Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 358 - Chapter 358: The obedient little monster (1)

Chapter 358: The obedient little monster (1)

Translator: 549690339

the courage of the central city is really great …

Lu Xin and the others descended the mountain about ten kilometers away from water buffalo City.

The place where they got off was located on a Mountain Road. The terrain was higher, and they could look down.

It was afternoon, and the sky was clear after the rain. From a distance, they could see the dark buildings on the green plain. They looked like monsters crawling on the ground, looking at the world coldly.

Before the red Moon incident, water buffalo City should have been a medium-sized city.

Even though it had become an abandoned city, one could still feel her powerful pressure.

The military base outside buffaloes city was also giving off a sense of oppression.

From their position, they could see that a huge camp had been set up to the East of buffaloes city. In the air, seven or eight helicopters were flying around a camp. Below them were white tents, black military vehicles, and all kinds of temporary equipment that had just been set up. It was sophisticated and complex.

Trucks filled with armed soldiers were circling the city, forming a long blockade line.

“They only received the news this morning, right?”

The lizard was dumbfounded. Even from such a distance, it subconsciously lowered its voice. even if they set off as soon as they received the news, it has only been a few hours and they have already built such a large base hundreds of miles away? ‘

“This is the style of the central city.”

Chen Jing smiled and said, ” you say it easily, but you don’t underestimate your opponents in your heart. Especially this time, the blacktable has set their sights on the Research Institute. They’ve touched their bottom line. “However, it’s also because the central city is so bold and decisive every time they do things that their speed is inevitably slower. We still have time. Let’s go, we have to get in before they completely set up the blockade.”

After making the decision, he said goodbye to the fleet and left the walkie-talkie behind.

The people of the team did not know what was going on, but they were all very serious. They took the motorcycles that Lu Xin left from the car. Gao ting also waved her hand and took one for Chen Jing and the lizard each. Then, they stood by the cars and bid farewell to Lu Xin with tears in their eyes.

“Why are you crying …”

Lu Xin’s hair stood on end as they cried.’Why does it sound like I’m not coming back?’

Suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart. They wouldn’t run away just like that, right?

He still owed him half a truckload of goods …

The three motorcycles drove into the small road and came to the plain. They drove through the wild grass so that they would not be seen from afar. Compared to Chen Jing and the lizard, Lu Xin’s motorcycle was of the best quality. He listened to the pleasant sound of his motorcycle and looked at Chen Jing and the lizard’s motorcycle. He felt a sense of pride.

The central city’s campsite was set up in the East, and they were setting up a blockade.

Therefore, they rushed directly to the West of buffaloes city. The wild grass was divided into several neat lines by their tires.

Although they had been as fast as they could along the way, when they arrived at the West of the city, they still saw armed vehicles one after another. They were already parked around the city at a distance of one kilometer. At several major intersections, there were more than two armed vehicles and more than a dozen armed soldiers. A yellow cordon had been set up to prevent people from entering and leaving the city.

Water buffalo City was originally a gathering place for refugees. It did not even have an administrative office, so it naturally could not compete with the military power of the central city.

Of course, the central city was also a headache. If buffaloes city had an administrative office, it might be more convenient to do things.

Chen Jing’s car was parked in the grass in the distance, looking at the city from afar.

“Are we going to rush in directly?” the lizard asked.

Lu Xin glanced at the lizard and thought,’how barbaric.’

Then, she also thought that if she told them that she was going in to visit her relatives, she didn’t know if they would let her go .

Chen Jing looked at the two of them and sneered, ” no matter if we charge in directly or go over to discuss with them, as long as we meet with the central city, many complications will arise. It will also make them more prepared, and it will be inconvenient for us to act.

so, our principle is that unless it’s absolutely necessary, we should try not to meet with the people in the central city .

The lizard glanced at Chen Jing curiously, “”Then …”

“We’ve shared almost all the information and discoveries with the central city, but have you forgotten something?” Chen Jing laughed.


Both lizard and Lu Xin pondered the matter seriously, their faces blank. Chen Jing looked at a place and said, “”Come out!”

In the direction she was looking at, the air seemed to be slightly distorted. Lu Xin and the lizard’s vision blurred, and they saw a blood-red monster appear on the ground. It was short and its skin was red, like a skinned muscle tissue. There were no facial features on its face, only two big ears, no arms or legs, and instead, it had octopus-like tentacles.

“Ah, this .

Lu Xin suddenly came to a realization, and his face was filled with shock.

Otherwise, why did he always feel that something was missing? he had forgotten about this Physical evidence

However, when he thought about it carefully, he did not forget. When he recalled it carefully, he realized that this monster seemed to have been by his side all along, following Chen Jing timidly. When he was picked up by them, it was squatting at Chen Jing’s feet. When he was in the chemical plant recalling all kinds of information and information, it was walking around in boredom, watching others busy with work.

Even when they were discussing visiting relatives in the carriage, it was listening.

When they rode the motorcycle to the edge of the city, it was actually sitting in the back seat of Chen Jing’s motorcycle.

But he had never seen it .

At the chemical plant, Chen Jing crossed out the content of her report, which was also related to the content that would surface.

as long as the people around it shift their attention to it, it will enter a state of being ignored.

but fortunately, the report in my hand at that time made me notice that there was such a … Human.”

“Then … And how did you find it?”

As Lu Xin had been locked up the day before, he did not have the chance to learn more about this monster’s strength.

Yesterday, after his sister left this little monster, it disappeared again. Even he could not see it at all times. So, thinking about it now, it was really dangerous last night. If it had disappeared in that room, how did Chen Jing find it?

“They just have different abilities.”

“You can only see it when you touch it or pay attention to it,” Chen Jing said.

so, when others lose their attention, it will disappear and it will be difficult to find it again.

“However, my ability doesn’t require me to notice it or touch it.”

She smiled, pinched her sunglasses, and said, ‘”‘1 just need it to see me, and that’s enough.”

Lu Xin finally came to his senses.

When Chen Jing realized that there was actually a small monster imprisoned in this empty room, she immediately cast her ability on the empty room. Under the influence of her ability, the little monster would appear in her field of vision and listen to her. More importantly, Chen Jing’s ability was continuous. As long as the influence was not gone, she would be able to see it.

The leader was indeed a leader. The monster that had given her such a headache back then had been solved by her in an instant …

so now we …

Lu Xin finally understood Chen Jing’s thoughts. He lowered his head to look at the little monster.

Looking into his eyes, the little monster retreated in fear. Its slender and soft tentacles hugged Chen Jing’s calf, trembling.

it has already done us a great favor. It was the one who eavesdropped on the information about buffaloes city.

Chen Jing laughed. I originally wanted to let it go to the meeting place in Central City to help us get more information. It’s a pity that it’s a little timid. As he spoke, he looked down at the little monster. send us to this city, but remember, don’t make us lose our consciousness. If you do a good job, I’ll consider bringing you back to qingang and even give you a job .

As she said this, her eyes were slightly red.

This made her words filled with a charm that people could not refuse.

However, it seemed like she didn’t need to do that, because as soon as she opened her mouth, the little monster nodded repeatedly and was very obedient.

this is probably considered recycling waste …

Lu Xin couldn’t help but sigh.

At the same time. he remembered that Chen Jing was not only responsible for cleaning up special pollution, but also for recruiting new people in the qingang Special Investigation Department.

The little monster’s expression turned sorrowful upon hearing Lu Xin’s words.

Slender tentacles extended out and wrapped around Lu Xin, the lizard, and Chen Jing’s wrists. Lu Xin suddenly felt a strange feeling engulf him. It was the sorrow of being forgotten. He had already experienced this feeling when he first faced this monster. This time, he deliberately controlled himself and did not resist this emotion.

After a while, his condition stabilized. He lowered his head and looked at himself. He still looked the same.

When the sun shone down, he had a shadow. When he touched himself, he also had a body.

When he pulled the wild grass around him, it would also make a rustling sound, as if nothing had changed.

However, when the three of them and the little monster walked along the main road toward the city, they found that it was different from usual. They met many people. Some were ordinary people who intended to enter the city, and some were armed soldiers who had set up a blockade to prevent ordinary people from entering buffaloes city. They were standing in front of them, but they could not see them.

Even if someone’s eyes met his, they seemed to be empty and could not see his appearance at all.

“Little brother, I don’t know why I have a good impression of you the moment I saw you.”

When they were a little further away from the humans, the lizard quietly said to the little monster, ‘”When we return to qingang, I’ll take you around.”

you might not know this, but the bathhouse in qingang is the boss .

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