Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 638 - : I Refuse to Let You Put Your Life in Danger

Chapter 638: I Refuse to Let You Put Your Life in Danger

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Soon, someone arrived to clean up the mess. The car then rolled away from the underground parking.

Outside, the snow was fluttering down.

The temple was cordoned off while the visitors were evacuated down the hill.

Li Yuan changed into a beige sweater. His charming face lost its usual grim but added a touch of youthfulness.

Shen Xi held his hand and strolled along the empty temple. Not at all with the intention to pray, she just wanted to walk around with him.

Li Yuan cheerfully dangled the girl’s hand while the latter quietly sulked with a long face. “The scenery here is great.”

Shen Xi hummed in acknowledgment and held his arm down. “Don’t move. You don’t want to tear the wound.”

Letting out a smile, Li Yuan did not refute. Like the good boy he was, he let her hold his hand while gripping hers in return. However, he looked ahead with deadly eyes.

It was said that the vegetarian meal at the temple was quite good.

The couple enjoyed a vegetarian meal in the afternoon before returning to the hotel. They had not gone out since then.

When night befell, Shen Xi took a shower and went to keep the bed warm.

Li Yuan was on a teleconference in the living room when Xuan Yuan sent him a text message. Li Yuan picked up his phone for a look and furrowed his brows. With sparks flying in his eyes, he typed the words and sent them. [Li Yuan: Keep digging.]

There was a need to get to the bottom of the matter. He could not possibly allow these b*stards to harm his fair lady. He had to nip this in the bud. Anyone who so much as touched a single hair of hers would have to pay with the blood of their whole family!

The snow was growing heavy outside.

Li Yuan turned off his laptop before looking out the window and kneading his brows. After a shower, he gently pushed the bedroom door open and crept into bed to glance at the girl there.

The girl was in his bedroom today too. Underneath the covers, her paced breathing was a sign she was asleep. He took another glance, ready to shut the door and sleep next door.

Before the door was fully closed, the girl’s hollow voice traveled through. “Brother.”

Stopping at his tracks, Li Yuan softly uttered, “Go to bed. Goodnight.”

“Brother.” Shen Xi cried, gruff and unsettled. “Can you stay with me?”

The assassination got her thinking and worried. She was scared something might happen to him and to her. She was unable to rest until she found out who was behind this.

“Xuan Yuan and the rest are keeping watch. Everything will be okay.” Li Yuan approached and kneeled by the bed. He gently pulled off the sheet over her head. “Don’t cover your head when you sleep.”

Shen Xi snuffled and looked at him with teary eyes. Her voice was dull all the same. “Does Kun Lun have any intel on those people’s identities?”

Li Yuan shook her head. “Nothing as of yet. He’s still looking into it.”

“Okay.” Shen Xi responded. The man drew close to plant a kiss on her forehead. He murmured a goodnight before getting up to leave.

Li Yuan just got up when the girl suddenly grabbed the collar of his bathrobe. With a pull, she spun and pressed him under her.

The girl’s massive strength and unexpected movement caught him off guard. His robe was even pulled open. Before he had a chance to say anything, the girl pleaded in a voice, “Don’t go.”

Li Yuan was overwhelmed with heartache and self-blame. He did not have the heart to leave, seeing as the girl rested against his chest and her ear stuck to his heart, listening to his heartbeat. He gently held her and soothed her, “I won’t leave.”

Soon, he felt dampness on his chest. The girl’s shaking shoulders sent a tight knot in his gut.

Shen Xi had no idea what had gotten into her. She was doing fine. Yet, at this very moment, she could not hold back her tears anymore. Try as she may, but she could not stop them.

In a frantic, Li Yuan wanted to comfort her and tell her not to cry, but all the words were lost in giving her a hug. As she curled up into a ball in his embrace, he leaned over to kiss away her tears.

The many light kisses fluttered about her cheeks. Feeling the tickle, Shen Xi gazed at him in tears. “I’m okay.”

She was still reeling in the aftershock. It was all good, nonetheless. Shen Xi would catch anyone or anything who dared to harm him and crush them. They would not stand a chance.

“Those people are after me.” Forehead-to-forehead, Li Yuan locked eyes with her in a way that was most intimate to lovers. He shared his thoughts with her. “They must know your relationship with me. They might threaten me with you and your family. I’ll send my men to protect them. Don’t worry.”

It was highly likely that the target was him. His fair lady kept things on the down-low and never messed with anyone apart from the Su family. The Su family was a bunch of incapable idiots to cause her any sort of harm.

Besides, the Su family had been dreaming the day his fair lady would return to them, so they would not possibly lay a finger on her. Those menacing guys during the day were clearly after her life.

However, there was a piece of the puzzle that did not fit. According to Xuan Yuan, the assassins were surprised when they engaged in a fight. It was as though they were unaware Li Yuan had highly trained bodyguards around him. He speculated that the assassins were not after him, but rather his fair lady’s life.

If it were true, it would make things complicated. These people were not going to stop at the failed attempt. They were going to come back with a vengeance.

“Brother, I feel that they want to take my life.” Shen Xi voiced out the suspicion she had.

She could sense that the murderous and evil intent was directed at her the moment the bullet came flying by. Nevertheless, Li Yuan was quicker on his feet than she was even though she could very much handle it on her own.

“No.” Li Yuan softly nuzzled her dainty nose tip. “Don’t read into it. Let me handle the rest.”

Shaking her head, Shen Xi looked him in the eye. “If it’s really me they’re after, they’ll only try again now that they’ve failed. I’m afraid they’d be too scared to come if you send your men to protect me.”

She was not afraid of them. She wanted them to come back for her so she could make a clean sweep.

“Xuan Yuan will follow you, and that’s final.” Li Yuan grasped her waist and looked fixedly at her before earnestly saying, “No matter what, I never want you to handle things on your own while I’m around.. I refuse to let you put your life in danger.”

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