Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 486 - Personal Sentiments

Chapter 486: Personal Sentiments

His die-hard fans a.k.a. trainees had Mr. Xixi’s back, and he could do no wrong in their eyes. They thought Mr. Xixi was charismatic, had character, was prim, proper, and classy. They could totally dig that!

Song Wenye especially, nearly burst out in laughter to see Su Ruowan given the snub. She snapped a photo to send to Shen Xi and gloated. [Song Wenye: That’s so cool of Mr. Xixi. He has got a personality. He can sniff a fake b*tch from a mile away. I’m officially a fan of his.]

Shen Xi had just stepped into the elevator when she received Song Wenye’s text. Her lips curled into a tiny smile after a quick glance. [Shen Xi: I thought you hated him?]

[Song Wenye: I don’t anymore. You should’ve seen the cool move he pulled. Su Ruowan was trying to act all innocent in front of him, but he stuffed it to her with a brief sentence. Oh, the look on Su Ruowan’s face was epic.]

She was loving it! Mr. Stiff Upper Lip came through to her today. Anyone unfond of Su Ruowan was a friend of hers.

Prior to this, Song Wenye had not changed his mind about Mr. Xixi despite everyone’s 180-degree attitude change towards Xixi after finding out Yun Xiao was Xixi.

Nevertheless, she had now let go of her prejudice against Mr. Yun Xiao. He was beyond awesome. From here on out, Song Wenye became his loyal supporter.

Having spent time together for a while, the other mentors had more or less an idea of Mr. Yun Xiao’s character. His behavior did not come as a surprise.

The parties involved in the collision, He Lu and Su Ruowan, were examined by a doctor on set. No bones were broken but they sustained scrapes on their arms and legs. They could still perform on stage.

It was up to the individual whether the injury would affect their performance. If they were able to tolerate the pain, they would do just fine.

The pair had their wounds dressed before affectionately heading towards the backstage together. They appeared to be more intimate than before the collision.

However, only they themselves would know what was on their minds. Not only did they go for wool and come home shorn, but they were also in a lose-lose situation. Despite their resentment towards each other, they were not dumb to show it on their faces.

“Wanwan, you can do it.” He Lu cheerfully cheered Su Ruowan on as she led her team to get up on stage.

Su Ruowan! The d*mn b*tch foiled her plan! He Lu had no intention of laying her off.

“Thank you.” Su Ruowan smiled at He Lu before leading her team out of the dressing room. The pain coming from her inner thigh brought up ill feelings for the culprit, He Lu.

B*tch! Did He Lu think she could win Mr. Xixi’s favor by doing that?

Ha! Who did He Lu think she was to compete with her for Mr. Xixi’s affection?

“Wanwan, is your leg okay?” Her teammates looked at her leg with worry. To cover up the bruise, Su Ruowan applied concealer and put on a beige color stocking.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Su Ruowan gave them a firm look and encouragement. “Give it your all! Our team is the best!”


How was she fine?

They would never understand the pain since the injury was not on their body.

Her teammates did not care about her. They were merely worried that her injury would bring the whole team down and affect their points!

The whole thing was He Lu, that b*tch’s fault. Su Ruowan was not going to take this lying down.

Su Ruowan’s team was the first group to make an appearance.

The mentors were concerned that Su Ruowan’s injury would hold her back. They intended to adjust the order of sequence so she could be the last to perform, but she turned down the offer.

Up on stage, Su Ruowan seemed to be in good spirits. Still, the mentors were apprehensive for Su Ruowan’s sake. Su Muyan, in particular, could not hide the heartache in his eyes.

Group A’s mentor, Fang Yao admired Su Ruowan’s courage and secretly gestured to cheer her on. Although the doctor gave her the all-clear, they were still worried the injury would hinder her performance.

Nevertheless, the brave and tough kid insisted on performing on stage. The mentors could understand if Su Ruowan was not up to her usual standard.

This was what Fang Yao had in mind. She stole a glance at the strict and impartial Yun Xiao. She wondered what the aloof young man made of Su Ruowan’s injury.

Shen Xi coldly kept her eyes on the stage. Su Ruowan may look fine, but at closer inspection, her expressions and walk did appear a little stiff. Shen Xi got to hand it to her. As expected from someone brought up in a family of actors.

Su Ruowan probably convinced herself as well. Her attention to detail and ability to breathe life into her acting was on the next level if it was not used as deception.

Well, some people were too invested in their own pettiness and interest to use their skills in the right place.

Su Ruowan was this sort of person. As a famed film star, Li Jingran had many resources for televisions and films. She had provided Su Ruowan with many opportunities, but alas, Su Ruowan was not cut out for the parts. In the end, they settled for the next best thing and had Su Ruowan debut through a show.

On stage, Su Ruowan’s team of six was Team A to battle it out with Team B, Ye Weiyang’s team using the same song and dance.

Ten minutes later following the performance, the two teams returned to the stage and waited anxiously for the result.

The mentors raised their placards to reflect their choices.

Su Muyan, He Sumo, and Fang Yao cast their vote to Su Ruowan’s Team A.

Gu Yang and Xia Mi were in favor of Team B led by Ye Weiyang.

Everyone’s gaze then fell on Mr. Yun Xiao who had yet to make his choice. As for Qi Xiu the mystery guest, he was only here to coach the trainees and was not included in the formal recording of the show.

Xia Mi came to a reckless and bold assumption – Qi Xiu was here to reveal that Mr. Yun Xiao was Mr. Xixi.

The production team was fixated on Mr. Yun Xiao as well. Kept in the dark about Mr. Yun Xiao’s identity, the chief director and chief writer had yet to recover from the shock up until now.

Mr. Xixi was an elusive big name in the music industry. Here they were, thinking Mr. Xixi could not dance or coach. They could not be more wrong.

Still holding back on the vote, Shen Xi unhurriedly said, “I hope the mentors could practice fairness and lead by example without bringing in personal sentiments like sympathy points when casting votes.”


Su Ruowan turned as white as a sheet.

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