realized that all the lights and prosperity around him had disappeared.

The three of them were standing in the middle of a dilapidated Street. There were no bustling scenes on both sides, only dark buildings. The streets were destroyed and empty. There were only pale and lonely headlights placed every 100 or 200 meters, illuminating the dilapidated streets. Abandoned cars were parked in a mess.

They were surrounded by a group of monsters that looked like humans but had strange expressions. Their bodies were full of swollen and rotten flesh. Each of them stood beside them like wooden stakes, loyal and brave, like bodyguards.

Behind him, there was a burnt tentacle that was quickly retreating into the shadows.

In front of him, there were two tentacles that were also retracting. There were a few pieces left on the ground, and they were flopping around like mud loaches.

Just now, when they were the last to rush out, the lizard had sensed the tentacle that had fallen from above and used a special bullet to hurt it. At the same time, a few more tentacles had also pounced out from the front. However, his sister had rushed forward and met these tentacles.

oh my, is this the thing that was protecting us just now? ”

The gecko looked at the monster of flesh and blood that was still under Chen Jing’s influence. It frowned and suddenly thought of something. It shivered again.”The girl who was wearing a short skirt on the street just now was also wearing this?”

Lu Xin and Chen Jing ignored him.

“I’ve finally walked out ..

Chen Jing said in a low voice. With Lu Xin’s help, she took a few steps forward to distance herself from the flesh monsters.

Immediately, the red light in her eyes suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Lu Xin could clearly feel that her body had become heavier. He quickly reached out to hold her waist. Because she had been using her ability at a high intensity for a long time, her face was pale and she looked like she was on the verge of fainting. She only managed to hold on with Lu Xin’s help.

When the lizard saw Lu Xin’s arms around Chen Jing’s waist, it wanted to turn around and scratch the wall.

“You can let go of your hand now.”

Chen Jing took a few deep breaths before she whispered to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin came to his senses and retracted his hand from Chen Jing’s waist. His fist was clenched the entire time.

Chen Jing looked at Lu Xin approvingly, then turned back to look at the dark City.

They had all seen the horrifying tentacles retreat into the dark buildings on both sides.

Looking at the countless buildings in the city, who knew what strange and terrifying things were hidden in them?

Could there be such a monster hidden in every building in this city?

perhaps the black table is thinking of letting us chase these monsters .

but we’re trying to stop the experiment, ” Chen Jing whispered. so ignore them and hurry to the laboratory!

Hearing her words, both Lu Xin and the lizard looked up.

Now that they had arrived at the city center of buffaloes city, they also found some differences between this place and the periphery.

There were already sparse lights in different positions, trying their best to illuminate the ruins under the Crimson Moon with dim light. There was no one in the surrounding dilapidated buildings, but he could occasionally feel the gaze from the darkness.

The building that they had seen when they were outside of buffaloes city was now only two or three streets away from them.

On the top of the building, there were red lights flashing from time to time. It was usually an indicator light for helicopters that flew at night. From this, it seemed even more certain that this building was the laboratory they were looking for.

His relatives should be in this building..

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