Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 1001 Sea Of Beauty, Field Of Death

Chapter 1001 Sea Of Beauty, Field Of Death


Back at the battlefield, a bizarre scene was unfolding before the eyes of the Pzenium warriors.

Out of nowhere, certain trees within the Nightfall Glades started to emit a light green glow.

"What's happening now?!" One of the Pzenium warriors growled.

"First that terrifying force from the north side and now this... Where are Great Warrior Menkar and Controller Gakhan?"

"This battlefield is cursed...!"

Ever since they commenced their attack, the Pzenium forces found themselves running around aimlessly after the main group.

Even though their numbers were almost ten times that of their enemies, for some reason, the Pzenium forces found themselves unable to eradicate them. No, rather than eradicate them, it was a challenge merely attempting to catch and surround their enemies. It gave them a feeling comparable to trying to hold flowing water in an enclosed fist. No matter how much they tried to keep the water contained, it always found a way to slip through the smallest of cracks.

This kind of battle was what frustrated Pzenium warriors more than anything. That's because, despite their abundance of battle experience surviving in the harsh conditions of the Pzenium deserts, Pzenium warriors were used to direct confrontations.

Dealing with enemies who were skilled in hit-and-run tactics and escaping was not something most Pzenium warriors encountered.

Naturally, Aurie was well aware of this shortcoming, which is why she assigned Ward as the leader of the main group. She knew that the Pzenium forces would have no idea how to react to Ward's "cowardly" tactics that prioritized survival over pride and achievements.

While Ward was not the strongest of the captains in her 2nd Unit, without a doubt, there was no other captain capable of facing the Pzenium warriors with such overwhelming odds against them. At least, not without paying a heavy price in return.

Woosh! Bang!

All of a sudden, a white thread shot out from one of the glowing trees and pierced into the nearest tree which also released a light green glow.

Woosh! Bang! Woosh! Bang!

In the blink of an eye, this phenomenon was occurring all throughout the south side of the Nightfall Glades where the Pzenium forces gathered.

The abrupt appearance of the glowing trees and white threads caused the Pzenium forces to be thrown into a greater state of confusion.

Some of the Pzenium warriors tried to cut through the white strand that got in their way; however, their weapons bounced off as a high-pitched ringing sound erupted from the white strand. This sound was intense enough to temporarily immobilize the Pzenium warriors who were within ten meters of the white strand that was struck. A few even thought that their heads would explode from the pressure.

After suffering from that kind of harsh feedback in multiple areas of the battlefield, no one touched the white strands and did everything in their power to carefully avoid them.

As for the main group led by Ward that the Pzenium warriors were pursuing, somehow, they had vanished into thin air!

At the same time, several intense tremors emerged on the battlefield that caused many of the Pzenium warriors to lose their footing. These intense tremors were swiftly followed by a bright white light that covered every area of the earth where the Pzenium warriors were positioned.

Every moment that passed, the bright light grew in intensity.

"What is this light?! I can't see anything!" One of the Pzenium warriors shouted angrily.

"Quick, we have to catch up to them! They must be trying to use this chance to escape!"


Suddenly, a small crack formed in the ground at one of the Pzenium warriors' feet. From this crack creeped out a pure white flower that resembled a scabiosa.

"Hm? What's-"


Without warning, the flower unleashed tens of thin white vines that shot out at the Pzenium warrior and wrapped around his legs.

"Break!" The Pzenium warrior cried out as he slashed down with the curved sword in his hand.

The Pzenium warrior was able effortlessly to cut through the white vines. However, the instant he sliced a white vine, tens more white vines emerged out of the damaged area. Additionally, as if realizing it was faced with a threat, the ferociousness of the white vines grew as they began to propagate without end.

"I won't be done in my mere plants! I won't...! I-! Gaaaah!" The Pzenium warrior slashed with great vigor; however, it was useless.

The more he cut, the tighter the grip of the white vines became. And, in less than a single breath, the Pzenium warrior was covered from head to toe in white vines as several white scabiosa-like flowers bloomed on its surface.

This situation was not unique to that particular Pzenium warrior. Every last Pzenium warrior caught within the light underwent a similarly terrifying experience.

For a while, the battlefield was filled with the struggles and battle cries that contained the dying breath of the Pzenium warriors.

However, with every second that passed, the noise would further die down. It proceeded this way until there was not a single sound remaining on the battlefield.

The only thing that could be seen was an endless sea of white flowers scattered on the earth.

To most who stumbled upon this sight, they would see the sea of flowers as a thing of great beauty and tranquility. But, for those who knew the truth, it was no different than gazing into a field of death.


Several minutes later...

Currently, the main group and the rest of the scattered 2nd Unit members had regrouped at a location more than one hundred meters away where the white light appeared.

The amount of physical and mental fatigue could be seen among the 2nd Unit troops as many of them were currently sitting on the ground or sprawled out in an attempt to catch their breath.

Their exhaustion was understandable, considering they did not have a single moment to rest and relax and had been running around with their lives on the line for what seemed like an eternity.

"Good work, everyone." Aurie's voice sounded and carried through the area.

She was using a talisman to project her voice to all those present.

When Aurie appeared and spoke, many of the 2nd Unit members almost immediately sprung to their feet to greet the Commander. However, Aurie quickly stopped them from doing so.

"There is no need to get up. Relax while you can; you've all earned it. That being said, try not to get too comfortable. I know everyone has been pushed to their limits, but this place is not safe. We cannot stay here for too long. So, until it is time to move, make sure to focus on recovering your strength. That is an order." Aurie announced.

Aurie's words made everyone release a sigh of relief. They knew that what happened here was bound to cause a commotion and attract unwanted attention. It would not be long before people arrived to investigate, so they had already mentally prepared themselves to move right away. However, the Commander was being considerate of their current state despite the potential risks. This made them even more grateful they served under someone like Aurie.

"Captain Ward, status report," Aurie called out.

Ward approached Aurie with a disheartened expression as he made his report.

"In total, we have 65 casualties, 27 people in critical condition and 253 who suffered from injuries both small and large. Captain, I..." Ward looked like he wanted to say something but could not find the words to do so.

It was clear that Ward blamed himself for those who were lost and injured.

Aurie placed her hand on Ward's shoulder and said, "You performed exquisitely, Captain. In war, loss is inevitable. You did the best you could to ensure the survival of as many of our comrades as possible. For that, you should be proud of yourself. I admit, their loss pains me, but we have no time to grieve."

She then continued, "Right now, the fate of this world is at stake, and we still have to play our part in ensuring that the worst does not come to pass. Then, and only then, can we be allowed to properly grieve those who have given their lives for this grand cause. Only then will the lives of our fallen comrades not have been in vain. I will do everything in my power to make sure their sacrifice has meaning."

"Yes, Commander... I, too, will do everything in my power to make sure of that—so as not to betray the trust the Commander has placed in me." Ward responded as he placed his fist over his chest and bowed slightly, giving the War Brigade salute.

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