Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1564: Bloodline Arts

Chapter 1564: Bloodline Arts

Sivan's consciousness reached Yanwu who is chained up by the Divine dimension in the icy mountains.

[What do you want you prick?]

Yanwu crowed angrily.

"I want to know why the bloodline attacks are being defended by Sam."

[You are fighting with him already? So, I can finally be free from this cold place.]

"You tell me what I want to know, then I will let the cold go from your body right now."

[I am not going to tell you anything. I would rather die. Anyway, I don't know anything related to that to begin with. So, no point in asking me.]

"I highly doubt that. From the memories, I clearly know that you are the one who has the most knowledge about this cultivation technique. You definitely have something related to this. Your sole job for the first fifteen years of life without any cultivation is to prepare to assist Sam with the knowledge.

You tell me now."

[You dumb bastard. The bloodline attacks are being blocked by Sam. How would I know what he is thinking? Because of his soul is out of the body and the dormant soul's presence in this body, we are unable to communicate.

Can't you even understand that logic?

As for knowing whether he is blocking it because of being linked to the body with the small fragment of his soul? I don't know.]

"I won't take that for an answer. Does the soul connect to have an effect or not?"

Yanwu just stayed silent without answering. He is completely tired of this bullshit.

"If you don't tell me now, I will torture that Void Hopper."

[You can't do anything to the little guy. He is way too fast for you. At least pick a better target if you want to threaten me.]

"Of course I know I can't do much to him even in this Divine dimension, because of his weird unique situation.

But this time I am going big with him. I cannot deal with the rest of the beasts as they would be too adamant and wouldn't break because of Sam's presence right outside.

Which I assume is already shared by you to them through the connection you guys have.

But you do know that I can emotionally torture that Void hopper right?

I have all the memories of Sam being tortured by the world. He had a tough childhood. You all treated that void hopper very tenderly as it was just a kid and didn't let it experience all of this.

I will forcefully inject every harsh memory Sam ever had into his head and see if the Void hopper will change its mentality.

[YOU BASTARD] Yanwu crowed crazily as it looked at Sivan.

"Anyway, what will happen if I send the torturing image to Sam? Will he be able to keep his cool after…"


"What do you mean, no?"

[Sam is not dealing with the bloodline attacks because of the soul connection. He is doing it all on his own.]

"Why is it so hard to believe you?"

[Think whatever you want. But lying is an act that is completely beneath my pride. Don't you dare insult it.]

"Okay then, tell me why he is able to deal with the bloodline arts."

[I don't know the exact reason. But from what I have seen before when my tribe members sparred with each other or seriously fought, they used to attack each other with bloodline arts, but others always managed to find a way to block it.

And most of the blocks are made, not with sheer power but rather with their knowledge of the art itself.

Every bloodline art has some weaknesses within it. As long as one knows the weak points and knows how to use them, one can just escape them. Sam must be doing it.]

"Was that too hard, you dumb crow?"

Sivan's consciousness went back to his body. He looked at Sam who is still struggling with the lightning strikes from the sky.

The barrier is about to crack once again.

Sivan activated energy vision to take a look at the barrier at the moment and saw something amazing.

The barrier's energy right before it broke became a bit unstable, but it is divided into parts. All of those parts of energy created ripples as they moved towards the sky.

They traveled in a weird path that as the ripples touched the lightning at a certain point, the bolts are disappearing instantly with their energy dispersed and finally the energy hit the clouds and dispersed.

During the whole process, Sivan saw what is happening at the basic level.

In simple words, Sam is just attacking the bloodline art with high precision at its weakest points. The points where if attacked the attack could disperse.

He was already surprised by the sheer power each bloodline art carried. Now to think that there is someone who can deal with such a powerful attack without breaking a sweat, he felt insignificant once again.

He instantly shook those thoughts off of his head and made his move. He understood that Sam is dealing with these bloodline arts because he knows them like the back of his hand.

But there are some arts that he obviously doesn't know and he can utilize that to his own benefit.

As he was thinking that, he also noticed Sam is panting slightly. He is clearly exhausting his energy at a faster pace because of his defense against the bloodline arts.

He suddenly had a few thoughts in his mind and he is very tempted to test them out.

In this excitement, what Sivan failed to notice is that apart from the first orb Sam created which is hovering around there are two more orbs that appeared out of nowhere.

They are also hovering around in the air without attracting much attention.

Sivan just focused on changing the elemental fusion again. The silver lightning disappeared and the body started emitting both earth and metal elemental energies. After they changed bodies, the next bloodline that Sivan activated is of Dia when he reached the peak stage of transcendence in the Astral Plane.

And this happened to be something that Sam has no idea about. Even if he has a slight idea about what the bloodline art is, that is only from the point of view of Dia herself.

Sam definitely never tried this before and he is also sure that Sam would have no idea on how the attack will come from a human's body.

Sivan's currently went through the combined fusion of metal and earth elements.

He looked at Sam with a smile.

Sam still has that spherical barrier around as he shot some energy bullets at Sivan.

A few rock fragments rose from the soil around and they shot straight ahead at the energy bullets, intercepting them.


Amidst the series of explosions, Sivan closed his eyes and started gathering earth elemental energy into his palms. The energy compressed itself into several layers over his palm and after gathering enough of it, he slammed the two palms to the ground.

The earth elemental energy exploded and spread all across the ground surrounding Sam.

Cracks appeared and massive pieces of rock and soil came out of the ground leaving large pits.

Sivan still had his eyes closed.

Sam looked at the rocks surrounding him and had a bad feeling about this. He not only reinforced his barrier once again, he also created a bunch of energy bullets that are shot in different directions.

The rocks and the soil that is hovering all over were hit by the energy bullets and exploded, but there is not much of a change in the situation because, the blocks of rocks and soil are reinforced with earth elemental energy and even after they are hit by the energy bullets, they just broke into some smaller pieces.

They didn't just disappear into thin air or collapse back onto the ground.

Sivan smirked at Sam's useless attack and proceeded with the attack.

All of a sudden, Sam felt like a massive amount of crushing force pressing him onto the ground.

Because he is holding the staff with only one hand and balancing the body that has only one leg with it, he slipped and fell onto his knee before he could use the staff and stay still again.

But it was already too late. He felt the gravitational force attracting all of the rocks and soil blocks around him. As they moved towards him, they started glowing with earth elemental energy and came at him with full force.

Sam gritted his teeth as he tried to reinforce the barrier even more.

But he realized soon that is mostly futile.


All the rocks hit the sphere at the same time and Sam could see the cracks appearing instantly.

Fighting against the force pulling him to the ground along with the force that is pushing these rocks to him, is extremely tough. Sam almost felt like his whole head is about to explode as he tried his best to defend himself.

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