Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 1025 Depths Of The Night Lord's Crypt, A Terrifying Energy Emerges!

Chapter 1025 Depths Of The Night Lord's Crypt, A Terrifying Energy Emerges!

"Unfortunately, life is not so simple that it can be defined by a single set of morals. Ultimately, what we deem things like good or evil is up to how we perceive the world and the people around us. People breathe life into their existence—bringing about meaning through their words and actions. This is why it is important for one to walk down their own path, regardless of their origins." Izroth stated calmly.

Jol'Kil and Zel'Kan listened intently as the two seemed to enter into a state of deep thought.

As warriors of the Seventh Demon Clan, just like their predecessors before them, Jol'Kil and Zel'Kan spent their entire life doing whatever was necessary for the clan's survival.

Because their purpose had already been defined from birth and the path ahead was set for them, Jol'Kil and Zel'Kan had been stuck facing the same problems as their predecessors. It had never crossed their minds to change the way that things were done because that was how it had always been.

In truth, they were not walking their own paths. They were simply imitating and treading down the exact same path as their predecessors.

'Hopefully, this much of a push is enough.'

Izroth learned a lot about how the Seventh Demon Clan operated from Jol'Kil and Zel'Kan during their travel to the Night Lord's Crypt.

He discovered that, outside the clan head, no one else had managed to step into the legendary realm within the Seventh Demon Clan since their decline.

Izroth was by no means an expert regarding the legendary realm in RML; however, he understood from his time in the Seven Realms what was required if one wanted to progress to higher levels of strength.

Using his Energy Vision Sense and personal experience with others of that realm, Izroth determined that Jol'Kil and Zel'Kan were only one step away from reaching the legendary realm. But, unless they learned to adjust their perspective, that single step might as well be the distance of a chasm the size of an ocean.

'If these two can step into the legendary realm, it will make restoring the Seven Flames of Tal easier. Also, having two more legendary realm figures by my side wouldn't hurt at all.'

Izroth glanced over to see Jol'Kil and Zel'Kan in deep thought. Seeing this, he returned his attention forward and decided to give them time to reflect on his words.

As for the others, the 9th Division and 5th Unit moved deeper into the heart of the Night Lord's Crypt.

So far, there had been no other ambush attempts or even the smallest signs of other skounae. Naturally, this made many of those present extremely anxious as they believed it was only a matter of time until they were surrounded with no method of escape.

But, despite their anxiousness, everyone remained focused and on high alert.

The 9th Division placed their trust in Izroth, as well as Niflheim and Menerva. And, needless to say, the 5th Unit also trusted Lances. As long as those two pillars remained in place, no matter what they faced, the 9th Division and 5th Unit had the courage to confront it head-on.

'I couldn't really get a good look at it before because it was shrouded in darkness. But now that I can see it, this place—it's more dreary than I envisioned.'

The inside of the Night Lord's Crypt was roughly the size of a large palace and had several pathways ventured to who knows where. The interior material that made up its foundations was some kind of dark blue stones that resembled raw granite. There was no lavish decor or exquisite furnishing in sight as what was typical of a grand place such as thing. However, there were some unusual tapestries hung on certain walls.

The tapestries all depicted a figure who closely mirrored the Night Lord Zarolas with a full moon in one hand and dark flames in the other. It varied from tapestry to tapestry, but this figure was portrayed as a great bringer of destruction as every last one of the illustrations displayed a place in ruins.

"There are so many passageways. How do we know which one to take?" Guan Yu questioned as his gaze traveled around the room.

"The skounae are a straightforward bunch. They aren't the type to do anything overly complicated. So, we just have to use our heads a little. Tell me, if you had one precious trophy and a bunch of mediocre ones that you wished to display, where would you place the most important trophy?" Lances asked.

"Hm... If it's the most important, then wouldn't you want it to be front and center for everyone to see?" Guan Yu responded.

"That's right. It's no different for the skounae. In this case, the Night Lord is the trophy they wish to display proudly. If we look at it this way, then the path we have to take becomes rather obvious." Lances said as he pointed to one of the largest pathways towards the direction they were headed in.

He then continued, "Right through there, without a doubt, will eventually lead us to the Antumbra Night Lord of Decay, Zarolas. When the time comes, we will prevent his revival and rid the Mortal Realm of a great threat—once and for all."

A piercing look appeared in Lances' eyes as his gaze seemed to peer into the depths of the Night Lord's Crypt.


A few moments later...

After quickening their overall pace, Izroth and his allies came before the entrance of a wide spacious room.

Additionally, before they entered the large pathway, Izroth and Lances agreed to send three people out from each of their respective groups to find a way out of the Night Lord's Crypt. The search party consisted of those who were confident in their speed and ability to escape. They were also given orders to retreat immediately if a situation that they couldn't handle arose.

The search party was further instructed to return to the large pathway and meet up with the main group once they found an exit. However, once thirty minutes passed, they were to return regardless of their success or failure.

"Young master, up ahead," Jol'Kil warned as he furrowed his brows.

"Yes, I can sense it. In fact, I'm sure everyone here can sense it as well." Izroth said nonchalantly as he glanced over at his allies.

eαglesnᴏνel At the moment, everyone either had a serious or frightened expression on their face. That's because the instant they approached the entrance that led into the wide spacious room, a terrifying energy poured out and washed over them.

Many members of the 9th Division and 5th Unit felt like they would be torn apart and swallowed whole by that terrifying energy if they took even one more step forward.

Izroth looked over at Lances who, as if immediately understanding his intentions, gave a small nod in response.

"Jol'Kil, Zel'Kan—you two will accompany me. The rest of the 9th Division will remain here until I give the order." Izroth stated.

"5th Unit, you will stay here with the 9th Division. Until you receive my orders, you are not to leave this spot. Captain Noir, you're with me." Lances said.

"Dang, it looks like Noir's going to get all the fun to himself this time." Guan Yu groaned.

"I know it's useless to say this to you, but just be patient. You can feel it too, right—that terrifying aura? I'm sure the Commander is just looking out for us. Though I have to admit, it is a little disappointing to stay back here and watch." Halls sighed.

Guan Yu and Halls were not the only ones disappointed about being put on standby.

Under normal circumstances, Niflheim and Menerva would have raised their objections. However, the two of them knew it the moment they sensed it. That aura came from something or someone that the current 9th Division had no hopes of facing head-on. At most, they could provide some minimal support but the risk far outweighed the benefit. Therefore, the most sensible solution was to allow those with the highest chances of survival to go first. In this way, it would be possible to gain some understanding of just what they were facing.

"Stay safe, Captain. We'll be right here behind you ready to jump in at a moment's notice." Niflheim stated firmly.

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