Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady

Chapter 596 - Chapter 596: Li Zhe Came Looking for Him

Chapter 596: Li Zhe Came Looking for Him

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio   Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Lu Shan chuckled and then slowly extended her hand. “What are you waiting for? Hurry up and put it on for me!”

Shen Yan’s face lit up with joy; his eyes narrowing into slits.

As the rings were slipped onto their fingers, tears welled up in Shen Yan’s eyes, causing laughter among the guests.

Shen Hui could not bring himself to watch and covered his aging face. He could not admit that the person crying on stage was his own son.

Shen Xi, who had stood to the side, had just descended from the nearby steps when someone grabbed her and pulled her aside.

Shen Xi was taken aback and quickly shook off the man grasping her wrist. However, she lost her balance in her high heels and fell to the ground.

Just as Shen Xi was about to accept her fate and fall to her bottom, a strong arm gently lifted her waist. She felt the world spin for a moment before finding her footing, supported by a warm presence behind her.

Judging by the warm breath that brushed against her ear, Shen Xi sensed that she was now in someone’s embrace.

Shen Xi quickly pulled herself away from the warm body and vigilantly looked at the person behind her. A pair of clear, innocent eyes were fixed on Shen Xi, while the body maintained the posture of having held onto her, with the hand still suspended in the air.

A bright and immaculate young man, radiating a youthful energy. That was Shen Xi’s first impression of him.

Before Shen Xi could say anything, the person who had grabbed her wrist appeared before her eyes. It was Li Zhe.

Shen Xi looked suspiciously at the disheveled Li Zhe. His hair was a mess, his face looked ghastly, with dark circles under his eyes, pale lips, and obvious blood stains on his knees.

Shen Xi could not help but frown at the sight of Li Zhe. How did a rich young man end up in such a state?

Li Zhe did not care about Shen Xi’s scrutinizing gaze and looked at Shen Xi with tearful eyes. “Shen Xi, where is Ah Yu? Let me see him.”

Shen Xi furrowed her brows and said coldly, “l don’t know!”

Shen Xi did not publicize Meng Yu’s news of going abroad, so people in Beijing who saw Shen Xi leaving with a man that day assumed she was hiding him.

Therefore, Shen Xi was not surprised when Li Zhe came to look for Meng Yu.

Knowing that Shen Xi was hiding something from him, Li Zhe took a step forward and tried to grab her hand, but was stopped by the tall boy who had just held Shen Xi.

The boy glared at Li Zhe and fiercely said, “What’s wrong with you? The girl already said she doesn’t know, yet you’re still bothering her.”

The boy looked at the man in front of him with confusion. He wondered why this person came in tattered clothes to a wedding. If he did not know any better, he would have thought he was a beggar.

A look of genuine surprise washed over Shen Xi’s face as she looked at the unfamiliar boy who was defending her. She then noticed the curious guests peering in their direction. She lightly tapped the boy’s shoulder and said, “I’m fine, thank you. I know this person.”

With that, Shen Xi turned to Li Zhe and said, “Come with me. The way you look right now, anyone would think you’re here to cause trouble. I don’t want you to ruin my parents’ wedding.”

Li Zhe obediently nodded and followed behind Shen Xi, walking out of the banquet hall through a less crowded area.

Shen Xi turned to look at Li Zhe and said coldly, “Li Zhe, you know everything about Meng Yu’s situation. Now that he has regained his memories, do you think there’s still a chance for you and Meng Yu?”

Li Zhe choked on his words as he tried to plead with Shen Xi. The pain in his heart stabbed at him relentlessly, refusing to believe what he just heard. He stubbornly insisted, “l will be there for him, we can overcome this together. I believe that time can erase those bad memories and he will gradually accept our relationship.”

“That day at the hospital, Meng Yu was in hysterics when you held him. Li Zhe, did you plan to make Meng Yu get used to you and your relationship in that way? Li Zhe, you’re too selfish. You knew about Meng Yu’s trauma, yet when he lost his memory, you deceived him into doing those things. Did you ever consider how devastated he would be when he remembers?” Shen Xi reprimanded him with cold, unyielding eyes.

” l… I tested the waters, and I thought it was fine, so I got together with him. If it weren’t for the assassination that day, if Ah Yu hadn’t overheard my conversation with Grandpa Guan, maybe… maybe he would never have remembered. Maybe we could have been happy forever,” Li Zhe nervously tried to defend himself..

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