Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 465 - Left in the Cold

Chapter 465: Left in the Cold

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Song Wenye looked at the starstruck Ye Weiyang. Judging by the latter’s sparkling eyes, Mr. Yun seemed to have become Ye Weiyang’s faith. Song Wenye reached out to touch her forehead. “Did a fever cloud your judgment?”

What did the mystery mentor do to their darling? Why was Ye Weiyang standing up for him despite receiving an F rating?

“I will work my hardest.” Ye Weiyang did not answer the question and instead gave them a serious look. “Mr. Yun Xiao said I’m good. I will do my best to catch up to you guys.”

Although she was not the brightest, Ye Weiyang knew she had to work hard to compensate for her limited abilities. She must not let such a rare opportunity slip through her fingers.

It still did not change Song Wenye’s opinion about Mr. Yun. “Has he gotten you under a spell?”

First to catch on to what Ye Weiyang meant, Ji Jingyan asked, “Did Mr. Yun Xiao talk to you?”

Ye Weiyang nodded. She had never met anyone so kind in her life. Trusting the girls unconditionally, Ye Weiyang let them in on her experience during evaluation.

She remembered Mr. Yun Xiao’s every word. She was not incompetent. She still had opportunities to work harder with time on her side.

Song Wenye and the other girls were in shock. “He said all of that?”

Was this the same unapproachable Mr. Yun Xiao who behaved like he was all that and merely told every single trainee to keep it up?

Ye Weiyang nodded, as though instilling confidence. “I will do my best not to let you or the company down.”

Song Wenye gave the rest a look, quietly inquiring them of their opinion.

Ji Jingran and the girls were completely baffled. The idea that the lofty Mr. Yun Xiao, who gave zero care to anything, would offer such encouraging words was jaw-dropping.

During the past week, there were talks among the trainees that Mr. Yun Xiao was sent by their company, Cosmos Entertainment. The other trainees even tried to verify the news with them.

The girls were kept in the dark about the whole thing. As newly signed trainees to the company, the girls would not be privy to confidential information discussed among the company’s top-level management.

They only had little information to work on. This person was unheard of in the entertainment world, nor was his name listed in the list of Cosmos Entertainment’s high-ranking personnel. It was as though Mr. Yun appeared out of nowhere.

“Let’s not worry about that.” Liu Qianyu assumed the worst. “If Mr. Yun Xiao can’t do the job, we should take the time out to help Yangyang.”

The rest liked the idea.

In the end, Ji Jingyan, as the eldest and most dependable, made the call. “If Group F’s going to be dropped, Qianyu and I will help Yangyang with her vocals while you three would teach her to dance.”

“Agreed.” Song Wenye raised both her hands in consensus.

“But a team challenge is coming next.” Tong Kejun was not that optimistic. “What about Yangyang’s teammates?”

“We can guide them all if her teammates are willing.” Ji Jingran uttered without a second thought.

The girls concurred. Not ones to be selfish, they were willing to share and guide others without having the fear to be outshined by their students.

The presence of more brilliant competitors would only keep these girls on their toes, giving them the push they need to excel. Of course, this was built on the premise that the girls had confidence in themselves.

It was all positive vibes around the girls, now that they had found a solution.

The other girls in Group F were singing the blues with their future looking bleak because their mentor was going to be Yun Xiao.


The mentors entered the room.

Following their evaluations, the trainees lined up according to their ratings.

Group F’s trainees looked at the other groups’ mentors with envy. The girls who were picked to join the show had something to be cocky about.

This cockiness was lost in the face of other outstanding and diligent trainees. Their confidence was completely shattered after the first round of evaluation, forcing them to recognize where they stood.

Initially, these girls thought they might be able to turn things around with the help of a great and responsible mentor. Even if they were not able to make their debut, it would take them one step closer to kick-starting their career in showbiz.

Nevertheless, as if that was not enough, Mr. Yun Xiao was assigned to their group instead. Some of them had simply given up hope.

Gu Yang, the girl-group producer was first to speak. He gave a pep talk to motivate the trainees to work hard, pour in sweat and tears to push themselves so they would shine on the main stage.

Those standing here had a chance to debut and become the top girl group in China as long as they poured the work into it.

Feeling the drive, the other groups were fired up as they responded enthusiastically to him. These were beautiful and proud girls in their prime. Who would not want to become the next superstar?

In contrast, Group F had their heads hung low, feeling down in the dumps as though the competition had nothing to do with them. They had given up.

Ye Weiyang and a handful of girls were the exceptions. Their eyes sparkled with hope as they stared at Gu Yang. However, their enthusiasm was met with eye rolls by other trainees.


Why bother when there was no hope left? They should just save themselves and everyone the trouble by packing their bags ready.

After Gu Yang’s motivational speech, the other mentors began with the introduction and pep talk in their respective groups.

Since Group A was the best group around, Fang Yao, the mentor in charge, came up with a slogan in the lines that every member would debut. This group was best qualified to carry such a slogan.

Not to be outdone, Group B, following the lead of He Sumo, proclaimed that they were going to rise above Group A and replace them all.

Group C carried on the momentum, putting Group B out of the picture by chanting they were going to better themselves and debut front and center. Led by Su Muyan, they brought the house down with their ardor.

Comparatively, Group D kept a low profile. Under the leadership of Xia Mi, they shouted they would work harder to push the limit so no regret was left behind in the competition.

Then came Group F’s turn.

Shen Xi looked at them before calmly saying, “Go for it.”

Group F could pass out and die on the spot. F*ck. What was the meaning of this? Even if they were abandoned and left in the cold, Yun Xiao should not blow them off. At the very least, he should come up with some sort of slogan.

They believed that must not be all. Mr. Yun Xiao had spoken longer sentences during the evaluation. His words of wisdom were to keep up with the work.

Yes, he must have something more to say.

The girls waited and waited. No, that was it.. It really was just “Go for it.”

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