Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1860 - 1860 Lycan’s retreat

Chapter 1860 - 1860 Lycan’s retreat

1860 Lycan’s retreat

Sam kept on killing the lycans.

But he didn’t feel anything. It is almost like he is harvesting a stagnant crop. He halted for a moment as he saw the waves of Lycans still coming with everything they have.

It seemed endless and if not for his enhanced vision, he would have actually thought so.

He had metal spikes on his palms as he stabbed a lycan and then used the metal element to increase the spikes to hit the heart and brains of it, killing it in a second.

“This shouldn’t be it. It shouldn’t be this easy.”

He muttered to himself as he looked at one of the middle-stage Divine Plane Initiation Lycans that is assisting their peers to suppress their counterparts on the human side.

He left his shadow undead out to fight the Lycans of his own level, while he took to the sky.

He aimed his hands at the Middle Stage Lycan and shot a ball of golden flames.

At this moment, the Lycan that was targeted sensed a danger on its back and reacted by instinct. He dodged and turned to Sam is utter shock.


“You fucking dare to come after me?” The Lycan howled and jumped toward Sam while brandishing his claws. Magma spewed out of those claws and a large amount of flame and earth elemental energy was gathered behind those limbs as he swung them at Sam.

Sam didn’t dodge, instead, he lunged forward, closing the distance and blocked the swing coming from the side with his left forearm, and then caught the second claw with his left palm.

He used the momentum of the Lycan to turn around and throw him off the shoulder. Since both of them are in the air levitating, this move wouldn’t mean much. After all, the Lycan could just get back his balance before he could even reach the ground.

But of course, Sam would be an idiot if he didn’t understand that.

As soon as he threw the Lycan off the shoulder, a concentrated jet of flames was shot out of the fingers of his right hand and hit the Lycan squarely on the chest.

The Lycan wasn’t able to get his balance back and zoomed toward the ground while being shot by a continuous jet of flames.


Lycan hit the ground. But Sam didn’t stop the flames, he just frowned and shot continuously in hopes of just burning the Lycan to the ground, but after a few seconds, he finally saw some resistance.

Lycan stood up on the ground as he raised both of his claws. An energy barrier condensed into an earthen disc that blocked the golden flames.

His fur is burned off and the front side of his body is pretty deformed with burn marks. He is a fire elemental being himself, but still, the element he had an affinity with, had hurt him like this.

He growled angrily as he looked at Sam in the air, who is still shooting the flames.

He kicked on the ground and using the earthen shield made his way to Sam through the golden flames.

Sam was nonchalant about the approach.

He saw that the Lycan shifted the shield to one arm and used the other to throw a claw at him.

When the Lycan was close enough, Sam stopped shooting the flames, the right hand was pulled back and it turned into a stone as he punched at the shield.

The immense force met the shield coming with incredible momentum.


The shield broke into pieces before the Lycan was sent down like a meteor. He created a large crate in the ground.

Sam didn’t hesitate and took the chance to throw another jet of golden flames. This time however the Lycan reacted fast enough and dodged the flames.

He hurriedly stepped into the air and closed the distance between them. On his way, he threw the claws crazily sending flaming magma at Sam from different angles.

Sam used his right hand to block and deflect the attacks. When the Lycan came close enough he caught hold of the claw, twisted it by force, and landed a sidekick to the stomach.

Lycan felt his ribs cracking before he hurriedly activated fusion to get rid of Sam. Flames burst out of his claws. The jet of red-hot flames surrounded Sam and his grip loosened just a little bit.

The Lycan thought he had an advantage and didn’t hesitate to shoot flames with increased intensity. He wanted to burn Sam to ashes.

Only after a few seconds did he notice that Sam’s black feather coat is glowing with golden light. He sensed that not only were his flames ineffective, they are being devoured easily.


Sam twisted the arm and broke it. He raised his knee, which glowed with metallic luster along with a metal spike, which was driven straight into the abdomen.

The Lycan hardened the abdomen at the last moment with partial earthen fusion, which might have been effective if it was just a physical attack.

Too bad, Sam used void style.



The stone cracked open and the fusion was canceled. The guts almost spilled out along with a lot of blood.

Sam knee kicked on the same spot once again. But this time, as soon as the leg landed, the spikes grew out rapidly attacking the guts. The spike came out from the other side.

Sam exhaled a bit and let the Lycan free fall and shot a jet of golden flames and this time, the Lycan didn’t really have as much resistance as before.

He tried to block with the earthen shield while free-falling. But the jet of flames just continuously burned down his energy and soon the shield was molten, making him the direct target.

Within a minute, the Lycan died.

Sam then turned to look at the Initial Stage Divine Plane Initiation Cultivators that are still attacking the formation recklessly. He could see the formation fluctuating. But he is actually surprised a bit by how sturdy it is.

After all, full-power blows of hundred of Lycans is not something that could be absorbed that easily. This formation is of pretty high quality.

But this onslaught will certainly deprive it of energy even if it can endure.

He turned to look at the Lycans that are just coming even though there are hundreds of dead bodies sprawled on the ground. They are just stepping on their dead kin as if they are stepping on mud. They are not showing any respect or concern.

It is like they would rather die than not enter the city.

Sam didn’t understand why though. But he has enough time to wonder about that.

He levitated in the air and his divine energy surged.

Golden flames enveloped him as the feather coat glowed with a golden light. Soon, he is in a perfect fire elemental fusion and the surrounding spiritual energy started resonating with his Divine Energy.

His lungs expanded to the maximum as he inhaled.

Bloodline energy surged and the orb of bloodline energy that is near his heart, glowed and connected with the Divine energy adding an extra flare. Sam could feel that the intensity of the flames has increased.


With an explosive sound, golden fire shot out of his mouth and it covered the whole sky and ground like a golden curtain.

The flames spread for more than hundred and fifty meters in a second and still kept going forward.

All the humans were shocked when they saw this. They stopped in their tracks and even the Lycans that are engaging with them couldn’t bring themselves to attack him.

They are dumbfounded and just stared at Sam.

The Bloodline art just lasted for ten seconds, and even though the fire stopped coming out of Sam’s mouth, the area it covered is still burning vigorously.

Everyone present could hear the wails of burning Lycans as they writhed in pain.

The Lycans that were out of the blast range looked in horror as they saw the golden flames right in front of them.

Even though the flames are not intense enough to burn them now, they didn’t dare to step forward.

They looked at the golden figure floating in the air looking at them coldly. Even from that far, just from Sam’s demeanor, they could feel his intense disregard for their lives.

And as Sam focused on them for just five seconds, the first Lycan among this suicidal batch took a step back.

It is not the fear of death that made them feel like it. Rather, it is the fear of an insignificant and useless death that made them feel lost.

They didn’t want such a death and involuntarily one after another they started taking steps back.

The Middle Stage Divine Plane Initiation Lycans looked at Sam in horror and when he shifted his gaze to them, they scurried away just like their counterparts.

Just like that, the West side of the city is secured, and as soon as Sam turned around the humans cheered.

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