Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2766

Chapter 2766

2766 Refining pills again

“Your Majesty, how exactly did you plan this? With just this batch of herbs, I can help you take down Fire Lion City?”

Ning Yuanzhi was dumbfounded and extremely shocked!

At first, when Chen Xiaobei took out 300 million upper spiritual stones to gather medicinal herbs, ning Yuanzhi was still puzzled. Why would Chen Xiaobei hoard the same batch of medicinal herbs? This was completely meaningless!


But at this moment, ning Yuanzhi realized that if he could take down Fire Lion City with this batch of herbs, then the 300 million that Chen Xiaobei spent would be worth it! No! It should be said that it was worth it!

As everyone knew, Fire Lion Capital city was the most difficult capital city to break through apart from fire cloud capital city!

In order to build Fire Lion main city into an indestructible giant city and to train a fire Lion Army that was enough to guard a region, Supreme King Fire cloud had invested no less than 30 billion upper spiritual stones in the past few hundred years!

If Chen Xiaobei could really take over with only 300 million, it would be an unbelievable profit!

“There’s no time to explain now. It’s not safe here! If your identity is discovered and spread to e Huo Yuntian’s ears, the entire spirit condensation city will be in trouble!”

Chen Xiaobei took the storage bracelet and said, ” “Trust me! The news that Fire Lion City had fallen would definitely spread throughout the fire cloud region by today! You just need to go back now, and everything will proceed according to my plan!”

“Yes, sir!”

Ning Yuanzhi pressed down on the big hat on his head and tried his best not to let others see his face. Then, he immediately used the teleportation array and returned to the spirit condensation city!


The first thing Chen Xiaobei did was to go to a place where no one was around. He entered the Meru space and then the verdant Emperor’s divine gourd.

The Sumeru dimension was as small as a speck of dust, and no one would be able to find him. Chen Xiaobei could then carry out his ultimate operation with ease!

That’s right!

Chen Xiaobei was about to start his second large-scale alchemy!

However, this time, he wasn’t going to refine the fire immunity pill, but high-grade heavenly dog food!

The celestial Hound had given Chen Xiaobei the recipe for the high-grade heavenly dog biscuit a long time ago, but the medicinal ingredients were difficult to gather, so Chen Xiaobei did not make it himself often!

This time, Chen Xiaobei had used 300 million Yuan from his own pocket to gather a huge amount of medicinal herbs through ning Yuanzhi! Not only did he have to personally refine high-grade heavenly dog biscuits, but he also had to refine a huge amount of them!

“Whoosh …”

Chen Xiaobei expanded the heaven and earth furnace to the size of six football fields.

In fact, even without enlarging the heaven and earth smelt, it could still absorb the vast amount of medicinal herbs! However, refining pills was different from refining. He couldn’t absorb all the medicinal herbs in one go!

Because the amount of medicinal ingredients was too large, they had to be separated into different regions for pill refining!

That was why Chen Xiaobei had enlarged the heaven and earth furnace to make sure that all the herbs were placed in the specific ratio according to the recipe. There would not be more here and less there, which would ruin the final result of the pill refining!

After the medicinal herbs were placed in place, the following process was much simpler.

With the experience of making the fire immunity pill, Chen Xiaobei was very familiar with the process.

After some time, the temperature and power of the fire in the furnace were adjusted to the best state.

He closed the lid of the heaven and earth smelt and shrunk it before placing it beside the sunlight cache.

“Jia Sheng, continue to activate the sunlight cache. This time, it will take 81 days! When the time comes, I’ll personally come and get it!”

Chen Xiaobei then left the verdant Emperor’s divine gourd.

After all, Jia Sheng was a mid-stage seven-star earth immortal with a long lifespan of no less than 100000 years. He could completely handle the situation!


After returning to the real world, Chen Xiaobei released e huoyunshan’s nascent soul.

Then, under e huoyunshan’s lead, they headed straight for the city Lord’s mansion’s Treasury.

“Chi …”

After passing through the underground maze, he used a key to open a moving stone door, and a huge treasure vault appeared in front of him!

As one of the eight fire ramparts, Fire Lion main city was the most valued by Supreme King Fire cloud. Every year, they would receive a large amount of funds and resources!

At the same time, e huoyunshan was doing his best to plunder the wealth of the people!

In this way, the resources in this treasure vault could naturally be described as overflowing with oil!

Looking at it directly, just in terms of scale, this Treasury was at least equivalent to the Treasuries of five great axe city!

Taking a closer look, the level of the resources stored within was far higher than the resources in huge axe city’s treasure vault!

The number was huge, and the level was high. In total, the value of this treasure vault was at least ten times that of the huge axe city’s treasure vault!

Even though Chen Xiaobei had no use for most of the resources, he did not even care about them!

However, Chen Xiaobei was in a very good mood!

That was because an Empire’s development and continuation could not be without a strong foundation!

The resources in front of them would obviously be added to the royal city’s Treasury and become its Foundation!

With this Foundation, he could sell it for money in the future! They could also be rewarded to meritorious officials to win over their hearts! Or to give it to subordinates worthy of training, making them stronger! Or perhaps, they could be used when the country needed them and build the country better!

Chen Xiaobei was already the king of a country. He would naturally feel good if he had to shoulder the fate of the country and do something that was beneficial to the Empire!

Moreover, in the deepest part of every treasure vault, there would always be a small number of precious treasures that would benefit Chen Xiaobei, and this would also make Chen Xiaobei very happy!

As expected!

After collecting all the normal resources, Chen Xiaobei found five treasure chests that were placed separately!

Without hesitation, Chen Xiaobei walked over and opened the first chest!

There was a storage bracelet in the box.

Without waiting for Chen Xiaobei to check, e huoyunshan’s nascent soul immediately said, ” Your Majesty, there are one billion upper spiritual stones in this storage bracelet!

one billion?! Chen Xiaobei was shocked. how can you be so rich?!

A normal main city’s forces would only be able to find 100 million upper spiritual stones at most. How could Chen Xiaobei not be surprised to find one billion upper spiritual stones?

“Uh …”

E huoyunshan was a little embarrassed as he said awkwardly,”Actually, I’m not that rich! “It’s because we’ve embezzled a portion of the military expenses of Fire Lion City over the years and tried our best to plunder the people. Only then did we manage to save one billion …”

“You’re really something!”

“Embezzling military expenses is disloyal!” Chen Xiaobei said. Plundering the commoners was unkind! You’re going to fish for a bunch of money from both the top and bottom! He’s simply a beast as greedy as a Wolf and as ruthless as a Tiger!”

yes, yes, yes … Your Majesty’s lesson is … e huoyunshan didn’t dare to talk back. He nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

“If you didn’t become my ghostly slave! I’ll definitely destroy your soul!”

Chen Xiaobei was disgusted by people like e huoyunshan, who took his brother’s money and did not give the people a way out!

However, e huoyunshan had already become a ghostly slave and was 100% loyal. All his previous bad habits would be completely changed!

Chen Xiaobei did not bother to scold him anymore. It was more important to continue opening the treasure chest!

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