Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady

Chapter 568 - Chapter 568: Three Stones Art Museum

Chapter 568: Three Stones Art Museum

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Meng Yu knew that Zhao Yuan was joking, but he still felt a little uneasy. In the past decade, besides Li Zhe, he had rarely interacted with people. He hardly ever met with even the employees of the company.

Hence, this situation of hanging out with a girl made him feel a bit lost.

Shen Xi noticed Meng Yu’s awkwardness and quickly whispered to Zhao Yuan, “Stop joking around. Meng Yu is very self-conscious and becomes shy at the slightest provocation. ”

Zhao Yuan made a gesture of keeping her mouth shut, then looked at Meng Yu and said, “I talk a lot, don’t mind me!”

Meng Yu responded with a polite smile to Zhao Yuan and continued to stand next to Shen Xi, looking like a restrained little boy.

The group changed into skiing gear, with an instructor assigned to each person, and their skiing trip began. Except for Meng Yu, who knew how to ski, Shen Xi and the others fell one after another as if their bones were disassembled and reassembled.

Meng Yu grabbed Shen Xi, who seemed to have gone wild from the thrill, and helplessly pulled her aside. Just then, a sharp sound whizzed down the slope. “Get out of the way! Get out of the way!”

Meng Yu panicked and pulled Shen Xi to the side. Shen Xi stumbled and fell onto Meng Yu, causing their bodies to intertwine in a pile.

After narrowly avoiding danger, Meng Yu slowly got up and also pulled Shen

Xi, who was lying on the ground, asking concernedly, “Are you hurt?”

Shen Xi took off her helmet, her face flushed, and shook her head. “No, I fell on you. How could there be any problem? But what about you? Did I crush you?

I’m actually quite heavy. I would feel bad if I injured you.”

Meng Yu gently patted the snow on Shen Xi’s head and smiled. “I don’t mind. As long as you’re okay.”

Shen Xi looked up at Meng Yu with a slightly dazed expression. Meng Yu must have taken care of Li Zhe in the same way before, right? Attentive to every detail, gentle, and considerate.

But such a kind person was ultimately betrayed.

At that moment, Wang Lei, who was secretly filming with her phone, became instantly excited. She quickly hid in the shadows and quietly recorded everything.

When she first arrived at the ski resort, she saw Shen Xi and her group. Little did she expect to encounter her enemy on a trip with her girlfriends. What she also did not anticipate was that Shen Xi had already found a new boyfriend.

Wang Lei immediately sent the video to Li Jin.

Li Jin watched the video of Shen Xi holding hands with a man and skiing together. The man even affectionately brushed off the snow from Shen Xi’s hair, and the two shared a deep gaze. Li Jin burst into laughter.

Since that day when Guan Lei briefly appeared at the banquet, he had not shown up on any public occasions. Li Jin had visited the Guan family several times but never saw Guan Lei. She was running out of excuses to continue visiting the Guan family.

This video was indeed an opportunity that arrived at the perfect moment.

Shen Xi and her group enjoyed a day of unbridled fun. In the evening, Shen Xi pushed through the exhaustion and drove her helicopter back, leaving Zhao Yuan and Huang Min at the villa. Shen Xi then secretly returned to Zheng Huai’s hideout with Meng Yu.

After an exciting day, Shen Xi slept a little better at night and did not have trouble falling asleep.

The night was dark, and a suffocating atmosphere enveloped the room. Xue Li pushed open Guan Lei’s door and let out a sigh as usual.

Turning on the light, Xue Li placed a stack of documents in front of Guan Lei and said, “Young Master, these are the documents Director Li prepared for you to establish an art museum in Rong City, as instructed by the Old Master.”

Guan Lei’s consciousness returned slightly, gradually waking up from his sleep. “An art museum? Why do I need an art museum?”

Xue Li pushed the documents forward and said, “The Old Master was very angry about the incident with the proxy, so he had Director Li establish an art museum in your name. He wants you to immerse yourself in it and prevent you from resorting to deceit and fraud again.”

Guan Lei lazily glanced at the documents on the table, but his eyes widened instantly when he saw the words “Three Stones Art Museum.”

He quickly stood up, grabbed the documents in disbelief, and shouted at Xue Li, “Turn on the brightest light!”

Confused, Xue Li followed his instructions and turned on the lights.

However, even with the lights on, it did not change what Guan Lei saw on the documents. It truly read “Three Stones Art Museum.”

How could this be? Why did something from his dream appear in reality? Guan Lei suspected that he had been hallucinating due to insufficient rest in the past few days..

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