Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1922: Reality Check

Chapter 1922: Reality Check

Sam looked at both of them with an exhausted look.

"Why are you supporting her? Are you going to keep her like this forever? Don't you think it is about time she grows up?" Sam spoke to Priestess.

"What do you mean by that?" Sandhya of course didn't like that statement.

Sam ignored her and looked at the Priestess.

"I am doing that right now. All this while, I tried but didn't get a suitable comparison, now that you are here, things are a lot easier and will progress a lot faster."

Sam sighed and took out a projector.

There is a video of the mist like wood elemental energy falling on the trees directly.

"This is the state of the energy that we couldn't see with our naked eye during the Third disaster. The energy state is very unique and it managed to give sentience for the trees. I am trying to figure out how to achieve that state of energy."

"Didn't your bear do the same with the trees? Why do you need to calculate?"

"It is not the same. My bear just shared its consciousness with the trees and used the excess vitality in those trees as leverage to make the attacks.

But now this type of energy is different. I am sure that the consciousness of Artemis, the goddess who came to cause the disaster has very little to do with the change in those trees.

Of course there is some connection, her consciousness is the anchor point for the existence of that change in those trees, but that is not the reason for the actual change.

Now, I need to figure out what that change is"

"Maybe a spirit was imprinted on to the trees. Isn't it as simple as that. A strong spirit would definitely give the tree sentience and that spirit might have come to this world with Artemis as the anchor point."

Sam looked at her and said.

"It is not true. If there is a spirit I would have sensed it easily."

"Really? You are not that strong. Even my mother wouldn't dare claim that she can sense every single spirit that easily. Why are you so confident?"

"It has nothing to do with the strength. It plays little factor in identifying spirits. I play with spectres a lot. I am sensitive to the spirits and my spectres were in charge of the scout duty in every place after the disaster arrives."


"Do you really think I would trust you guys so much? In fact, the spectres monitor all the construction process as well. The spectres didn't detect any other spirit form during the whole disaster. So, it is definitely not the spirits."

Sandhya was stumped.

She didn't expect this to be happening behind her back.

"Why do you need to monitor all of the construction process secretly? You could have done that openly if you are really concerned. What is the reason behind this?"

"I thought you are concerned about the calculations I am making. Why do you need to know about my way to handling things? It has got nothing to do with you."

"But…" Sandhya kept on going with her loud mouth.

Sam ignored her words completely and looked at the Priestess as if he is asking her something. He knew that she understood his expression. And seeing that there is no answer from her, he decided to go with what he thought anyway.

"Sandhya, did anyone tell you how annoying you are?"

His words made Sandhya stop yapping. Her mouth was wide open.

"I don't know why you feel that I owe you an explanation for every doubt you get. I actually met a person like you not too long ago, but at least that guy respected my silence and reluctance when I expressed it.

But here you are, constantly demanding answers as if I owe you a debt from my past life.

Let me tell you how this whole thing works once again.

I don't exactly belong to your planet and I don't really want to. I am here on a mission and I am only going to be responsible for that. Satiating your curiosity and taking care of your planets' so called balance is not my concern.

As for who I give my things to and who I don't give them to, is completely my business. I have neither borrowed resources from you nor did I gain knowledge from you.

The only thing that I might owe you for is the accommodation and the good food your mother is providing me. But I felt like it is more than a fair deal to take them since I am here on a mission to save the lives of your planet.

So, please stop whining about the balance that I ruined and about the explanations that I owe you.

I am not a young master that wags his tail around you, hoping you would just give him a look. I am not a heir that is trying to climb his ranks by being your lap dog.

I am Sam.

And I would also appreciate if you can stop questioning my judgement.

I personally know what the people of Winged City did as their contribution to this whole disaster mess. They have contributed in creating defenses for the other three cities that faced disasters prior to them and in all of these three cases, members from Winged City always stayed calm, finished their tasks without any hiccups and didn't yap over on how to steal the formation blueprints, how to copy them without knowing and all that.

They were straightforward and they did exactly what they promised they would do.

Unlike the rest. If I go down now and interrogate every single member from the other cities, at least seventy percent of them will have at least one design of mine in their possession. They are greedy for these things.

Even if I could care less about these mediocre designs, I still don't like that behavior

So, if you cannot give these young masters the answer that I previously gave you, then this is the most detailed answer you will ever get.

In the future if I do something so 'nonsensical' that you couldn't stand it and want to question me in righteous anger, hold that thought and understand that I have my own reason and shut up.

That is all I have to say to you. So, please don't disturb me again."

Sam gave this long winded speech and turned to Priestess.

"I hope your desired effect has been achieved. Please don't disturb me for a while. I need to finish these calculations as soon as possible. After this mission is over, I don't where I would be, so I have to use every bit of time responsibly.

I would appreciate it if you can convince your daughter to grant me that time."

With that he turned around and went on to do his calculations.

Sandhya on the other hand stood rooted on the spot. She didn't even understand what Sam did to her with those words, but she felt an intense sense of shame and anger cloud her heart. But she could instinctually feel that if she burst out now, she would only lower herself even more.

Sam essentially called her a spoiled brat that is demanding answers constantly.

She looked at her mother, who just had that faint smile on her face.

"I am going back. Are you coming?"

Priestess asked as she looked at her daughter.

Sandhya only nodded slightly before moving along with her mother.

She wanted to see if her mother would ask Sam for speaking like this or if she would at least console her, but she didn't see any of it.

Priestess just went to the meditating room, while Sandhya was left alone.

She felt a bunch of different thoughts run through her mind. Sam's words are constantly poking at her brain. And the more thought about, the more she felt that he is right. But that only made her angrier and sadder.

Meanwhile, Sam didn't care about any of this. He just focused on his tasks at hand and waited for the next disaster to strike.

This time, he decided to finish the disaster as fast as he can and luckily for him he didn't have to wait a lot before the vision came to him.

This time, he is going to the city known as the Emerald City. It also happened to be the biggest territories that Sam has to defend on this planet.

They have way too much of land that belongs directly to the city and the city is surrounded by all of this land.

The best part is that all of this land has rich minerals and resources. They are also unofficially known as the strongest after the mountain temple.

As soon as Sam got the information about this, he scoffed at the balance that Sandhya spoke of.

These guys are definitely richer and more powerful than the other cities. There are a bunch of cities that have this place as their primary source of resources. There is no way these guys didn't have an alliance or two, enjoying a good enough authority.

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