Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady

Chapter 331 - 331 Previous Life

331 Previous Life

Guan Lei headed straight to the hospital when his plane landed.

When the security personnel at the door saw Guan Lei, they bowed in greeting. “Young Master!”

Guan Lei pushed open the door to the ward. Ah Ying, who was by the bed, turned around and saw it was Guan Lei. She immediately put her index finger to her lips, gesturing for him to be quiet.

“How’s grandmother?” Guan Lei asked in a low voice.

“She just took her medicine. She’s sleeping,” Ah Ying replied softly.

“Why did she suddenly faint? What did the doctor say?” Guan Lei looked at his grandmother, Ye Long, with worry.

“The Old Madam said she has been feeling rather depressed lately without anyone to keep her company. Since the incident, the Old Madam has been unwilling to speak with anyone but you. Now that you’re here, perhaps you could spend time with her. The doctors say she’ll recover faster the happier she is,” Ah Ying sighed.

Guan Lei drew a long, tired breath. “I know. I’ll stay for a few days. You may leave us. I’ll watch over her.”

“Alright. I’ll arrange a place for Young Master to stay.” Ah Ying exited the ward, briefly greeting Xue Li, who was standing guard at the door.

Guan Lei took out his phone and messaged Shen Xi, informing her he had arrived safely.

Xixi: [ How’s your grandmother? ]

Xixi’s Boy: [ She’s alright. Her condition is stable, but I’ll need to stay with her for a few days to be sure. ]

Xixi: [ Okay. That’s a good idea. ]

Xixi’s Boy: [ But I’m worried about how you’ll fare in Beijing. Have you been there before? ]

Xixi: [ No. It’ll be my first time. Don’t worry. Zhao Yuan said she would go with me. ]

Xixi’s Boy: [ When you reach Beijing, I hope you’ll let me know. ]

Xixi: [ I will. ]

Shen Xi grinned unknowingly as she read Guan Lei’s message, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

“Xixi, what are you laughing at?” Lu Shan was helping Shen Xi with her luggage when she noticed her daughter smiling goofily. It got her curious. “What’s wrong?”

Flustered by the sudden question, Shen Xi quickly stowed away her phone and said, “Oh, it’s nothing. I just saw a joke online and thought it was funny.”

The little white lie escaped her lips before she could fully process what she had said. It startled her. Why did she lie? Was she embarrassed to tell her mother she was chatting with Guan Lei?

Lu Shan could tell that something was amiss with Shen Xi. She lay aside the clothes she had made to pack in Shen Xi’s luggage and took a seat next to her. “Does Xixi have a secret she can’t bear to tell me? Oh, oh! Is it a boy? Come, now. Tell your mother who it is. Who is it you like?”

Guan Lei’s smiling face flashed across Shen Xi’s mind for some reason. She blushed, waving her hands in denial, “N-no. I don’t have anyone I like in particular.”

“It’s alright for you to have a crush, you know?” Lu Shan held Shen Xi’s hand and said, “There’s no need to deny it.”

Shen Xi was mortified. She pulled her hand away like she had been scalded. “Mom! It’s not like that. Stop overthinking things.”

Lu Shan knew her daughter well enough to know it was her embarrassment doing the talking, so she relented. Shen Xi was still young, and Lu Shan felt it was important for her to be aware of matters regarding the heart.

“Love is a magical feeling, Xixi,” Lu Shan earnestly proclaimed, “It’s alright to open your heart to others. All I ask is that you learn to protect yourself. Love is many wonderful things but it can also be lewd and sensuous. I hope you will be careful in whatever you choose to do.”

Shen Xi did not expect her mother to raise the topic of relationships so suddenly. She stared helplessly at her sheets which were in a tangled mess.

Lu Shan smiled warmly. “Alright, alright. I won’t pry. I just don’t want you to get hurt. It’s always good to take precautions. Although I had you when I was 19, I don’t want you to be forced into that position – at least, not until you’re ready.”

Lu Shan took Shen Xi’s hand again and caressed her daughter lovingly. “Mother will be happy if you can find someone faithful. Someone who’ll stay with you from the springtime of your youth to old age. Remember, don’t mess around. I don’t want to become a grandmother so soon.”

A couple for life? Shen Xi could not help but recall her past life. Love and sex were all the same to her back then – neither led to anything good.

As she thought of those days long past, Shen Xi’s mind turned into a mess. She turned to Lu Shan and asked, “Mom, if-I mean, if Dad had an affair with someone else, would you still love him?”

Lu Shan took a moment to process what Shen Xi was saying, but her expression soon turned serious. “Do you know something? Tell me honestly.”

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