Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 619: Catching a Boss

After cleaning the battle-field Sam and Chatur started moving to the cave. The previous night, Sam has made some critical modifications to the cave walls and now it has become a cave of one-way access.

Once someone stepped in they cannot go out. At least someone in this layer.

He also enchanted the inscribed formation and a spiritual imprint to get a message when someone stepped in. He could also feel someone else trying to destroy the formation and the seal.

Sam didn't care though. He is not worried someone would destroy it before he came.

After a short while, they are already near the cave. He saw a merman and a Naga trying their best to destroy the barrier of the cave. But as they are damaging the barrier bit by bit, the barrier is reflecting the attacks back at them and they are trying their best to dodge.

It is the same case inside the cave. No matter what the Yaksha inside is trying to do, every attack is being reflected back at him.

They don't have balls to attack with full power because, they are afraid that they would die due the reflection even if the barrier is destroyed.

When they saw Sky landing and Sam jumping off of him, they were stunned for a second. They saw Sam's picture. Their information network is too wide.

They instantly understood what happened.

"I heard the boss is coming here. Who is the boss of the three?"

"Why don't you find out?" The Naga said and got ready to attack and even the Merman diverted their attention to Sam.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean you would have a better chance to last more than three minutes if you have that friend of yours to come out. I would wait until you get him out. It might take some time, but I can wait."

"Well, we are trying to get him out and easiest way is kicking your ass and make you to take him out."

"You are more delusional that I thought."

As he said that Sam took out his staff and made his move. He jumped up into the sky and his body was covered with silver lightning as he shot himself down towards the two of them.

When they felt Sam's aura they are already having second thoughts. Sam might not have the best cultivation level of the Nascent stage cultivators, but his strength already reached the peak a Nascent could have. At least within this realm.

Even when the two of them moved to the side, Sam didn't care and landed on the spot as he stabbed the staff to the ground.

The shockwave was in the form of ripples as the lightning hit the surroundings in the form of consecutive waves making them stunned for a brief instant.

That was all he needed and Sam immediately made his move as he kicked the ground and launched himself to the Naga.

The staff hit the Naga like a lightning strike and made him paralyzed for an instant and Sam used this chance to give another good hit to his head.

The Naga who is in original form was sprawled on the ground as he has spasms all over his muscles and twitched as sparks crackled.

Sam diverted his attention to the Merman on the side who is stepping back in fright. He immediately took out what looked like a jade token, but it was completely covered in dark elemental energy, to be precise, it is shadow energy.

Sam frowned at this, but before he could make a move, that guy immediately broke the token and disappeared into his own shadow.

Meanwhile, the Yaksha inside the barrier also did the same. Sam instantly changed his focus back to the Naga he battered.

He is also trying to take out his token, but Sam stomped on his hand breaking his bones and holding his tail as he dragged him inside the cave.

When Sam walked, the barrier automatically removed itself as if it has life. The spirit is working properly.

Sam threw the guy inside and called Chatur over and gave him some pills to heal the Naga.

The Naga has black scales. He is definitely from the Nagin planet.

After he healed a bit, Sam took out the dagger and said.

"Listen to me. I will only ask a question once and if you don't answer it to me immediately, I wouldn't ask the second time, I will make you answer.

Now, out of three who is the boss of this layer of the Union sect?"

The Naga stayed silent and Sam looked at him with a smirk before stabbing the dagger into the tail.


He groaned loudly and Sam didn't stop there, he slowly started cutting through the tail as he slit the end of the tail into two.


Sam didn't stop though, he took out some fire elemental wine and started pouring on the split tail.

The screams increased and when he saw he is still adamant in not answering, Sam just threw a spark of flames on the spot and the tail started burning.

The blood that is seeping out of the tail was also burning giving off a metallic scent.

He started to roll over the ground, but Sam didn't let him. He held the tail and made him stay in a single place as he made sure that the fire wouldn't spread to his body.

He still held the fire elemental wine and looked at the Naga dead in the eyes as he started pouring on the flames as it slowly but surely started spreading upwards.


Sam put the fire out and looked him.

"We three are of equal status. I am from Nagin. My name Ishkar. The merman is Martya, the Yakha is Reye. We are appointed at the three people in-charge of this layer of the Union sect.

One of manages intelligence, one the troops and the other resource points."

"Now tell me, what your plan is regarding this civil war."

"We are only following the orders. We don't know details. All we are asked is to eliminate the Nagin castle's influence and at the same time try to find a way to start a dispute strong enough that the six commanders will kill each other."

"So, you chose me as a catalyst for all of this because?"

"Sectum came to us and offered you up. We don't know exactly who you are and what your goal is when you went on rampage and took out so many of our people. While we are trying to find out, Sectum came to us and gave the information about you and wanted to make a deal.

He wanted to undermine the Mov empire and eliminate the influence they have in the Union dimension.

So, we cut a deal and started planning this."

The interrogation went on and on continuously as Sam got every information he needed. This Naga happened to be the person who in charge of the troops assignment and Sam now knew which squad went where.

After that he put restrictions on him and decided to escort him to the Origin Castle.

He would let Chatur take him there out of this place and give him away to the officials of the country he was part of. The Mavros country. The Nagas with Black scales are the rules of this empire.

Apparently, every Union member is a convicted felon of a nation or the offspring of the senior Union officials.

And from the interrogation he learned that this guy is a convicted felon and actually murdered the son of a minister of the Mavros. He is worth a lot of bounty. But Sam is not after that. He after the favor of this minister and he would let Chatur deliver the message on who the minister clearly owes.

So, Sam drafted a letter up and gave it to Chatur before taking both of them to the Origin Castle and he personally made sure to see them both out.

He is not worried that someone would steal his credit, after all he is an expert at taking it back and Chatur can be trusted because of the Pill.

After handing that over, Sam made his move as he started his journey of dealing with the Union sect all by himself.

He is really glad that he had learned necromancy. Because he was not interested in making these people submit and train the soldiers and process the situations and he is also glad that he is not facing them head on.

All the while, he is going to ambush them and that too while they are in middle of intense battles.

Although draining, all he has to do is drink the heavenly wine. The only problem is that he is afraid he would turn into an alcoholic.

While flying on Sky, Sam started looking at the details that were given to him by Chatur. These are details of all the resource points under or supposedly under the Nagin castle.

Every place is a warzone now and he now has all the layouts and maps he needed. Now he also has the details regarding their resource output.

He is planning his target in an order, in which he would get some benefits from the resource points immediately after he cleared the battle-field.

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