Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Chapter 550 Happy birthday

Chapter 550 Happy birthday

  ” of course , right away.” old madam Lin lowered her head and replied very politely. She wanted to fight some more but she knew that no matter how shrew like she behaved here. She wouldn’t be able to make things go according to her will. 

Lin Yunxi was not satisfied, fifty taels was a lot of money if they take out such a large amount what will happen to her dowry? Her mother no longer cared about her and if her grandmother was to take out fifty taels then what will happen to her?

She wanted to say something but Old madam Lin growled at her. ” Shut up, do you want your father to be locked in the prison for his entire life?”

Old madam Lin then bowed her head and dragged Lin Yunxi with her. This incident was like a jolt that shocked her to her core, her son was the best man in the world, clearly he was so smart but why was it that everytime he tried to do something, he would get entangled in a mess?

She was anxious like ants on hot pan as she nibbled on her chapped lips, she wanted to rush to the Lin brothers family and demand that they pay Lin Ze’s bail but somewhere in her heart knew that even if she tried to do that nothing would change. 

Everyone in that family were nothing but white eyed wolf, she was obviously very nice to those brats back then when that bastard father of them was lost. She gave them a roof over their heads and fed them food so that they wouldn’t starve. What else did they want?

People were selfish, of course with no backing behind them they would have been bullied at least she did not kick them out of the house !so 

why was it that despite all her efforts that were turning a blind eye to her?

She didn’t kill anyone nor did she inflicted torture on the!

Old madam Lin was obviously angry, she believed that despite her good treatment of them the Lin brothers were being too much. 

But instead of wasting her time knocking on a hard wall, she decided to pay visits to soft focus but what was surprising that not a single relative of the Lin family was willing to lend her money! 

” what! You too don’t want to lend me money?” shrieked Old madam Lin as she looked at the old friend of Old man Lin. She gaped at the man in front of her in disbelief and shook her head before pulling a rueful smile. ” Old man Xiao, do you have to be so cruel? My old man has always treated you kindly, have you forgotten back then when you wanted to buy a farm land and you were lacking two silver taels–it was my old man who lended it to you.” 

Old man Xiao solemnly sipped on his smoke pipe. Of course he remembered that but the —

” it’s not that we are not willing to lend you money Madam Lin.” said the wife of old man Xiao as she patted her husband ‘s shoulder and hurried to answer in his stead. She was worried that if she was a step too late, her husband would agree to Old madam Lin. ” You already know that we are poor farmers as well, from where will we be able to fork out fifty taels? If this was a matter of a hundred or two hundred cents we would have been able to help you at the moment but after our daughter got married, we don’t even have two taels to rub together much less fifty.”

Old madam Lin looked at Old Xiao’s wife and then she looked at Old man Xiao who was sildnf throughout the entire time. He didn’t say anything but he didn’t refute his wife either, it was a silent agreement. 

She understood that she wouldn’t be able to get the money from the Xiao family and could only purse her lips and leave. 

Once she left old man Xiao solely said, ” I don’t like this, when we were in trouble Old man Lin helped us a lot and now that we have money and his son, is in trouble we are turning his widow away.”

” What do you know ?” snapped his wife as she shut the door close behind her and flared up. ” Old man Lin married her as his second wife not as his first and who doesn’t know how that woman married him? She was a song actress in the middle of the street after her first husband died and was taken in my first madam Lin who was her childhood friend. Before that woman arrived in the Lin family, the first wife was recovering from her illness but the second that woman arrived in the Lin family, the first wife passed away in the next six months? Don’t you find it fishy?”

Then she harummphed as she spat on the floor and busied herself. ” you men never see anything wrong because you all are too busy worrying about this and that, and never once worry about what’s going on in your own home.” then she rolled her eyes before puffing up the pillow that Old Xiao was using and placed it back. ” In fact I’m still unsure whether that Lin Ze is really Old man Lin’s son or nor. Old man Lin was a dashing man when he was young yet that Lin Ze? He looks like a baboon with clothes on,”

” But still—“

” No buts!” when Old man Xiao tried to convince her, she immediately became fierce as she glared at her husband. ” you don’t know that Lin Ze was in cahoots with a corrupted merchant who offended a big official. Our sons work in the town, if the news of us helping someone who was the criminal ‘s accomplice gets out what will happen to our sons? Who knows how that official would do to get back at us?”

Old man Xiao ‘s wife was very agitated at the thought of helping someone like Lin Ze and what was more important was that the man was shameless and his mother was no good either. If they lent fifty taels to them, who knows when they will refuse to pay back their debts?

So, what if Old man Lin helped them? The one who helped them was already gone and it wasn’t like they didn’t pay him back. But what about those mother and son pair can they pay them back? 

Old man Xiao and his wife wasn’t the only one who ruthlessly refused to help old madam Lin the others were just as heartless. 

In the end old madam Lin was driven into a corner and she had to fork out the money to bail Lin Ze out by selling her farmlands. 

When Su Wan found out that the matter of Lin Ze’s bail was solved she sighed in relief. Fortunately, old madam Lin didn’t come to their family, she wasn’t scared of that old hag but she didn’t want Zhang Xiaohui to feel awkward and guilty. 

That woman was a real good help since she and Lin Zhi has been working in the farm, together they could take care of the farm lands where she was growing cantaloupes. Now she no longer needed to lift a finger and all the work was done by other before she had to order them to do it. 

Life was comfortable. 

Su Wan’s comfortable days went on like that and Su Wan who has been enjoying her comfortable life got lazier day by day. Days turned to months and the cantaloupe seeds that were sown in the fields turned into green lush vines that bloomed with flowers. 

In fact the vines were not the only thing that grew, Su Wan too grew up. And by growing up, one meant she grew fat. Her body turned into a soft chubby ball and get cheeks that were carved like a sculpture filled up and her sharp chin vanished into a round one. 

” Wake up, sleepy head.” Lin Chen who was done feeding the chicks and sweeping the courtyard clean poked Su Wan’s cheek causing her to frown in her sleep. ” Come on, wakey, wakey.”

Su Wan who felt like she has hardly gotten any sleep rolled away from the teasing hand and covered her head with her pillow. ” Go away! Let me sleep Chen,” 

Lin Chen laughed as he crawled over Su Wan and draped his body over hers before he hotly whispered, ” you better get up or else I’m going to give you a reason to sleep in, silly.”

Silly wife, don’t she know her voice did things to him?

Why did she have to tease him like this?

Su Wan who was sleeping immediately jolted awake as she opened her eyes and blamingly glared at Lin Chen. ” Was that necessary ?”

Lin Chen smiled as he lightly pecked Su Wan on the lips. ” Happy birthday, wifey.” 

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